Act 01 - Marriage on the Rise.

[ Previously ]

- Do you know Uzumaki Naruto?



- I've heard some things about him. - She answered, thinking about the blond she had just crossed paths with. - Actually, I think I just bumped into him, but he seems older and more mature than they say. - She finished, letting out a little laugh with those eyes that no one else in this village had.



- Hmm... great, and what opinion do you have about him?



- Well, he seems like a good kid, except for the fact that he brought the entire organization to its knees when he played pranks on the Hokage monument and incredibly demonstrated speed and dexterity to escape from all the squads... if I remember correctly, there are even some training missions from the agency that Kakashi-san said were related to improving physical conditioning. - Kurenai laughed at the idiotic idea she heard at the time, but from the laughter of her Hokage it seemed that it wasn't such a lie. - Honestly, I can't understand how people can be so hostile towards him, since he doesn't resemble the being he carries inside him at all, both in appearance and in his attitudes, and no matter how much we follow the path of the tailed beast's risk, it's kind of irrational to set yourself up as an enemy right away to the one who prevents true evil from ravaging our village. - Finally, the Jounnin informed, where the Hokage was already pulling a document from under his desk, in total satisfaction with the answer received and that he also never understood the logic of the villagers in acting with prejudice, soon directed at those who could explode in a mass of angry chakra guided by feelings of animosity or even hatred.



- I'm glad you think so... - The Hokage began with a slight smile, and then added. - Well, the proposal I'm going to make to you... is to marry him. - Sarutobi said at once, where Yuhi looked at him in confusion.



- You're joking, right?



- No, I'm not! In fact, this is a crucial issue for the village, being decisive to further strengthen our military power in this great crisis that has arisen. - The Hokage responded immediately.



- But he's only thirteen, and I understand that shinobi's age of majority is at graduation from the ninja academy, from what I heard he failed the Gennin exam, why would I want to marry him? What was the reason that led you to make me this proposal?



- Naruto... as you may have heard, last night he stole the sealing scroll, which belonged to the Nidaime Hokage, under the influence of one of the academy's instructors, Mizuki.


- Iruka, another of Naruto's instructors, found him in the forest, and before he could do anything, he and Naruto were attacked by Mizuki. In the fight between the two Chunnins, Mizuki revealed to Naruto the fact that he was the jailer of the Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Fox). - Hiruzen explained where he sighed. - He was very shaken, and for a moment, he even hated the village..., but Iruka protected him and showed him that there were still people who cared about him, that the ninja side of the village didn't hate him like the civilian side. This gave him more confidence, and then he faced Mizuki to protect Iruka, who had been seriously injured.


- During the fight, Naruto awakened a rare Doujutsu from the Uzumaki clan. Where consequently he also activated the bloodlines from his father's side, giving him an improved body, as you could see a few minutes ago.


- And since he is the last living Uzumaki, it was decided that he could practice polygamy here in the village, with the intention of rebuilding his clan, and that is why your name came up as a candidate to be his first wife. - Finally, the Hokage informed as he released the smoke from his lungs from the pipe he was smoking.



- And why me? There are so many kunoichis in the village his age. - Kurenai said with doubt, but not agitated, showing herself to be an excellent ninja in knowing how to deal with complicated situations without getting shaken.



- First, his first wives will need to be adults of childbearing age, to start producing heirs as quickly as possible.


- And I need a strong team in terms of ninja skills to protect and train him, since in addition to his lineage, he is also the bearer of a very powerful biju that will certainly be the target of the ambition of enemies. - Sarutobi said, taking another puff from the pipe. - In other words, trustworthy kunoichis will be needed, and I trust you with my eyes closed. - Sarutobi completed, seeing the young woman smile.


- Besides the fact that I know well what you have been through at the hands of my son. In fact, I apologize for his behavior, because I know that I did not raise him like this, perhaps the loss of his mother in the last disaster, and my incompetence in taking care of a son made this the result... but if I can change something in all of this with my position as Hokage, this is the way I managed to find.



- It's okay, Hokage-sama. Don't worry about it. - Kurenai said gently. - But as for Naruto, that's not an easy decision. Do I need to give you an answer now? - Finally, she finished her doubts.



- No, my dear... if you want, you can have some time to think about it, since Naruto himself stressed that he will not marry under any circumstances if the chosen person is not in full agreement or comfortable with it. - Hiruzen explained calmly. - Take all the time you need! Although I must ask that if you consider accepting, come to my office before 8:00 pm, because then I can resolve all the documentation at dusk so that my advisors do not try to force anything ahead of time.



- Alright. Excuse me, Hokage-sama. - She said, bowing slightly, and then turning to leave. She stopped before reaching the door, looking thoughtful, and then turned back to the Hokage. - Where could I find Naruto? I want to observe him without him knowing, maybe that will help me decide more quickly.



- At this time, he should be training in the secret place I provided for him. It is an old training area used by previous Hokages, being deactivated because it is too far from the center of the village. - Hiruzen dictated seriously, where the Jounnin had already understood to keep it a secret. - There he can train without being bothered by civilians and can be watched more calmly by escorts made by me and no one else.



- I'll send an ANBU agent (Ninja Association of Search and Ultimatum) to accompany you to your destination. - At that moment the Hokage snapped his fingers, and an agent with a bat mask appeared kneeling before him. - Kira, could you take Kurenai to Naruto's training place?



- Hai, Hokage-Sama! Kurenai-san, please accompany me. - He asked, and then they both disappeared in clouds of smoke.



- "Well, Naruto-kun... the first step has already been taken. Now it's up to you." - The Hokage thought, taking another puff from his pipe.

[ At the moment ]


[ First Arc: The Awakening ]

As Kurenai made her way to Naruto's secret training site, the Sandaime Hokage called an extraordinary meeting of the village. Due to the urgency, all of the village clan leaders and members of the Konoha civil council were summoned.



- Thank you all for coming so quickly. I apologize for the urgency, but this is a matter of great importance to the village. - The Hokage began.



- No problem, Hokage-sama - Replied Tsume, leader of the Inuzuka clan, and the only female audience member present besides counselor Koharu. - But I have to ask first: Naruto won't be punished for stealing the village's scroll, will he? After all, he's just a child, and he was tricked by the traitor Mizuki.



- No, he will not be punished. In fact, he is the main subject of this meeting.



- What happened to him, Hokage-sama? He's not hurt, right? - The one who spoke this time was Hiashi, leader of the Hyuuga clan, and currently the most powerful clan in Konoha.



- No, Hiashi, he's fine. But during the fight against Mizuki, Naruto awakened his bloodlines one after the other, which explains how he managed to defeat the traitor so easily.



- Does Naruto have a bloodline? As far as I remember, the Yondaime didn't have any bloodline - Said Shikaku, leader of the Nara clan.



- In fact, Minato did have a bloodline, we call it "Tenshi no Karada", or better said, "Angel Body". - Said Hiashi, explaining to Shikaku.



- But, if I remember correctly, Kushina didn't have any elementary Kekkei Genkai.



- In fact, Kushina's Kekkei Genkai had remained ineffective throughout her life, even to her knowledge, because as a Jinchuuriki from a very young age, 95 percent of her chakra had been sealed in order to power the seal, thus making it impossible to develop such a weapon.


- This time it's called, "Onigan", or better said, "Doujutsu without prices", this ocular ability, is something truly superior to the Doujutsu Sharingan and Byakugan, as it requires minimal amounts of chakra, and Naruto has much higher reserves than mine, making it an exceptional weapon for him, which will be able to unveil very powerful and excessive techniques without wearing himself out drastically. - Hiruzen explained to everyone amidst general surprise, who thought it was great for a member of the village to have such a rare Doujutsu with such gigantic potential.



Shikaku, being the smartest one there, could soon see where Hiruzen was going with this meeting. Smiling with that in mind, a voice soon interrupted all the commotion:


- Wait a minute, Hokage-sama. - One of the civilian advisors spoke. - Are you saying that that demon has a bloodline?



- First of all, his name is Uzumaki Naruto, advisor. Don't forget that. - The Hokage replied, releasing a slight killing intent, which was enough to make the advisor swallow dryly. - And secondly, he doesn't have one bloodline, he has two, with an increase of 100 percent elemental potential, since we don't know its limits.



- And what exactly are we talking about, Hokage-sama? - Shikaku asked again. - What is the extent of his powers?



- At first, Naruto only awakened the Doujutsu of the Uzumaki clan, the Onigan, but the Onigan himself took charge of awakening the Minato bloodlines that were dormant in Naruto, the Tenshi no Karada, was one of them.


- However, what I could notice in the boy this morning was the use of the Kekkei Genkai Shakuton (Heat Release) and Hyõton (Ice Release). Besides that, I saw some minimal controls in Doton (Earth Release) and Fûton (Wind Release). - Sarutobi replied, seeing the buzz that had taken place in the room. - I ask that you remain calm, and speak one at a time, please. - He asked, seeing everyone calm down, and the leader of the Yamanaka clan began to speak.



- But, if Naruto has such a powerful bloodline, how will we proceed? After all, even if he receives elite training, he is the last living Uzumaki. If he dies in battle, we lose his power forever. - Inoichi, leader of the Yamanaka clan, said to the anger of Shimura Danzõ who still sought to fish the Jinchuuriki for his faction as an emotionless weapon.



- That's why the council and I discussed all night, and under my word, I decided to give Naruto the right to practice polygamy.



- That's a good idea, Hokage-sama. - Inoichi said. - But this is still a long-term decision, and we don't know what might happen to him before he can produce an heir. Thinking about that, how are we going to make sure he has heirs quickly?



- That was also thought of, Inoichi. Therefore, I am abdicating my position as Sandaime Hokage for an entire year starting from the first month of next year. - Hiruzen said amidst general commotion. - I will personally train Naruto to uncover his acquired abilities, and I will train him to become a new legend of Konoha just as Namikaze Minato was from that age.


- Besides, it was also decided by me that his first wives must be of childbearing age, to start having heirs as soon as possible. - Hiruzen dictated everything to everyone's surprise, and smiles from some who saw the Uzumaki's life change for the better.



- And do you already have a candidate? - Asked Takumi, leader of the Mitsashi clan.



- Yes, but when informed of his privilege, Naruto was categorical and unyielding in declaring that he would only accept wives and fiancées if they were in complete agreement with the commitment. That is why I am awaiting the response from the first candidate.



- And who would she be, Hokage-sama? - asked Chouza, leader of the Akimichi clan.



- Yuhi Kurenai, she is an elite Jounnin, and a Genjutsu specialist. I handpicked her because she is someone I trust completely.



- I agree - Said Kizashi, leader of the Haruno family and head member of the civil council. - But if the first wife will be an adult, can the following ones be minors?



- Not exactly. To act a little more complicity between the following wives and Naruto, he will only be able to receive marriage proposals with brides his own age or at most one year apart, more or less. - Hiruzen dictated, implying that if they were his age, only they would have to make the first move. - As for members of legal age, Naruto will be free to choose when he wants, according to his own criteria, with the person herself, who would then come to finalize the certificate with me as godfather. - The Sandaime continued, leaving no room for any infiltrator to be put in the middle of this.


- In addition, Naruto will be the only minor to get married, thus cutting any old Uchiha resurrection plans off the papers. - This time Hiruzen said where his civilian advisors would soon interrupt him, however, just a look from the God of Ninjas was enough to shut them up.


- Therefore, the next suitors with the same age as him will remain as brides until they reach adulthood.



- And the other adult candidates? - Asked Tanaka, leader of the Aburame clan.



- Some are already being investigated.


- I ask that if you have any suitors interested, send letters directly to my office, and I will send them to young Uzumaki, and he will take care of resolving things in his own way, because... the marriage is his.


- That's all for now. For now, I'll call this meeting a day. - Hiruzen finally said as he stood up under the glare of his two former teammates, who felt they had the right to decide for him there.


Currently showing that they were very wrong, the village had one leader to command it and not three.

Showing that only a change with the village's dead weight was capable of truly causing changes in the actions of its Hokage, who unfortunately since the catastrophe years ago, had to come out of retirement, along with his clinical depressive state due to the brutal loss of his wife.

Thus, it appeared that the Uzumaki's presence was what seemed to move his Hokage to a better state, away from the manipulations of the village's advisors.



[ ... ]

== Training Ground Zero ==

- Let's go... - Naruto said breathlessly. - It works! - He exclaimed as he slapped the air, trying to replicate one of the techniques he found most appealing when he fought Mizuki. A little wind had even spread when he performed the blow, taking some leaves, but he soon failed.


The blond had been training for over two hours, trying to repeat and master the techniques he had used to defeat Mizuki. Despite all the difficulty, the blond did not give up, and after yet another failure, he tried again, with great effort, and began to remember what he had felt when he used such skills.


- Come on, Naruto, you can do it. - He repeated to himself. - You're the son of the heiress of one of the most powerful clans that ever existed, you have to be of some use! - He finished this time feeling a heat for having this new information about his family, while punching his right fist with his left palm, only for the ground around him to crack in a radius of five meters due to the strong wind pressure that had spread from where he was.



This time the technique had worked, where feeling the heat of the moment, Naruto aimed to continue performing punches and slaps in the air that aimed to pass through the training field, causing cuts in the wind, and destruction on the ground.

He rested a little, and then began to train diligently throwing kunais and shurikens, using his Doujutsu to improve his aim, since having a lack of vision, he could feel and see shapes of everything beyond what common vision allows.

When he finished, he smiled, deactivating Onigan, and then sat down under one of the few trees still intact, taking a canteen from its hollow, and after taking a nice sip of water, he began a short monologue:


- And to think that yesterday I was just an aspiring Gennin with no talent at all. Today I discover that I have several unique bloodlines, I'm even going to get married. I swear by my ninja way of being that I'll even turn the world upside down just to make you happy. - Naruto finished as he laughed and fell on the grass to take a nap after hours of training.



In one of the trees, Kurenai watched and listened to everything the Uzumaki did or said. She smiled with satisfaction, because she felt the truth in each of the words spoken by the little Gennin. She knew that he had not spoken just to please her, because during the entire time she was observing him, she kept her presence completely hidden. And because he was, in a way, alone, he would have no reason to lie. Deciding, Kurenai set off towards the fire building, because she had already made her choice.

He didn't know what the future held for her, but it was certainly better than humiliating himself over a traitorous jerk like Asuma.



[ ... ]

The Sandaime leaned back in his chair. He was still waiting for Kurenai's decision, and depending on her answer, it could greatly delay the rebirth of the Uzumaki clan, and increase the likelihood of Onigan being lost forever. He knew it was not an easy decision, because if he accepted it, he would be tied to the boy for the rest of his life. Now he understood the Uzumaki's demand, because if she were forced to do this, no matter how much Naruto tried to please her, she would still hate him for ruining her life, and with that they would both suffer greatly. His mind wandered on this and other matters, until the sound of someone knocking on the door took him out of his reverie:


- Excuse me, Hokage-sama, can I speak to you? - Kurenai asked, entering the room.



- Of course, my dear. - He replied with a tender smile. - So, what have you decided?



- Well, Hokage-sama, I've been watching him these past few hours. - She paused briefly, and then continued. - I've seen how determined, focused and, if I may say so, somewhat stubborn he is. - She gave a light laugh. - But he's still dedicated and hard-working, and he seems to be very true to his word. I've been considering all of this on the way back here, and I've decided that I'll accept the proposal.



- Great! - He said with a relieved and euphoric smile. - In that case, let's make it official immediately. The marriage papers are ready, so all that's left is to call Naruto and sign the paperwork. - Sarutobi said quite satisfied. Soon after he snapped his fingers and his personal ANBU agent appeared:



- Yes, Hokage-sama? - The agent asked, awaiting orders.



- Seph, please call Uzumaki Naruto to my room immediately.



- Understood, Hokage-sama - replied the ANBU, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.



Naruto was still sleeping on the tree he had leaned against. Despite the uncomfortable position, he was sleeping soundly. That field was one of the few places where he was allowed to let his guard down like that, as it was a location far from the village. Thus, no impertinent civilian could bother him. Furthermore, he was surrounded by ANBU's, even without his knowledge, who were there only to ensure his safety. He felt a slight nudge, and then opened his eyes, seeing an ANBU with long gray hair in front of him.



- Uzumaki Naruto, the Hokage requests your presence in his office immediately.



- Okay, I'm going now. - He replied in a slurred voice, watching the ANBU disappear next.



The blond stood up, patting his clothes to remove the dust. Then he stored his equipment in a secret compartment in the tree. Then he jumped to the highest branch, jumping from there through the trees. He continued at a comfortable pace, while thinking about how much his life had changed from one day to the next.

At that moment, an idea occurred to him. Since shinobi had always proven to be more effective than villagers, whether in physical position or chakra molding, how effective would he be now when previously he had always been average compared to the others? He decided to put it to the test. He stopped on a branch and concentrated some chakra in the region of his feet, feeling the change occur slowly with the branch almost breaking. With that, the blond flexed his legs and gave a push, starting to run. Anyone passing through that forest would only see a tree falling to the ground as if something very fast had hit it, because, once running like a simple villager, he was now a shinobi running at a speed of 250km/h, which allowed him to overtake the ANBU who had come to call him, quickly leaving him behind.



[ ... ]

In the Hokage building, in one of the rooms, two people were analyzing some papers. One of them was the old counselor Utatane Koharu, and the other was a girl, apparently twenty years old. She had long orange hair, brown eyes and an enviable body, with a thin waist, perky butt and full breasts, all of this covered by a long white dress with long sleeves, with some black seams. This is Utatane Mizore, the counselor's oldest granddaughter, who is also her assistant.

The older one reviewed some reports of ANBU's infiltrated in other locations, while the younger one organized the documents and separated those that would be taken to her grandmother to analyze at home. After finishing the work, Koharu released Mizore, who took the papers she had to take and stored them in a folder, and then went to the window.



- Where are you going? - asked the oldest, without taking her eyes off the document she was reading.



- Home. - The girl replied excitedly.



- And why don't you go out the door?



- It's more fun through the window. I got this habit from Kakashi-senpai.



- Be careful not to fall... - Grandma said reproachfully.



- Please, grandma. I'm a Chunnin. I wouldn't fall out of that window even if you wanted to... - She couldn't finish the sentence, because her foot slipped from the frame and she lost her balance. Before she started to free fall, she could hear her grandmother mumble indifferently, "I told you so."



Sulking for making such a simple mistake, she adjusted her body to land on her feet and her chakra to avoid injuring her knees and legs, but before she reached the ground, she felt her body being grabbed, and her fall was stopped. She glanced at her "savior", noticing his disheveled blond hair, his crystal blue eyes, and the whisker marks he had on his cheeks. The blond smiled widely at her, leaving her even more dumbfounded than she already was, and then he put her on the ground, handing her the folder she dropped when she slipped. Still smiling, he asked:


- Are you well?



- H-hai... - She replied awkwardly, still very blushing, for being a Chunnin and having made such a mistake.



- That's great. - He smiled even more. - Excuse me. - He gave a slight push with his feet, reaching the girl's face. He placed a light kiss on her cheek, and then disappeared quickly as if he was in a hurry. The girl stayed there for a few seconds, blushing and with her hand on her cheek, then she resumed her path, with only one question in her mind: who was he?



[ ... ]

Kurenai and the Sandaime were still waiting for Naruto. In the meantime, the old man explained to the brunette some of her responsibilities when she married the blond, which included training him in the Zero Training Ground, which was the home of the Hokage's training and a way of keeping Naruto's bloodlines a secret from outside eyes, as well as managing his inheritance until he was old enough to do so. At the end of the conversation, the two felt a gust of wind spread from the window, blowing all the documents on the table to the floor, and when they looked at the location, they could see the blond being dragged a few centimeters, due to the speed he was going. The blond looked at them, out of breath from the recent rush, giving signs that he still had to get used to it.



- Geez, is that why the villagers are so jealous of the shinobi?



- I see that you have already started to learn how to use your chakra... - The Hokage stated, seeing the boy stop concentrating chakra on the soles of his feet.



- Hai, in fact, I was able to repeat one of the techniques I used in the last fight. - Naruto explained, leaving the window sill, making the old man smile as the Uzumaki prostrated himself next to Kurenai.



- Impressive, but we'll talk about that later. We have to talk about that subject we discussed at the hospital - Naruto let his head fall to the side, and at that moment, the Uzumaki's face took on a scarlet tone, a fact that caused laughter from the Sandaime and Kurenai.



- R-right, Hokage-sama. What was the pretender's answer?



- She accepted, in fact she is right by your side. - The Hokage replied, seeing the blond look to the side and stare at his future wife for a few moments.



- It's the pretty girl I bumped into earlier. - Naruto said with his usual excitement. - Once again I apologize for that.



- It's okay, Naruto-kun, I had already forgotten about that. Oh, and before I forget to introduce myself again, my name is Yuhi Kurenai. - The kunoichi replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek, something that was not very common in the society they lived in due to the lack of affection, but that will serve for her to start this relationship.



- Well, since you both agree to the marriage, just sign here - Sarutobi said, extending a sheet of paper to both of them, and seeing them both sign, he soon continued. - By the powers invested in me as Hokage and polygamous godfather Uzumaki, I declare you husband and wife. - He completed, seeing the little boy, now almost an adult, and the young woman exchange a kiss in order to confirm the marriage.



- For now, Kurenai will stay living in your apartment with you, Naruto, until the Uzumaki district is ready. Is that okay with you?



- Yes, jiji-chan. In that case, then I have to go and leave it clean to receive her. - The blond replied, activating chakra again in the soles of his feet, quickly disappearing out the window.



- Well, Hokage-sama, I have to go too. I'm going to pack my things to go to Naruto-kun's house.




- You can go. And before I forget, you'll have the rest of the month off, so you can enjoy your honeymoon, okay? - He replied, seeing how they both had their own methods of reacting to the simple and quick ceremony that had changed both of their lives, leaving time for both of them to think and resolve their dilemmas.



[ ... ]

The Uzumaki was overjoyed. For him, this was more than just a marriage to generate new users of his bloodlines; it was his chance to have a family. He ran to the supermarket, and with the help of one of the employees there, he did the monthly shopping to stock up on supplies for his house, since he would no longer live alone. He also bought new clothes, since he only had one change of clothes for his new size. Then he went to his apartment, and for the first time, he noticed how messy it was:



- Man, what a mess. I need to fix this, otherwise Kurenai-chan will think I'm a retarded pig. - Naruto said to himself.



Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! - (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)

Exclaimed the Uzumaki creating seven clones.



- That's it, guys! Let's clean everything up.


- Alright! - All the clones shouted at the same time, and started cleaning. Two went to tidy the room, two went to the living room, one to the bathroom and the last two were in charge of gathering and taking out all the trash, while the original Naruto went to the kitchen.


- Well, now let's see something that pleases my wife's stomach. - He thought out loud as he leafed through a recipe book he bought on his way home. He even laughed at what he had said, as he still had to get used to all of this.



[ ... ]

== Residential District ==

Kurenai arrived at her apartment and began to pack her things. Clothes, shoes, personal items, hygiene items and the like. Everything she would need to move into her husband's apartment temporarily, until the Uzumaki district was ready and she could take everything. As she packed her things in her suitcase, she thought about the future she would have with Naruto, and she couldn't stop wondering if she would be happy. Even though she had gotten into this of her own free will, she wondered how it could work out, because even though the blond was very affectionate and attentive, he was still just a twelve-year-old boy.


- Yeah, it looks like I'll need you guys for a while... - He realized as he packed several sex toys in his suitcase, all of which he had received as gifts from his friend Anko, who is a real pervert. After finishing packing everything, he took another look around the apartment, as a kind of farewell, and headed off towards his new life.



[ ... ]

In about half an hour, the apartment was completely clean and organized. Naruto had two clones empty his closet and put all the clothes in the dresser, as he wanted to free up the closet for his wife. Of the seven clones, only three remained who were studying some of the recipes in the book. He discovered that whenever he undid a clone, everything he had made or seen would revert back to the original, so he had the idea of having the clones read all the cookbooks he had.

After undoing the clones, he started cooking, and with a lot of effort and dedication, he managed to make a good dinner, with his beloved chicken ramen, spring rolls stuffed with salmon, some rice balls and yakisoba. He looked at the table with satisfaction, proud of what he had managed to do, and at that moment someone knocked on the door. He had walked to answer it while taking off his slightly dirty shirt, and was very happy to see that it was his wife:


- Kurenai-chan! Welcome. - The blond welcomed the brunette warmly. - Here, let me carry this for you. - He finished, demonstrating his chivalry by offering to carry her suitcase.



- Naruto-kun, thank you. - The kunoichi replied, seeing the blond take the suitcase from her hands and take it to the room. - What's that good smell?



- Dinner is on the table. - Naruto said coming back from the room. - This is a special occasion, so I tried to prepare something different to welcome you, but I don't know if it turned out well, because the only thing I know how to cook well is ramen. - He finished a little red with embarrassment, which made him quite cute in her opinion.



- Okay, that was really sweet of you.



[ ... ]

Dinner went smoothly, and to her surprise, the blond was a very good cook for his age. The two talked a lot to try to get to know each other better, and Naruto, with his cheerful and excited manner, made Kurenai laugh a lot. After lunch, the blond got up and said he was going to wash the dishes, but the brunette insisted on doing it, since he had made the food:


- W-well, in that case I'm going to take a shower. - Naruto said, looking a little embarrassed, but he soon went to get ready.



Naruto took a long shower, as he was a little nervous. He already had some knowledge of the female body due to his research for his sexy jutsu, but what he thought would be completely different from anything he had ever seen. He focused on everything he knew about the subject, as he would put it all into practice tonight.

After finishing washing the dishes, Kurenai went to her room to decide what she would wear that night. After looking at all the nightgowns and babydolls she owned, she decided to wear a black nightgown, with the bust part being made of silk and the rest of the piece in lace, with a small pair of black lace panties to complete the look. As she undressed, Naruto came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and could see that despite being young, his bloodline on his father's side already gave him a well-toned body, with muscles still developing, but already well defined.

She decided to tease him a little, to find out if the blond had a perverted side. She bent down to remove her panties, allowing him a wide view of her intimacy. Upon seeing this, the blond widened his eyes slightly, making the brunette laugh.



- Well, now it's my turn to take a shower - She said sexily as she wrapped herself in a towel.



- O-okay. - He replied, grabbing another towel to contain the blood in his nostrils.



[ ... ]

From the top of a building in front of the blond's apartment, two kunoichis watched the movement inside it, while making bets. Both were assigned to watch over the Uzumaki couple during the night, just in case, since someone could take advantage of that moment to attempt against both the blond's life and that of his wife. Both were chosen because they were close friends of Kurenai, not to mention that one of them was the ANBU responsible for the blond's security since he started living alone, which avoided certain embarrassments.



- Ten minutes, tops. - Said one of them. She had long, straight hair of a strong purple tone, coffee-colored eyes and pink lips.



- You're joking Yugao, you're very optimistic, I don't think he'll be able to do it even with his tongue. - The other one replied with a laugh. This one had grayish-purple hair, tied up in a somewhat disheveled ponytail, brown eyes and a sadistic smile that insisted on dancing on her lips.



- Man, it was really mean of the Sandaime to do that to Kurenai, to marry her to a boy, wasn't it, Anko?



- Well, better her than me. Besides, I heard she had a choice to accept or decline.



- Strange, isn't it? Why would she rather leave a guy like Asuma to marry a brat? Okay, Naruto is pretty cute sometimes, and this improvement in his body isn't bad at all, but I don't think it's enough to give up her freedom to be tied to someone who probably doesn't even know how to kiss properly.



- Even though I find it strange, I don't take away her reason for looking for something better. I mean, Asuma is a heartless jerk who thinks that just because he's the Hokage's son he can do whatever he wants. If she accepted all this madness willingly, she must have some reason.



- It makes sense... Even so, I don't know if I would have the same courage as her...



- I agree... Look there, he's coming out of the bathroom. It's going to start in a moment.



- I can't believe what I'm seeing, she's provoking him. This way he'll go crazy before he can even do anything.



With the two kunoichis talking euphorically about the subject, Kurenai soon finished her bath:


- She's leaving. The show is about to start. - Anko said with full attention on the room in question.



[ ... ]

Kurenai came out of the bathroom already wearing her nightgown and lingerie, with her hair still wet. She found Naruto sitting on the bed, and he looked nervous. She walked over to him and sat next to him, feeling her cheeks burn, as if she were the virgin there. He took a deep breath, as if gathering courage, and stood up, facing her, looking at her with determination:


- Let's begin. - And he kissed her fervently.



The kunoichi was surprised. He was a good kisser, and explored every corner of her mouth with his tongue. She began to respond to the kiss with a certain lust, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck, while the other roamed his back, which held her waist delicately but firmly.

She felt the blond slowly lay her down on the bed, still kissing her, and little by little he began to kiss her down, passing through her chin and reaching her neck, where he lingered a little longer, kissing, nibbling and giving small hickeys, to the sound of her sighs, until he reached her lap. Naruto placed several kisses in that region, and giving a sideways glance to his wife, who nodded, he slowly lowered the straps of her nightgown, thus freeing her breasts, whose nipples were completely rigid, indicating her arousal.

He contemplated his wife's body, appreciating the beauty of her breasts, then he kissed her again, slowly moving down her body, passing through the valley between her breasts and circling them with kisses and licks. Then he finally took one of them in his mouth and sucked it hard, causing Kurenai to sigh and moan more, while he massaged the other with his hand. He alternated between them, nibbling and running his tongue over her areola and nipples, enjoying the sounds that emerged from her throat, and feeling more confident when he heard her moan his name.

He continued to kiss and caress her, removing her nightgown completely in the process, until he came across her panties, the only obstacle between him and her intimacy. He gave her a naughty smile, which she responded with a smile of her own, while biting her lower lip, showing how excited she was, and then the blond untied the ribbons that held her panties together with his teeth, and ripped them off with them.

He stroked her intimate part, still a little scared, but hearing her moaning while he caressed her seemed to give him an extra boost. He looked at her once more, who had her eyes closed and a contented expression, and then opened her labia, giving them a light lick. Kurenai reacted by giving a louder moan, mumbling for him to continue, and then he began to suck on her intimate part, sticking his tongue in sometimes and searching for her clitoris with agility, making her give little screams of pleasure. She grabbed his hair tightly and pushed him against her, as if asking for more, little knowing where he had learned these techniques, since she was clearly a virgin.



- That's it... Right there, Naruto-kun... Suck it... Go on... My Kami, how delicious... - She moaned loudly, while caressing his hair, clearly encouraging him to continue that delicious contact.


When she was attended to, she continued to moan, the blond intensified the caresses, starting to penetrate her with his tongue, while one of his hands stimulated her clitoris, and the other had already reached one of her breasts, applying a delicious massage to it.


- Like that... Just like that... Don't stop, I'm cumming... Don't stop... NARUTO! - Kurenai moaned loudly, feeling the pleasure flood her body. With the orgasm, her intimacy released a beautiful amount of feminine nectar, whose sweet taste left Naruto ecstatic. The blond drank every drop of it, and then stood up to look at Kurenai, who was trying to learn how to breathe again. He had a mischievous smile on his face, while the kunoichi was panting and very, very satisfied. - I-incredible, Naruto-kun! You naughty brat, you made me cum with just your mouth. - Said the brunette maliciously.



- You taste great, Kurenai-chan - Said the blond with a mischievous smile, while licking his lips. - Let's go again?



- If you want to taste more of my honey, you'll have to come and get it.



- With pleasure. - replied the Uzumaki, starting to suck her again.



[ ... ]

- D-did you see that? - Yugao was in disbelief.



- I saw it, but I don't believe it. - Anko replied, totally impressed. - Genjutsu, that's it! It must be Kurenai's Genjutsu and tomorrow she'll make fun of us, that's for sure.



- I don't know... - Yugao murmured, not feeling anything that represented that, but also nothing explained these abilities of someone so young.



[ ... ]

Kurenai had already cummed several times in that oral sex session that Naruto had given her. She let herself fall onto the bed, a little breathless, feeling the blond climb up her body and give her a lascivious kiss. She responded to the kiss passionately, pulling away while giving him a few pecks. Then she followed the same path as him, kissing his neck, chest and belly, until she reached the hem of the towel, which was still around his waist.



- Now it's my turn - He said smiling and taking the towel from the blond. She was surprised by the sight of him completely erect, but with all the excitement present there she soon fell on his face.



- I know, it's weird. - He said a little embarrassed. - I tried to wear looser pants, because since last night he's been this size. - Naruto continued in reference to his lineage on his father's side, which made his body improve into that of an adult, where that region, in particular, was no exception.



- Don't worry, my darling. It's the perfect size, even more so. - She said, smiling mischievously. Then she began to lick it as if it were a big lollipop, starting from the base and going to the glans, where she placed a few kisses, eliciting a few moans from the Uzumaki. Then she took it in her mouth, beginning to suck it slowly, and gradually increasing the pace, eliciting even more moans from Naruto. She stopped for a moment, placing it between her breasts, and began to suck it again, while massaging it with her breasts.



- That... is great... Kurenai-chan. - Naruto spoke in a broken voice, moaning a lot.



- I'm glad you liked it, because it's going to get even better. - She replied, increasing the pace, making the blonde moan even more.



- K-Kurenai-chan, I'm going to... - The end of his sentence was replaced by a low moan, as he felt his whole body tingle, and he poured himself into Kurenai's mouth, who swallowed all the cum and then went back to licking his entire cock, leaving it completely clean and ready for another. She smiled as she licked her lips, climbing his body and going back to kissing him passionately.



- Delicious. You taste great too, Naruto-kun. - She commented as she went back to lightly caressing his member.



Seeing him blush, Kurenai felt an immense desire to teach him everything she could do, so that this month of their break would be the best month of all.

Even though Naruto was a virgin, he had certainly done a lot of things with his famous Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Jutsu). This suggests that his tongue skills were not new.

Then, turning her attention to his member, she continued sucking it all over while massaging certain parts that seemed as big as her hand, where she already imagined the long night they would have together.



[ ... ]

Anko and Yugao couldn't say anything else. They were left open-mouthed as they watched Kurenai and Naruto continue this all night long. At 3:00 in the morning, two more kunoichis came to replace them on watch.

Very reluctantly, the two left, walking with some difficulty, as both of their panties were completely soaked.

Anko barely got home and went straight to her vibrator drawer, grabbing a double penetration one. Where she spent the rest of the night masturbating with a certain blond in her thoughts. With Yugao it wasn't much different, although she didn't exaggerate so much in the shape of the dildo.

The two were determined to use the blond in their most perverted thoughts in order to satisfy them, where a feeling of envy for Kurenai receiving that, arose, making them not stop their games so soon.



[ ... ]

{ Hours Later }

As the hours passed, the beautiful blue blanket of night gave way to a beautiful sunny morning. The rays of the sun penetrated through the crack in the curtain of a certain apartment, illuminating Kurenai's face and waking her up. The kunoichi opened her eyes slowly, getting used to the light, then stood up, stretching lazily. She lay back down, with her face resting on one of her arms, lovingly gazing at her husband.

He slept peacefully, like the angel he was, but his entire body already had the marks of a man: purple welts from the hickeys she had given him, scratches she had left him the night before... hickey marks on his toned abs that he would not fail to take advantage of...

Of all the marks he had, one in particular caught his attention: a scar, in the shape of a vertical diamond, right in the center of the boy's chest. This scar had been made when he was eight years old, during an event called "The ANBU Massacre", when the two shinobi in charge of the blond boy's security were distracted for a moment, and during that time the little boy was attacked and beaten by a group of civilians, and a Chunnin who was part of the crowd stuck a kunai right in the center of his chest, with such force that the tip of it came out of his back. The ANBU'S, horrified by what had happened, let their emotions speak louder, and ended up beating all the civilians who participated in the attack, and the Chunnin was killed with a kunai to the throat by a secret ANBU with black hair and scarlet eyes. Only then did they take Naruto to the hospital, taken immediately to the surgical center, where he remained for eight hours straight.

She got up slowly, taking care not to wake him, and went to her suitcase. She took out a set of red lingerie, an equally red flowery dress and flat sandals. Since the Sandaime had said he would have a month off for his honeymoon, she decided to wear civilian clothes, which were more comfortable than her uniform.

She looked in the dresser drawers and separated some civilian clothes for Naruto: a pair of jeans, a white shirt with symbols printed in black, and a pair of black shoes. After separating her husband's clothes, Kurenai went to the bathroom to take a long shower. The warm water ran down the brunette's body, who was delighting in the memories of the previous night.

She remembered every touch, every caress, every tiny bit of pleasure that the blond had given her. Although they hadn't intended that night for penetration, she was truly subjugated to exhaustion with the Uzumaki treating her with his tongue and hands.

She left the bathroom already dressed, going to the kitchen and looking in the fridge. In fact, he had done a good job of shopping, which led her to think he had help. She set aside some things and started to prepare breakfast, humming some random song. While she was cooking, she heard the sound of the shower, indicating that Naruto had already woken up. A few minutes later, the noise stopped, and Kurenai felt his embrace behind her.



- Good morning, Kurenai-chan. Did you sleep well? - The blond said, giving her a short kiss on the neck, followed by a hickey that left a good visible mark.



- Like a stone. - She replied, turning around and kissing him. - You left me very tired yesterday. I loved every second of our night. - She continued where she had really liked the smell that exuded from him, a perfume with a slightly simple odor, but with woody tones that made it predominate among the others.



- I wanted to do it again... - The blond said remembering. - Shall we go back to bed, Kurenai-chan? - This time he continued where he had taken her in his arms, to her laughter.



- No way! We may not have had sex, but you finished me off - She said pouting, having a little kiss stolen by him - I'm still a little tired, so let me recover, and at night we'll do it again, okay?



- I can't wait. - The Uzumaki said, going to a chair and sitting down, where Kurenai sat on his lap, feeding him.



After breakfast, the two of them made out for a while in the living room. Then they decided to go for a walk, because Kurenai wanted to go to her favorite bakery to introduce her husband to her friends. A different husband, it's true, but one she wouldn't give up for any other in the world.



[ ... ]

A young Jounnin walked carefree through the streets of Konoha. He had just returned from a mission, and so he was looking for some fun in the village. He knew that sooner or later he would have to look for a certain brunette kunoichi, but he would leave it for later; now his only concern was to relax and enjoy himself. He was tall, wearing the standard Konoha uniform, consisting of black ninja sandals, black pants, with a scarf with the kanji for "fire" tied around his waist, a long-sleeved black shirt with the Uzumaki clan symbol printed on the shoulders, a moss-green Jounnin vest, and a black hitai-ate tied around his forehead.

He was dark-haired, with spiky black hair and long sideburns, which connected to the thick goatee he had. Sarutobi Asuma being his name. A man coveted by many women, but not for who he was, but for the assets in his name, together with the titles he received for being the son of the Hokage.


It didn't take long for him to reach his destination: a small bar and restaurant frequented by the village's ninjas. Its fame is mainly due to the excellent sake served there, which is made in-house and is considered one of the best sakes in the Land of Fire. Upon entering the place, he could see some of his friends sitting at a table, where he headed:


- Hey, guys. Everything okay? - he greeted everyone excitedly.



- Asuma. How was the mission? - One of them asked. He was wearing the same clothes as Asuma, except for the scarf around his waist, and he wore a mask that covered the lower half of his face. The hitai-ate was tied to his forehead, slightly tilted to cover his right eye, and he was reading a small book with an orange cover. He had spiky gray hair and his only visible eye was black. Hatake Kakashi is his name.



- It was difficult, but everything ended well. And how are things in the village?



- Full of news. This weekend was really chilling. - Just a second, Jounnin said. He was wearing a strange green leotard, a pair of orange striped leggings on his legs, the Jounnin vest and the hitai-ate, held in a red fabric, tied around his waist, like a belt. He had black eyes and hair of the same color, strangely cut in a bowl shape, and what caught the most attention on his face were his eyebrows, which are extremely thick. Maito Guy is his name.



- Seriously? And what happened?



- Do you know who Uzumaki Naruto is? - A third Jounnin asked. He also wore the standard Jounnin uniform, the difference being his hitai-ate, which was worn like a scarf tied around his head, covering much of his hair, which is brown and slightly long, reaching a little below the nape of his neck. His eyes are also brown, and he had a habit of chewing a senbon all the time. Shiranui Genma is his name.



- I know, I know. He's always in my father's room getting up to mischief. - He said with a mocking smile, remembering the blond's mischief.



- Well then. Naruto failed the graduation test again, and then Mizuki, that Chunnin who taught at the academy with Iruka, took advantage of the situation and tricked him, saying that if he managed to steal the sealing scroll, he would pass. - Genma explained.



- What? What's this story?! Did he make Naruto steal the Hokage's scroll? - Asuma exasperated, worried.



- That's right, and the most unbelievable thing about all this is that the kid managed it, and fooled the entire ANBU organization.



- Wow, what a mess. So, what happened? - Sarutobi asked his companions again.



- Well, his plan was to kill Naruto and escape with the scroll, but Iruka showed up just in time, and Mizuki ended up telling Naruto that he has the Nine-Tailed Fox inside him. - This time it was Kakashi who said it.



- Damn, I'm screwed. So what?



- According to what I was told, he was very shaken and furious, but Iruka calmed him down and showed him how much he is loved by some. This made Naruto awaken his bloodlines and defeat Mizuki.



- Damn, that idiot has bloodlines? This is getting better and better. - Asuma said where he heard a muffled laugh coming from Kakashi.



- Let's see if you still think that way when you find out the rest. - Gai said, already predicting the whole shit.



- Like this?



- Because Naruto is the last living Uzumaki, and has a rare and very strong power, he received the privilege of practicing polygamy here in the village, and Kurenai was chosen to be his first wife. - Kakashi dictated, trying hard not to laugh at Asuma's predominant face.



- You guys are crazy, aren't you? - He asked in disbelief, seeing his friends shake their heads negatively. - Why would my Otou-san do something like that?



- And that's not even the best part of the story. Because, from what I heard, she had the option to accept or refuse the proposal. I don't know what Naruto did to get her attention, but she accepted of her own free will after a few hours of receiving the information. I just passed by that candy store she loves, and I saw her with Naruto there. And from the atmosphere that was going on between the two, he doesn't seem the least bit regretful or dissatisfied with that decision. If you know what I mean. - Genma explained, nibbling on a toothpick, laughing mischievously at Kakashi, who was reading the book and agreeing. - Apparently, that boy has more than a nine-tailed fox in his possession. - The man finished whispering, amidst the laughter of the rest of his friends.



Asuma was in shock. It was okay that he had acted like an idiot with his ex, but for her to get married, and even more so to a boy? It was completely unbelievable:


- WHAT IS SHE THINKING? SHE IS MINE AND NOBODY ELSE'S! I'M GOING TO CLEAR THIS STORY UP RIGHT NOW! - He exclaimed angrily, getting up and quickly heading towards the bakery under the shocked gaze of his friends and the customers of the establishment.



- Man, this is going to be a real mess. - Genma said after a while, after downing a glass of sake.



- It's true... This is going to be an epic fight... - Kakashi pondered, still reading his little book.



- And are we going to miss this rare event? - This time the one who asked was Yamashiro Aoba, one of the only ones who will remain silent until now.



- Of course not! - Gai, Kakashi and Genma shouted in unison, leaving the money on the counter and disappearing in clouds of smoke, along with Aoba, who had laughed and left to watch the fight.



[ ... ]

Asuma walked furiously. He was still processing all the information he had received. He couldn't, didn't want to believe those words. His Kurenai was married, and even more so to a brat? It couldn't be. He preferred to believe that it was a bad joke by his friends in an attempt to teach him a lesson, and that when he got to the bakery, he would find her alone, and there he could beg for her forgiveness and they would be together again.

She finally reached her destination, and the sight she saw was not at all pleasant: Kurenai was there, accompanied by Naruto. The two were sitting at one of her favorite tables, and seemed very comfortable. They were chatting happily, and spooning cake into each other's mouths, only to then exchange a passionate kiss. She approached the table using all her willpower to control herself and not do anything stupid.

He could now see how the Uzumaki was, taller, stronger physically, and mainly with a predominant mature air about him compared to the little boy he had previously known.



- Hello, Kurenai. - He said coldly.



- Oh, hello, Asuma. How was the mission? - She answered without caring about his tone, since a good treatment on her pussy made her completely forget about her problems, to have the best of nights, mornings, and certainly the best of days with her husband, Uzumaki Naruto.



- It was fine. Can I speak to you in private? - He continued to ask coldly, only for the Uzumaki to stare at him strangely.



He didn't like that tone, and it already irritated him, because he saw that such a man was not someone friendly to his wife.



- You can tell me right here. I don't hide anything from my husband - She replied, squeezing Naruto's hand affectionately.



- Ah, Kurenai, would you stop with this nonsense? I get it, I messed up, I made a mistake, okay? I'm sorry!



- I'm glad you recognized your mistake. But I don't understand. What nonsense are you talking about?



- This story that you married that brat. - Asuma said as he pointed at Naruto with disdain, only he who had his right hand on the counter, closed it lightly with two fingers being pressed to the thumb.



- Oh, that? It's not a lie. I really did marry Naruto-kun. And I'm very happy about it. - She said radiantly, making Asuma's irritation grow even more.



- You've got to be joking. Besides, what do you expect from a b... - Asuma didn't finish his sentence, as he had been sent to the other side of the street, due to the strong wind pressure that had spread from Naruto's hands, after he pushed his two fingers against his thumb in Sarutobi's direction.



Asuma stood up with difficulty, still feeling the pain from the blow he had received. He looked across the street, and could see Naruto and Kurenai, still in the bakery. The blond was sitting, however, with his right arm stretched out in the direction he had been standing a few seconds ago.

He wondered in astonishment how a Gennin could have such strength and control over Wind Release, but he couldn't come to any conclusion, as the blond would make his next move.

Naruto was visibly irritated. He didn't care about the insults directed at him, because over time he learned to ignore that kind of thing. But offending his Kurenai, that was a completely different story. He stared at Asuma, unconsciously activating his Doujutsu, and then he started to point at his hand, as if he were slapping it, only to see a sphere of lava appear, which looked more like a sun due to the recent increase in temperature.



Looking impressed at the Uzumaki, who had managed to use yet another technique when he had had difficulty the day before, the brunette quickly stopped her husband from doing so, as she knew that Asuma would not leave there in one piece, and she did not want to see her Uzumaki suffering for attacking the Hokage's son:


- Naruto-kun, no! - She asked affectionately, seeing the blond stare at her with those glassy eyes of his Onigan. - He's not worth it... - She concluded, sighing in relief as she saw the spheres dissipate.



But Naruto was still staring at Asuma, and soon after, the blond quickly appeared at the location of the fallen Sarutobi, issuing the following warning:


- Just think about offending my wife again, and you'll see what this "brat" is capable of... - He spoke with a voice too cold and sinister for a simple Gennin. - Let's go, Kurenai-chan. I don't want this idiot to bother you - He said this time, being back where his wife was, surprising everyone with his excellent speed.



Naruto at that moment deactivated his Doujutsu, only to then affectionately take Kurenai's hand, where they both carried some portions of sweets that they ordered.



- Hai, Naruto-kun. - She replied without looking at Asuma and walked away alongside her husband, who was chewing on a piece of sweet milk dream.



Asuma, of course, was furious. Not only had he lost a woman to a brat who had barely gotten out of his diapers, but to make matters worse, he had also ended up getting beaten up by the same guy, with threats at the end. Growling in anger, he cleaned himself up, removing the dust and pieces of wood from his clothes, and then left, hoping that none of his friends had seen that.

Which was useless, because on the roof of one of the houses were his four companions, who had been following the fight since the beginning.



- Man, this kid's youthful fire burns brightly - Guy said, still impressed.



- Less, Guy. - Kakashi asked, apparently bored. - Do you think Asuma will be okay?



- His ego is hurt, but he'll survive. - Gemma commented. - But still, I'm impressed. The boy only awakened his bloodlines less than two days ago, and he already has this level of manipulation over them.



- Yeah... And if my guess about this is correct, I believe that soon, we will have another ninja to add to the "monster" category, in Konoha... - Kakashi pondered, disappearing afterwards with the other two.



[ ... ]

- You are the most beautiful and cute husband in the world! - They had barely arrived home when Kurenai grabbed Naruto and covered him in kisses.



- I had to defend your honor. I couldn't let that idiot offend the woman I love.



- What did you say? - Kurenai asked after she froze in shock.



- I said I couldn't let that idiot offend the woman I love. Why?



- No, I'm just surprised... - She continued, only to hear his explanation.



- Listen, don't think I'm just saying this to please you... Seriously, I didn't mean it as if I was deeply in love with you, I said I love you for what you've done for me forever. - Naruto said, looking into her eyes. - Or do you think I don't know, that you were one of the few ANBU agents who saved me years ago during the attack? - Naruto continued, where he saw the brunette's eyes with fine tears.



- Thank you for saying that... It's really nice to hear that from someone. - Kurenai said as she hugged Naruto.



- I may not love you passionately yet..., but when I find out what that is and if I truly feel it, then I will tell you... so I ask you to be patient with me, because one day I will love you from the bottom of my heart, and not just love you for protecting me in the past. - He continued, only then receiving a kiss from her, where he felt all the feelings in that kiss.



- I also promise that when I fall in love with you, I will tell you that I love you with all my heart. - Kurenai loved how everything was going, where for the first time she felt a care and attention in the relationship that she never had with her best friend.



- Well... - Naruto said to her surprise as he picked her up. - Since you still don't love me, I'll make you love what I'm going to do to you. - Naruto continued mischievously, where he took her to his room, making her laugh excitedly at her husband's outgoing manner.

And with that I end the second chapter of the Chronicles of the Wind, I hope you all are enjoying it, and don't forget to comment.

A brief observation about hentai, in version 1.0, the author created a Naruto in the style of Kid Bengala, where he acts like a macho man with a one-meter dick, who says he knows everything while still being a virgin.

So I chose to change here, Naruto may be having his honeymoon, but he is still very inexperienced.

I want to create a cool plot about Naruto's tragic past, and show my future brides and wives that love doesn't come for free and that love doesn't mean being in love, they are different things and must always be worked on and taken care of to remain stable.


Also, remember this ANBU agent who saved Naruto too, the one mentioned with black hair and scarlet eyes, that one will be important.

Kurenai is an exceptional case because she is the main character in the relationship, having a past with him, where everything will be worked on little by little, so that in the future they will both have a reciprocal love.

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying it, if you have any questions about Doujutsu, powers or anything, just let me know.

By: BloodDemon. XD


-- Characters Featured --


Uzumaki Naruto:


Yuhi Kurenai:


Uzuki Yugao:


Mitarashi Anko:


Inuzuka Tsume:


Utatane Koharu:


Utatane Mizore:


Sarutobi Hiruzen:


Hyuuga Hiashi:


Nara Shikaku:


Yamanaka Inoichi:


Mitsashi Takumi:


Shimura Danzõ:


Akimichi Chouza:


Haruno Kizashi:


Aburame Tanaka:


Seph - ANBU Agent:


Hatake Kakashi:


Sarutobi Asuma:


Maito Guy:


Shiranui Genma:


Yamashiro Aoba:
