Act 01 - New Year Special! Multiple Encounters.

[ Previously ]

- You are the most beautiful and cute husband in the world! - They had barely arrived home when Kurenai grabbed Naruto and covered him in kisses.



- I had to defend your honor. I couldn't let that idiot offend the woman I love.



- What did you say? - Kurenai asked after she froze in shock.



- I said I couldn't let that idiot offend the woman I love. Why?



- No, I'm just surprised... - She continued, only to hear his explanation.



- Listen, don't think I'm just saying this to please you... Seriously, I didn't mean it as if I was deeply in love with you, I said I love you for what you've done for me forever. - Naruto said, looking into her eyes. - Or do you think I don't know, that you were one of the few ANBU agents who saved me years ago during the attack? - Naruto continued, where he saw the brunette's eyes with fine tears.



- Thank you for saying that... It's really nice to hear that from someone. - Kurenai said as she hugged Naruto.



- I may not love you passionately yet..., but when I find out what that is and if I truly feel it, then I will tell you... so I ask you to be patient with me, because one day I will love you from the bottom of my heart, and not just love you for protecting me in the past. - He continued, only then receiving a kiss from her, where he felt all the feelings in that kiss.



- I also promise that when I fall in love with you, I will tell you that I love you with all my heart. - Kurenai loved how everything was going, where for the first time she felt a care and attention in the relationship that she never had with her best friend.



- Well... - Naruto said to her surprise as he picked her up. - Since you still don't love me, I'll make you love what I'm going to do to you. - Naruto continued mischievously, where he took her to his room, making her laugh excitedly at her husband's outgoing manner.

[ At the moment ]

[ First Arc: The Awakening ]


== Konohagakure no Sato ==

About a month had passed since Naruto and Kurenai's wedding. Both of them hardly left the house. There wasn't a single room in the blond's apartment where the two of them hadn't fulfilled their most perverted fetishes. The blond had dedicated this time with the woman in order to properly learn everything she had to teach him, because despite having great stamina and never getting tired, he still lacked experience in the act.

But nothing that wasn't resolved in this last month, in which both of them consummated their honeymoon under the full attention of their ANBU agents, who couldn't abandon such a spectacle.

Uzumaki even went so far as to buy a very expensive double bed, insisting on paying a "rush fee" so that the furniture could be delivered as quickly as possible, as this was the only way for the two of them to have enough space for their "games", since the first time they broke Uzumaki's bed just by trying to prolong the act throughout the night.

Anko and Yugao, who were still in charge of the couple's vigil, were suffering, and mentally cursed the Hokage with names never seen before, for making them know how a dog feels in front of a butcher's shop window.



[ ... ]

Naruto woke up early that Monday morning. He stretched lazily, letting out a long yawn, and then lay back down, looking with a smile at his wife's naked body, who was still sleeping.


- "I can only be the luckiest boy in the world." - That was what his mind repeated every morning, while his hands gently ran over the brunette's voluptuous curves. After some time, the blond leaned in, kissing the woman's neck affectionately, trying to wake her up in a soft and gentle way.



- Kurenai-chan. Wake up... - He said, giving even more kisses and making the brunette laugh. - It's already dawn...



- Hmm... Good morning, my angel. - She answered sleepily, stealing a kiss from the blond. - Why did you wake up so early?



- Well, today is the day of the team selection. Apparently the selection will be at the end of the month, and only after the festivals will we carry out missions.



- That's right, I had forgotten... Will you stay on my team, Naruto-kun?



- I don't know, but I hope so.



- Good - She stood up, stretching lazily and having her every movement followed by the blonde's gaze. - I have to take a shower. You made me all sweaty. - She said sexily as she entered the bathroom.



Then she put her hand out, calling Naruto with a finger gesture. He smiled and entered, closing the door afterward. He saw Kurenai getting wet in the shower, and calling him into the shower. He didn't hesitate for a moment to enter and advance on the brunette's lips, while his hands slid down her thighs. He held them firmly, lifting her and fitting her at his waist, without stopping kissing her for a moment, then he lowered his kisses to the kunoichi's neck and shoulders, feeling her hands slide over his body and scratch his back as he began to suck her breasts.



- I can't take it anymore... Make me yours, Naruto-kun! - She moaned breathlessly, begging him to touch her there. And he did so, inserting two fingers at once with his thumb on her clitoris, kissing her again.



She moaned, kissing him hungrily, stopping to give a sharp moan, indicating that she had reached orgasm after all the skill she had been learning so well. At that moment he pulled away and placed her on the floor:


- Why did you stop? - She asked coyly.



- Turn around. - He said in a bossy way, seeing his Kurenai turn her back to him, leaning against the shower. He immediately began to nibble on her ass and insert his tongue where she was opening herself so eagerly.



Since she was still sensitive from her previous orgasm, it didn't take much for him to get her there again:


- That's it! - Kurenai dictated with another high-pitched moan of hers. - Please, don't stop! You learn so well.



[ ... ]

After having fun in the bathroom, the two had breakfast together. It was incredible how in a month they both completed each other to help each other live together, cooking, cleaning the house, exchanging kisses and joking every time one was off guard, leaving their two ANBU agents full of jealousy outside due to their affectionate gestures at every moment. After that, the two left, with Kurenai deciding to accompany Naruto to the academy. During the entire journey, the two behaved like a normal couple, talking, joking and, of course, kissing and exchanging caresses.

However, Naruto sought to distract Kurenai from all the cold and evil looks of the villagers, and Kurenai retaliated in the same way when the blond was not paying attention to those who looked at him sideways. As soon as they arrived at the academy, they said goodbye with a kiss and agreed to have lunch together.



[ ... ]

- No, no and no! Take another one! - Complained the Sandaime looking at the photo that Naruto had just taken for the ninja record. In it, his face and hands were covered in white powder, and he was staring at the camera with a strange grimace along with his active Onigan.


Something that made the old man censure him, but inside he laughed because the Yondaime Hokage had done the same in his youth.



- Oh, come on old man! - Naruto got exasperated, not knowing that all the Jounnins were watching this from the next room. - I'm a shinobi now, aren't ninjas supposed to always value the secrecy of their identity?



- Oh, forgive my innocence. - Hiruzen said in feigned shock. - I can't believe I let it slip that you, in your incredible genius, were valuing your secret identity?



- No, fuck that shit! - Naruto replied laughing. - It was cool. Leave it, will you?



- Nothing like that. This photo will be used for your ninja records, so you should look like a ninja, not a clown. Especially you, who besides being a shinobi, are now a clan leader. - He denied as he took the photo and threw it in the trash. - Go take another one immediately, and look presentable!




The blond boy, not knowing what to do, decided to use his secret weapon. He made the tiger seal and shouted:



Being completely covered by white smoke and appearing in the form of a blonde girl with long tied hair, would not have been anything special, if it weren't for the fact that she was completely naked, with her private parts covered by smoke.


- Please... Ho-ka-ge-sa-ma? - Naruto spoke in a sexy and sweet voice, exactly like Kurenai spoke to him when they were making love. The Hokage was surprised, and then fell back.



An act that made the Uzumaki return to normal, while laughing at it. Making his theory correct:


- "The more powerful the ninja is! The easier it will be for him to be caught by my supreme technique." - Naruto thought, seeing Sarutobi stand up stunned.



- So that was the famous sexy jutsu... Indeed, a very dirty trick, please don't do that anymore. - The Hokage asked, wiping the blood from his nose.



- Hehe, well, here's the new photo. - The blond handed over the photo, still a little embarrassed. In this photo, he appeared without Onigan, and with a serious, haughty and focused expression, worthy of a true clan leader.



- Excellent. Much better than the other one. - He confirmed, attaching the photo to his ninja registry, however, the two felt a presence at the door, which opened violently.



- Get ready old man, because the position of Godaime Hokage will be mine! - Shouted a little boy of no more than nine years old holding a shuriken and running towards the Sandaime, before tripping over his own scarf, which was much bigger than him, and falling face down on the ground.



- "That was all I needed, Konohamaru's attack of the day. When will my grandson start taking this seriously? And where will Ebisu be to allow this?" - thought the Sandaime, shaking his head negatively.



- Hey, who was the idiot who knocked me down, huh? Was it you? I'm going to finish you off! - Konohamaru shouted, running towards Naruto, who easily dodged the little boy's (almost) punch, and grabbed him by the scarf.



- Ah, honorable grandson, I'm glad I found you... WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH HOKAGE SAMA'S GRANDSON?!? - The man shouted at the door of the room. He was wearing Jounnin clothes without the vest, with the hitai-ate covering his entire head and wearing sunglasses.



- "Wait, this kid, it's him. The vessel of the nine tails, the worst kind of troublemaker." - He thought as he looked at the Uzumaki maliciously. Something that had made the blond initially want to break this man's face.



- What's wrong? Are you scared just because the Hokage is my grandfather? - Konohamaru said in defiance, only to receive a punch that sent him to the ground.



- Fuck no! - Naruto growled after the blow, under the incredulous look of his sensei, and a laugh from the Hokage.



- "This guy... Is different." - Konohamaru thought before falling to the ground unconscious. And then Naruto turned to the Hokage and spoke.



- So? Am I going to be arrested? - Naruto asked the Hokage sarcastically, before the Jounnin's glare at the door.



- You better go, because it's almost time for team selection. - Hiruzen said with a laugh to Naruto who jumped out the window, giving a serious look to the Jounnin at the door.



[ ... ]

At the academy, the talk of the town was all about one person. And to his classmates, the fact that he had managed to pass and become a Gennin or had awakened a powerful and legendary Doujutsu was irrelevant to many, as everyone was talking about his marriage. The girls tried to understand what would lead an adult woman to marry a thirteen-year-old boy of her own free will, and the boys tried to understand how Naruto could be so lucky.

At that moment, the classroom door opened, allowing Uzumaki to enter, who, unlike his usual self, entered discreetly. But that didn't stop them from noticing his presence, and they were very surprised to see how different he looked. At that moment, Kiba, considered the scandalous number 2 in the class, behind Naruto himself, shouted:


- HEY, NARUTO! - The voice came unexpectedly from behind the Uzumaki, who was closing the door.



- Don't scream, mutt! What do you want? - Naruto said, shocked.



- Is it true that you married a Jounnin woman? - Naruto couldn't help the blush on his face, as all the male and female students started looking at him, waiting for an answer. He simply shook his head and looked for a place at the top of the room, where he could hide, as he had no desire to talk about his married life. It was useless, as almost all the boys in the class surrounded him, asking several questions, from the simplest to the most perverted.



- Okay, class, everyone sit down. - Iruka said, entering the classroom. - I'm sorry for the delay in selecting the teams. But getting straight to the point, I'll make everything very clear. - The same will continue with everyone going to their seats.



- We are currently at the end of December, the festivities are taking over our doors and due to the delays in the selection of the teams, we will only return to the new routine from the beginning of January, that is, for today you will only know about the selection of teams, as you will have to come back here on January 10th to meet your Sensei.


- I know many are anxious, but remember, tests are taken by the new instructors, and don't think that just graduating from the academy makes you a real ninja. - Iruka said to everyone, smiling at many students, who were already imagining the short vacation. - Now I will announce the teams, so pay attention.



With Iruka's order, all the boys turned their attention to their sensei, unlike what their sensei said, Naruto traveled back in time to his wedding memories.

She was affectionate, kind, understanding, very beautiful and, above all, very naughty compared to her gentle and sweet face. Despite the few days they had lived together, she took over his heart. He also remembered that day at the bakery. When he saw that man approaching her and talking to her like that, he inevitably felt jealous, but also, with a wife like her, the guy who didn't feel jealous would consider himself crazy.

She also felt angry when she heard him try to offend her, and she couldn't allow that. She wouldn't let anyone hurt her, whether physically or emotionally. She was sure that living alone again was no longer an option, and she could only think about how in the future she could expand her ideas of an ideal home, big and with everything she had ever dreamed of.



- Team seven! - Iruka quoted. - Uzumaki Naruto! - Iruka said under the gaze of the Uzumaki, who soon left his thoughts and attention out the window.


- Haruno Sakura! - At that moment, it was possible to see the girl discouraged.


- And Uchiha Sasuke! - With that, Naruto got discouraged, he really didn't want to be on his team.


- Jounnin-sensei... Hatake Kakashi! - Finally, Umino said, surprised by Naruto, who didn't know who he was.



[ ... ]

Kurenai prepared lunch, a little frustrated, because her husband didn't stay on her team. Despite this, she had picked a great team, which due to their skills would be a tracking team, which didn't fit the blond's profile, whose skills granted by his advanced lineage fit him better in a combat and escort team.

Her mind wandered through recent memories of her wedding. She definitely didn't regret accepting him as her husband. He was cute, kind, very affectionate and cheerful, not to mention that he was a real machine when it came to learning everything she taught him in bed, bringing with him his Uzumaki vigor. Just seeing this month of honeymoon felt like all the problems in the world had disappeared.

He looked at the envelopes on the kitchen table, all invitations from clans offering him brides. He frowned in anger, but then smiled. He was jealous of the greed of those who had never seen the good of his blond boy, and that was good, because it indicated that his feelings for Naruto were growing more and more.


He finished preparing lunch and looked at the clock, which read 12:00. He would be home soon for lunch and maybe there would be time to do something interesting. However, he soon felt a presence at the window and smiled excitedly, as it had been a while since he had spoken to his friend:


- So, how's married life going? - The purple-haired ANBU agent asked as she removed her mask.



- Better than you imagine, Yugao. You should try it sometime. - Kurenai said knowing about the woman's crush on one of her acquaintances.



- Maybe... - Yugao said, showing total dissatisfaction at remembering her supposed crush. - First I have to find a hot boy who will do everything for me in bed. - Finally, she finished, holding herself back from laughing at her friend's face.



- H-what is it? - Kurenai said with a blush on her face.



- You don't know how much I've been holding back from coming in here and taking part in the little show that you and Naruto have been putting on all these days.



- And may I ask what right you have to call my Naruto hot? Respect me, Yugao. - Naruto's wife said, making her friend laugh.



- Wow, is this all jealousy? With an attribute like that between your legs, even I would be.



- Yes, I'm jealous. And how do you know about my husband's attributes? Were you spying on me by any chance? - She continued to ask jealously, under Yugao's malicious gaze.



- You know very well that because of the beast, Naruto is watched every time he leaves the house. And on your wedding night it would be no different, that's why Hokage-sama ordered only women to keep watch that night, since it would be disrespectful for men to watch what you and your little boy were doing. - At that moment, Yugao left the window and stood behind Kurenai, whispering in her ear. - And what little boy? He really got you, wow. I got all anxious just imagining myself teaching someone with so much energy and desire to learn.



- First of all, respect me because I am his wife, not you. Second, I will visit Sandaime today to explain to him the definition of privacy.



- Stop it, woman. You knew better than anyone that the way you were having sex you couldn't even defend yourself, let alone protect Naruto. And, by the way, what's the problem with me watching? After all, there's nothing about your body that I don't know, remember? - She replied, making Kurenai blush in embarrassment for reminding her of the time when she, Anko and Yugao got so drunk that they did things that would make Kakashi look like a virgin boy. - You're not going to tell me that you're already in love after less than a week of marriage? Okay, the kid is good in bed, but he's not that good either.



- You wouldn't understand, since you're only seeing one of my Naruto-kun's qualities. Even though I've only been married to him for a few days, he's changed my entire outlook. He's very transparent and sincere, and doesn't mind saying what he thinks and feels. Plus, he's affectionate, kind, and very cute. It's impossible not to be captivated by him, and if you asked me if I regret it, the answer would be no.



- Well, as for getting to know Naruto's other qualities, I will have time, as Anko and I intend to apply as his wives, since he may have several of them of childbearing age.



- Are you serious? It's not just about sex, right? - Kurenai accused seriously. - Otherwise, I won't let you go.



- It's not just about sex, especially me, who knows him as well as you do, since I'm the main person in charge of his security, since he was born, especially in that incident years ago... So, is everything okay with you?



- What can I do? If I'm going to share Naruto-kun with someone, let it be with my best friends. Besides, what if the counselors and Danzō's snake decide to try to infiltrate someone here? I would need support to keep him from being manipulated by those three walking mummies.



- It's done then. I'll talk to Anko and then we'll go to Hokage-sama. - Yugao said excitedly, it was even unthinkable for her to get married, but what can she do... she was never someone who would beat around the bush like Genma who avoided any serious relationship with her.



- Hai, hai! - Kurenai said, cutting her off. - But now get out of here because Naruto-kun is going home for lunch, and I want to take care of him before you come and take advantage of him.



- Seriously, he's coming here? Can't we do a quick test? - Yugao said, while pretending to take off her uniform.



- Get lost! - Finally, Naruto's wife said as she dragged her friend to the window, who laughed at the situation and how Kurenai had changed in such a short time.



[ ... ]

After the team announcements, Iruka gave a short speech about shinobi life. However, Team Seven was clearly sulking. While they were happy to be on the same team as the girl he liked, the fact that the boy he hated the most was on it made Naruto completely sour. Sasuke was also not very happy, not only because he had a loser and an irritant on his team, but also because the blond had been given a privilege that he felt he deserved more.

Because with the extinction of the Uchiha, Sasuke was a candidate to practice polygamy, and now Naruto took something from him that really irritated him.

Sakura was already irritated with Naruto, as his presence on the team undermined any chance of her winning over the Uchiha. After explaining to the blond the reason for that division, the sensei released everyone for lunch.



Since he had already arranged to have lunch at home with Kurenai, Naruto didn't even think about inviting his teammates to do so. He quickly headed for the exit, until he heard his teammate calling him:


- Yo, loser! - Uchiha Sasuke exasperated, where Naruto turned with a serious look.



- The mother is a failure. What do you want, emo?



- I heard that you have a Doujutsu. Is it true?



- And what does that interest you? - Naruto continued to ask.



- I want to see it. Show me now. - Sasuke said, with a sarcastic laugh coming from the Uzumaki.



- Go find something to do. - Naruto dictated where he had gone back to walking, not caring about the Uchiha's insults.



- DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME, LOSER! - Sasuke was furious at being ignored and jumped, kicking Naruto in the back. The Uzumaki had quickly noticed the Uchiha's movements and dodged at the last moment, turning his body 360º, making the brunette pass by unnoticed.



Before he could react, the blond kneed him right in the back, knocking the wind out of him. Then he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall. Sasuke managed to recover and supported himself against the wall with his feet.

He gave a push towards Naruto, who dodged at the right time and hit Sasuke in the back of the head, leaving him stunned, and finished with a kick to the back that threw him against the other wall, where Sasuke hit it face first and fell.



Naruto approached Sasuke, who was still sprawled on the floor and grimacing in pain. He looked at him with a cynical smile and mocked:


- Look how funny. The genius of the class just got his ass kicked by a, as you say... Oh yeah, loser and loser. - He gave a short sarcastic laugh. - Oh, and next time you're going to play at attacking someone from behind, remember to be quieter and make sure the victim isn't faster than you.



[ ... ]

Naruto walked towards his apartment with a satisfied expression on his face. Despite being on the same team as Sasuke, who was his rival, he was quite happy to teach the meddler a lesson.


He thought of Kurenai again, and a doubt struck him:


- "I wonder what it would be like if he married other women? He would have to make an effort to pay attention to all of them."


He tried to imagine if any of his classmates would become one of his wives, and of all of them, the most likely would definitely be Hyuuga Hinata, as she was the only girl who was kind to him, despite considering her a bit introverted, as every time he spoke to her she either turned red and started stuttering or fainted.

Furthermore, despite liking Sakura, he definitely didn't believe that a marriage between them would happen, since he would only accept her if she was in complete agreement. Of course, if it happened, he would try hard to make it happen, but the girl's obsession with emo made that possibility difficult, and Sakura was a bit "rough" with him.



His train of thought was cut short when he felt a hand grab his arm and pull him into an alley. Out of pure instinct he got into a fighting stance, but returned to his normal posture when he saw that it was an ANBU:


- What does the old man want? - Naruto asked confused.



- I didn't come at the behest of Hokage-sama, but I need to talk to you, kitty. - The ANBU replied, removing his mask.



- I don't know you...



- But I know you, and very well. - She said maliciously as she approached predatorily. - Come here! - She replied as she advanced on him, kissing him with lust, leaving him completely speechless.


The vanilla scent she gave off was already beginning to numb the blond, and he began to return the pleasant kiss that any girl her age would love from an older woman. The kunoichi took that as a sign to continue and began to explore the buttons of the blond's shirt with her hands, without breaking the kiss.

Naruto felt completely surrendered to Anko's caresses, she was dominant and guided him in a way that Kurenai did not do in her loving and romantic kisses. However, when he felt one of her hands begin to enter his pants in search of his member, the image of a smiling Kurenai, accompanied by her voice saying "Naruto-kun" made him interrupt the kiss, violently slapping Anko's hand, tearing it from his pants:


- Look, this is great and it's crazy to want to stop, but I'm married. - Naruto said, confused with this feeling of guilt. - It feels wrong to do this to Kurenai-chan, damn it! I don't know what this new feeling is, so just get away from me. - Naruto left the alley suspicious of this bad feeling in his chest, he just knew that if it were Kurenai in his place, he wouldn't like it at all, so why would he do this to her. - Damn sentimentality, how am I supposed to understand this?


He only knew that he didn't want to see his Kurenai's face losing its smile, so he believed he was doing the right thing by denying this woman, despite her being so beautiful.



[ ... ]

He barely got home and called Kurenai to talk. He told her everything that happened, without omitting any details and saying in total confusion if what he did was wrong, he didn't know how to differentiate these new obligations that the old man gave him with polygamy, but he knew that he didn't want to do something that would insult or hurt his wife, while he said in an exasperated way without stopping and agitated by this feeling of guilt, Kurenai could only laugh when she connected the dots knowing who it was that threw himself at her husband, not being able to find it endearing how a 13 year old with no notion of relationships with the opposite sex was demonstrating more character than any adult she knew.

Anyone in his place would have let themselves get carried away in that alley, would have ignored the situation, kept the lover, or any situation that she had been seeing as a daily occurrence lately, making it seem like true relationships barely existed anymore. In the end, when she understood that it was wrong to reciprocate the ANBU woman's kiss, she gave her a saddened look, which made him believe that he had hurt her, but he was surprised when she hugged him:


- Naruto-kun, if you keep treating me like this I'll fall in love with you very quickly. If it helps what you're feeling, I'll forgive you, because, as you've realized in this whole mess, it's wrong to reciprocate someone when you're committed to someone else, you showed an attitude that many men older than you wouldn't have. - Kurenai said, running her hands through his blond hair, with his face buried between her breasts. - By the way, you can leave it to me that I'll take care of that pervert who chased you. - Kurenai said with a murderous air that made the Uzumaki wary.



[ ... ]

After lunch, where his wife took care of him in a new way kneeling under the table, Kurenai talked to Naruto about Anko and Yugao, her two best friends who were interested in entering into their relationship. She also showed the envelopes containing the engagement proposals from heiresses that she presented professionally, saying that the case there was more like an alliance between houses to strengthen their union.

There were exactly three envelopes, showing respective engagement proposals from the Hyuuga, Yamanaka and Mitsashi clans.

The blond was curious about the Mitsashi clan, since he had never heard of it, and then Kurenai explained to him about it, that they were the greatest weapon forgers in the Fire Kingdom, exporting products to both Konoha's shinobi, as well as to neighboring ones allied with the feudal lord.



Pondering the situation, Kurenai loved seeing how her husband was presenting an analytical look as he read the documents, the information about each girl, what benefits the clans would bring to the Uzumaki lineage, how rare their abilities are, but none of that seemed to interest him at the moment, as he only saw the girls and would not make any decisions until he had a first meeting and dealt with everything directly with them, so writing a response with his demands to meet the suitors at the turn of the year, was when he finally dropped everything and held the table tightly when his wife did something with her tongue under the table, having him fill her entire mouth, which could only moan and swallow his seed.



- Did it help? - Naruto asked, slightly out of breath and sweaty.



- Wonderfully well. - Kurenai smiled as she opened her mouth and showed that she had swallowed everything. - I told you that including pineapple in your diet would make any woman happy.



Logically, after that, Naruto placed his wife under the table and attacked what was so wet between her legs, aiming to deepen it whenever she panted harder and stroked his hair in pure lust.



[ ... ]

== Uzumaki District: December 31st ==

Situated in the new district of Konohagakure no Sato, Naruto only had one demand that the Hokage tried to contest, however, he had already decided, whenever he ran any risk before the village, the zero training ground on top of Mount Hokage was the place that brought him the most security.

This field ran through large expanses of grass and forests beyond the village, which was the training ground for all the Hokages, and what better place than this, a place that had brought him security throughout his life, and he wanted Kurenai and future wives to feel the same way.

With the Hokage decided to accept the request of the Uzumaki leader, who said he didn't care about the mansions that the shinobi council wanted to give in the clan district, he really noticed that this was the best, he was even envious of not having thought of it when an ANBU with elemental manipulation of wood created a very complete house for the Uzumaki leader, and so it immediately showed itself to be one of the places with the greatest potential for growth in the village.

And Naruto, after everything was ready, only now really noticed how good a choice it was, that's when Kurenai was extremely euphoric and excited about their new home, in such an open place, full of forests, lakes, open fields, a clearing outside the house under the view of the starry sky and moonlight that kept the whole place illuminated and comfortable in the middle of the night.


She had planned a big surprise for her and her friends, who had already offered to become Naruto's wives, but since the paperwork would only be done next month, she had chosen to give her dear Uzumaki a chance to have an adventure with three of the most beautiful Jounnins from the Hidden Leaf Village, because her husband really deserved it, he was giving her so much security and stability in her life, and that's without counting how he was becoming dominant with each lesson he learned:


- So, Naruto-kun? - Kurenai asked, doing a little spin, parading in her beautiful flowery yukata that left her with a generous cleavage.



And Naruto was already thinking of a thousand ways to take advantage of that. Only then did he respond:


- Stunning... the most beautiful, wonderful and delicious in Konoha. - Naruto said, pulling her into a kiss, to the woman's excited squeal.



It turns out that in a short time of living together, the interaction between the two became very open and exciting, where they enjoyed part of this grand district that Kurenai insisted on saying that there would be at least five Narutos crawling around there. It was a matter of time until this happened based on the sex life of both and the kunoichi was beginning to think that a life as a housewife in this place was becoming more attractive than continuing as a ninja.



- So... Let's go? - She asked with an excited smile.




- Of course. - Naruto replied where without her noticing, he had performed a one-hand seal that created three explosions of smoke inside the house after they left.



Inside the house, three clones that were recently created, soon face each other, where they consented to the idea in their minds.

Each one there would visit their rising brides, and as promised in the response letter, would have a meeting with them in order to understand if this was really serious and at the end of the meeting, would provide the decision to their leader, who incredibly noticed the shadow clones provide the knowledge acquired when deactivated.

Of course, some testing was required first, first was the notion and observations cited when reading the seal scroll, that no matter how many clones one was able to create, the chakra expenditure was always equally divided between the original and the clones created. He had the perception that if the clone was destroyed in combat, the chakra was lost along with its existence, but that if the hand seal was used to reduce the clones, the chakra returned along with the cloning experiments.

He also noticed that even with the ability to create hundreds of shadow clones, the greater the quantity, the lower the effectiveness, and the smaller the quantity, the greater the effectiveness of the clones' durability. With 1,000 clones being sensitive to disappearing with a punch to the face, and 100 clones capable of withstanding ten powerful blows without being affected.

Fatal blows were horrible, because then they were felt by the original and almost left him in shock when he felt a clone have a kunai against his heart, waking him up abruptly like a nightmare that gives him the famous jump.

And so, he held back a little in the experiments with the clones, he had already obtained great qualities and defects of the Jutsu, so he didn't want to abuse what was clearly a Rank-S Kinjutsu named by the Nidaime Hokage himself.



[ ... ]

== Yamanaka Florist ==

Located in Konoha's shopping district, Naruto discreetly entered the establishment, observing the flowers around him. It was then that a female voice caught his attention:


- Welcome to Yamanaka Flower Shop. How can I help you? - Naruto looked at the woman who spoke to him. She appeared to be around 30 years old, with brown eyes and dark hair tied in a bun. She wore a green dress with a white apron over it and had a friendly smile.



- Hi, I'm Naruto. I'm here because of the invitation that was sent to me... I believe you received my answer, right? - The Uzumaki informed everyone with the seriousness of a leader, and a simplicity in his introduction that took the woman by surprise, already understanding why her husband always said good things about the boy.



- Naruto-san, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Yamanaka Aoi, wife of the clan leader and Ino's mother. It's a pleasure to meet you.



- It's my pleasure, Mrs. Yamanaka. Is Ino here? I'd like to meet with her before New Year's Eve.



- Yes, she's inside. Just a moment and I'll call her. Oh, and Naruto-san, know that I'd really like you to marry my daughter, just as she doesn't show any fear.



- Let's see her opinion first, then I'll answer my decision. - Naruto said trying to contain his anxiety.



Aoi went through a door behind the counter. Some time later she returned bringing Ino with her, and for the first time Naruto noticed the girl's beauty: her body highlighted by the lilac yukata, her long, straight blonde hair tied in a ponytail, her blue eyes a little lighter than his, and the smile she gave him. He felt something stir inside him. He knew this feeling very well, as it manifested itself every time he saw Kurenai, but he needed to be sure that she felt the same. Only then would he accept her as his fiancée and, later, his wife:


- I'll let you guys talk freely. - Aoi said, leaving them alone.



- Well... I know we have a lot to talk about. But how about a date like you asked? - He made the request again with his hand outstretched, which the blonde promptly accepted.



Naruto knew very well that the night would be long, and he wanted to treat her like a true queen in order to show her who he really is, before she could finally make her final decision about him.

And with that, they began to walk through the busy avenues of Konoha, due to the festivities of all the people of the Land of Fire.



[ ... ]

== Commercial District ==

On the other side of the shopping district, a second one was located heading in the direction of the Mitsashi Forge.

He began to try to imagine what his intended would be like, which caused him to get distracted again and not notice the moment when six men surrounded him.



- Stop right there, you fox boy! Where do you think you're going?



- What do you want? I don't have time to play with you.



- You think you're too much of yourself just because you got married, don't you, demon? - Said a second man, going after the blond man, brandishing a club. - We'll show you that this doesn't mean anything!



- There's a reason why I got married... - Naruto said, disappearing when the club was millimeters from his face, reappearing behind the man who had gasped in shock.



- Damn. - A third man there said, scared when he saw him disarm his leader.



- Don't run away, damn it. - He said, grabbing the club they had aimed at earlier, and hitting the biggest one in the group in the back. The beating that had taken place there had been something on another level, and it would certainly spread, making everyone understand that he was no longer a defenseless little brat. - Don't come messing with me again, I didn't even have to resort to using chakra. - The blond said, moving away, barely noticing the blood stain on the sleeve of his Yukata.



[ ... ]

== Hokage's Office ==

In the Hokage's office, the ANBU who witnessed Naruto's small retaliation didn't know what to do. Why? Simply, the old Hokage was almost falling out of his chair from laughing so hard as he watched through the sphere monitoring the village's barriers, letting his pipe fall to the floor.

When he finally managed to control his laughing fit, he ordered that the civilians be taken to the ANBU headquarters, to be properly judged and receive their punishment, because worse than attacking a ninja, was attacking a clan leader, and could even result in the death penalty.

However, the Sandaime did not have that in mind, as he considered the blond's attitude more than enough punishment, although he should also take action on his own.



[ ... ]

== Mitsashi Forge ==

After his little retaliation, Naruto finally got where he wanted. He entered the equipment store, which was also the main entrance to the clan, and was impressed by the place, it was full of weapons of the most varied types and armor that were no longer used by the shinobi, but he remembered having seen them in illustrations by the Shodaime Hokage.

Kunais, shurikens, katanas, paper bombs, weapons of various sizes, shapes and colors, and one in particular caught his attention: a beautiful katana hanging on the wall behind the main counter. It had a beautiful black handle with silver effects, as did the blade, which had several kanji painted in green all along its length.

He rang the bell, seeing it open and a little donkey and a bee come out. The bee stung the little donkey, who got scared and started kicking the bell, making a loud noise. Then the two went back inside the bell, much to Uzumaki's surprise.

The door behind the counter opened, revealing a man. He was tall, with long, straight dark hair, as well as green eyes and a strong build, as if he had trained or worked hard. He wore somewhat worn clothes, covered by a rough leather apron, indicating that he might have been working with steel.



- Welcome to Mitsashi Forge. I'm Takumi... How can I help you?



- Hi, I'm Naruto... I'm here because of the invitation that was sent to me. - The Uzumaki said under the man's analytical gaze.




- Ah, Uzumaki-san, it's a great pleasure to meet you. If you're here, does that mean you've accepted the proposal?



- Not exactly. If you allow me, I would like to have a meeting with your daughter. Depending on her reaction, it is possible that this alliance will work... but, first of all, I need to know if she is in full agreement with this, and nothing will be done against her own will.



- Great, come here... my daughter Tenten is training on our private field, just follow this trail that leads directly to the field. - The man said jovially, patting him on the back. - Oh, and Uzumaki-san, I suggest you go with a kunai in hand. When she trains, Tenten concentrates so much that she disconnects from the world and attacks anyone who approaches. You have no idea how many times I went to call her and came back with an arm full of shurikens - Takumi said laughing as he showed the scars on his left arm, making Naruto swallow dryly.




- Okay, I'll follow your advice. - Said the blond, pulling out a kunai. - Onigan! - He quoted in addition, with his vision fading and perception rising everywhere, soon finding who was simulating a fight further ahead.



- "Wow, it may not be complete yet, but the power it exudes is incredible." - Takumi thought, impressed with the Doujutsu. Soon after, Naruto left, entering the trail the man had spoken of. It didn't take long to find the training field, where a kunoichi was diligently training her aim with the most diverse weapons, all drawn from a cream-colored scroll with hot pink edges.



Testing the theory of what the girl's father said, the Uzumaki ended up stepping on a dry branch, which attracted the girl's attention. Instinctively, she threw a small amount of kunai and shuriken in the direction of the noise, from where Naruto began to block each one that came in slow motion as his murderous perception activated.



The brunette recognized the boy who was watching her, seeing his glassy eyes that soon became an intense blue:


- I'm sorry, I got scared by the noise and ended up attacking you. Are you okay?



- It's okay, don't worry. - He said with his characteristic smile.



- Oh no, it's bleeding. - She said seeing the stained sleeve of her yukata. - Daddy is going to kill me, I'm sorry.



- Hey, relax. - Naruto reassured her when the girl inspected her sleeve and arm, only to find no wound. - The blood isn't mine. - He said, seeing how the girl's eyes widened and she smiled excitedly. - Come with me, let's talk and I'll tell you who I hit on the way here.



[ ... ]

== Hyuuga District ==

Being the last of the clones sent out by the village, he promptly found himself walking towards a central gate of a grand district that covered an entire block.



- What do you want? - A guard said in readiness, as the Uzumaki went to him from the only access gate to the Hyuuga clan.



- I have an audience with Hiashi-sama. Can you please let him know of my arrival? - Naruto said, showing the invitation that was sent to him. The guard took it, saw the Hyuuga seal printed on the invitation and entered. Then he returned accompanied by two other guards.



- Please, Naruto-sama, accompany us. - The guard informed with the blonde's consent.



- It's just Naruto. - He said simply, as he was escorted to the council room. On the way, he could see some members of the Hyuuga clan going about their daily business. He wondered if his clan would be like that too, one huge family.



Upon reaching the council room, the two guards opened the doors for him, allowing him to pass. In the room were all ten Hyuuga councilors, five on each side of the room, and in the center of them was Hiashi, the clan leader.

The councilors' displeasure at Uzumaki's presence was visible, but the leader seemed quite satisfied with the boy's presence and demeanor, noting that it only took a change in his clothing and physiognomy to make him look like an authentic shinobi.



- Welcome, it's a pleasure to welcome you to my residence, Naruto-san.



- Thank you, Hiashi-sama.



- It's a great honor... - One of the Hyuuga counselors began to speak through gritted teeth, but Naruto cut him off:



- Please don't finish. My displeasure with what you say is more than obvious to me, and I can't stand falsehood. I prefer to deal only with Hiashi-sama, so if it's not too much to ask, I'd rather you don't speak to me.



Hiashi stifled a laugh. Indeed, despite being very similar to his father in appearance, the personality and temperament of the young leader of the Uzumaki clan in front of him had undoubtedly been inherited from his mother. Before a battle could begin there, he calmed the situation:


- Please, let's not start a conflict here, since the purpose of this meeting is to form an alliance between the two clans. Calm down - Hiashi asked, with a somewhat authoritative tone to his advisors. - Now that you've calmed down, let's continue. Naruto-san, in order to establish our alliance, the original intention was to offer my youngest daughter, Hyuuga Hanabi. However, due to Hokage-sama's decree that only brides with a maximum age difference of one year would be accepted and upon your approval, it was decided that the suitor who will be offered to you will be my eldest daughter, Hyuuga Hinata.



- And she agrees with that?



- Hai, she's even here, you can ask her directly if you want. - Hiashi said as the door behind him opened. - Hinata, my daughter, come in here, please.



Unlike the usual style he saw on the girl during the academy, always reclusive with a large blouse, here she wore a beautiful red yukata with white lily prints. The waistband used to hold the piece in place was black with green details, ending with a beautiful bow at the back. Feeling his gaze on her, Hinata blushed, and Naruto felt his heart skip a beat. He smiled at the girl, who blushed again and smiled back, and then turned to Hiashi:


- Well, if you'll allow me, I'd like to talk to Hinata a little, alone. - He said in conclusion to the girl's insecurity in front of the counselors.




- Alright, Naruto-san. Hinata, please accompany your suitor to the garden and introduce our clan to the Uzumaki leader.



- Hai, Otou-sama. - Hinata bowed. - C-Come with me, Naruto-kun. - The two went to the Hyuuga garden, which at that moment was crowned with the most beautiful view of the starry sky on this festive night. The two sat under a tree, enjoying the view, and then Naruto gathered courage and asked:



- Er... Hinata, what do you think about all this?



- W-with what, Naruto-kun?



- To become my bride. - Said the Uzumaki. - Besides, it's just Naruto... and I wanted to know if what they're doing is with your consent or if you're being forced?



- No, Naruto-kun - She took a deep breath to keep from stuttering. - I'm doing this of my own free will.



- Why?



- B-because... I-I like you a lot, Naruto-kun, more than you can imagine - She tried very hard not to faint. - I was always afraid of how the counselors wanted to sell me to some alliance... but when my father decided that he would offer me as a bride to you, just thinking about having a chance of you accepting me and that it wouldn't be with some of those old men from the village - She had said everything she believed to be sincere in order to be accepted by her crush from the academy, and get away from all this manipulation from her clan.



- Hinata-chan, I never imagined that someone like you could even look at me, and from the moment I found out that you were one of the suitors, I realized that I really liked the idea. - Naruto said sincerely. - I still don't know about all of this, but I intend to cultivate all of this to make it work, and if it helps you get out of this cycle that your family's politics follow, then I think it's fine. Just as the villagers look at me, I noticed how the councilors look at you, so I already make it clear that if we go through with this, you will live with me, because I don't want one of my brides stuck in a place where she is not welcome. - He said looking at the sky, where when he felt a touch on the side of his cheek, he felt her being gently pulled, with a little kiss planted on her mouth.



The kiss lasted a few seconds, but for them it seemed like time had stopped. Hinata was numb, she finally felt a security that she had only felt for the last time, when her mother was still alive. And Naruto, through that kiss, became even more certain that he wanted the Hyuuga as his bride, because if there was something he didn't like, it was the idea of someone going through what he had gone through, and his subconscious had been warning him of that ever since he saw her and the advisors of that clan.



After separating, they exchanged smiles and Hinata, of course, blushed from the kiss:


- You look beautiful all embarrassed like that. - Naruto said, caressing her cheek.



- Don't do that, it tickles... - He asked, gently holding the Uzumaki's hand.



- And this, can I? - He asked kissing each cheek and her chin, making her laugh.



- You're silly, Naruto-kun - She said, taking his lips for another kiss.



- Well, then get used to it... because you're going to live with me and we're going to spend a lot of time together. - The Uzumaki laughed at her, becoming even more embarrassed.



[ ... ]

== Uzumaki District ==

After Naruto left with Kurenai, they both came to meet two friends of the Jounnin, something that was a surprise for the Uzumaki, when he got exasperated about the "ANBU agent who is crazy about married men", something that caused a good laugh in Kurenai and Yugao, having a certain rivalry there with Naruto and Anko who glared at each other fiercely.

However, despite everything, Naruto treated the three as true queens after a short explanation that these two were suitors in the Uzumaki's polygamous relationship, calming the blonde's spirits, but still not giving him many liberties as the woman had been trying to touch him at all times.

It was late at night. Naruto was back in his district after a long shopping trip, during which the trio of women were thrilled with joy and euphoria about revamping his entire wardrobe. While they were putting everything away in the new room, he was mixing a pan of condensed milk. Although he found such a request strange, he didn't refuse, preparing everything with chocolate and decorating it on a plate, taking it to his room afterwards.



- The dessert is ready... - He opened the door and entered the room, only to be knocked out by the scene.



Kurenai was wearing only her lace shinobi outfit, as well as black panties.

Anko was already wearing lilac panties and her beige coat.

And finally Yugao who wore only the upper part of her festive yukata open, which made her very sexy.



- I think Naruto-kun passed out standing up... - Kurenai commented.



- Yeah, and he seems to be a little dirty with chocolate... - Anko replied as she saw this on his cheek.



- And what do you suggest? - Yugao asked with a mischievous smile, shared by the other two women.



When he finally came to his senses, Naruto soon noticed that he was completely naked, and that he was lying on something very soft. He opened his eyes, and his teenage mind could not even believe it, he was in bed with his head resting on Kurenai's lap, while Anko and Yugao were resting on his hips, and playing with their "little friend", who at that moment seemed to be made of steel in their hands.



- You're awake, Naruto-kun... Maybe too much blood went to your head. - Kurenai warned with a mischievous smile.



- With you three... abusing me like that... - The Uzumaki spoke with a broken voice, due to the enormous pleasure he felt. - There's no way to continue traveling.



Anko, who swallowed the blonde's member whole, gave it to Yugao, who limited herself to licking the base of it, only to look at her future husband with a naughty smile.



- I wanted to do this since I was assigned to watch you with Kurenai... - Yugao commented, swallowing everything under the Uzumaki's tension.



- Leave a little for me. - Anko complained, also starting to lick the blond's member, who moaned again.



- Now that we made Naruto-kun cum, how about he does the same for us? - Yugao asked naughty. - I'm going crazy just thinking about what Kurenai has taught you so much.



- You're the one who asked... - The Uzumaki replied with a mischievous smile, as he stood up. - Separate, now! - He ordered, seeing the women obey him smiling, and then he made a single hand seal.



Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! - (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)

He intoned, causing two clones to appear around him in an explosion of smoke, each of which positioned themselves behind the women who were moving their asses anxiously, the three of them beginning to touch their voluminous flesh with desire.



- Don't just tease. - Yugao sighed when once again she felt touch near that region, but still separated by the presence of her panties.




- That's... right... - Anko agreed, being the most affected there, with the rough way she was receiving slaps on her ass. - You can be good with your fingers... and your mouth... - She sighed again with the Uzumaki clone nibbling on the side of her ass, teasing her like she hadn't been teased in a long time. - But let's see if you can handle the three of us at the same time.



- Oh, yeah? - The original Uzumaki, who was twerking his member provocatively at Kurenai, giving kisses and hickeys on the back of her neck, said with a mischievous smile to the woman next to him. - How about a game?



- Game? - Kurenai asked with a painful sigh, with her chin being pulled strongly, so that her husband could give a hickey on her neck.



- Simple. - The second Naruto who teased Yugao with his fingers all the time without taking off her panties. - I'm going to fuck her for the first time tonight. Kurenai guided me on how to know how to suck a pussy, bring her to orgasm with just her fingers, and give me a blowjob until I could contain myself, so that when I finally fucked her, I would do it right. - He said teasing the three of them, who were now turned on their backs on the bed, and so the three Uzumakis knelt on the floor, with their faces extremely close to where they had been torturing. - So, I'm going to treat the three of them with my mouth... no matter how long it takes I'll keep teasing you and each one of you will have to hold out without cumming... whoever holds out the longest will take my virginity today. - He said, only to feel Kurenai grab his head and bring it to her pussy in pure anxiety.



- Hurry up, start this. - Kurenai said euphorically, with the feeling of him so close, but still so far away due to the panties separating them. - After teaching you so much, I'm the one who deserves everything from you.



Having thus reached the peak of his New Year's Eve, Naruto prostrated himself divided both inside his new home and outside of it. Whether using his new abilities to satisfy and play with three naughty Jounnins who would be his new wives, or meeting his brides around the village, or on dates, talking, walking, training and playing in this new journey that was him responsible for the resurrection of the Uzumaki clan, being certainly the happiest man in the village upon receiving what he had wanted so much since he was young.

And with that we end the third chapter of the chronicles of the wind.


Here we have our beloved New Year's special.


I've delayed things a little, as I recently finished writing all the chapters, and now I need a vacation, and a good fuck session with my girlfriend.


I hope you all are enjoying it, and don't forget to comment.


I am grateful for the general support in all my works that I updated at the end of the year.


I hope you're enjoying it and don't forget to comment. XD


Yuhi Kurenai:


Uzuki Yugao:


Mitarashi Anko:


Mitsashi Tenten:


Yamanaka Ino:


Hyuuga Hinata:
