Act 01 - Companionship Test. (PT-02)

Continuation of the previous Chapter due to the word limit in the post.

Sakura was still amazed. Naruto managed to pressure the sensei in a spectacular way that she never expected to see in the biggest troublemaker in the Ninja Academy, he could be older for failing three years and still trying, but he never showed the potential or experience of an older student, he was always just the short clown in the orange jumpsuit who ate noodles with his group of troublemakers.

Her mother always criticized her for having him follow her, but it wasn't her control, she didn't know what he did when he was young, but after seeing all the chaos, mess with paint on Mount Hokage, chase of the ninjas with Naruto running through the village and his friends running back to class, knowing that Iruka would always scold him, but never expel him from class like all the other senseis. Seeing all that he did of Kakashi-sensei jumping and retreating with explosions occurring all over the field was incredible in itself.


She was so caught up in her daydreams watching her sensei disappear, that she didn't even notice when someone approached her:



- Kakashi-sensei is pretty strong, isn't he Sakura-chan? - Naruto spoke next to her, and quickly covered her mouth. - Don't scream, or he'll find us.



- What do you want here, Naruto? - She asked after removing his hand from her mouth.



- I came to talk to you about the test. The real objective is teamwork. - He said, still seeing his original self trying to get out of the trap, being just a shadow clone.



- And what makes you think that? You may have hidden all these Jutsus until today, but that doesn't suddenly qualify you as a genius.



- Think about it, Sakura-chan. Why would they separate us into threes if they intended to send someone back to the academy? Besides, the sensei only put two bells to create friction between us and make our teamwork difficult. - Naruto explained the obvious after thinking a lot about what the sensei and his wife said, realizing it was a prank. - Or do you think he didn't notice how you and Sasuke disappeared separately, but still close to each other?



- Yeah... I get it... - Sakura said with a smile as she stood up. - If I can work as a team with Sasuke-kun we'll both pass and you can go back to the academy and we'll never see each other again... thank you, Naruto. Goodbye.



- What!? That's not what I meant, wait... Oh, what a fucking girl! - Naruto said, already giving up, because he really tried. - I hope the other one had more luck with the Uchiha. - Naruto muttered in disbelief at such futility of the girl, barely noticing how Kakashi was a little further away, surprised by the scene, especially after the fight he had with the Uzumaki, thinking that he had only fallen on his head to prove himself.



[ ... ]

Sasuke growled in anger as he watched the entire battle unfold. Naruto had managed to fight in several ways with a trained Jounin who had the reputation of being the copycat of a thousand Jutsus. He had never understood this, but now, seeing the Sharingan in his sensei's eye, his anger increased even more at the idea of a mere Jounin taking advantage of the attack on his clan to steal an eye and thus take advantage of the gifts that the Uchihas once had as the most powerful clan.

He thought of ways to combat this Jounnin, because even though he had great Taijutsu and Katon, he didn't see how he could overcome this without access to the Sharingan like his sensei showed when dodging all the solar spheres and thus disappearing in retreat from the area of explosive effect.



- What do you want, idiot? - Sasuke asked, sharpening his expression when he saw a Naruto appear near him, while the other remained stuck in the search to free himself, showing that he didn't even have physical conditioning, as he couldn't even do a decent sit-up, cutting the rope and falling in any way on the grass.



- Pass this test. And that's why we have to work together. - The clone answered seriously, not liking how the Uchiha was looking at him, looking for some opening to attack him so he could be undone.



- No... it's because you know I'm better than you and you need my help. - Sasuke said, standing up with an air of superiority.


- Okay, your majesty, that's right... you're the best, are we clear on that? - Naruto said directly, feigning an ironic bow. - I can't defeat a Jounnin trained to get the bell alone and Kakashi-sensei's test influences the teamwork so that Team 7 can be formed, no one needs to defeat him, just act as a team so that he feels motivated to train us and guide us on the missions.



- You've gotten all arrogant now that you've awakened a Doujutsu, haven't you? Yes, I heard Mom talking about it all excitedly. - Sasuke walked away as he walked around the Uzumaki. - As if I would work with an imbecile like you! - He finished by turning into a martial kick, aimed at Naruto's neck.



Naruto with the Onigan active and his increased perception would easily retaliate against this, but he saw no reason, he only felt disappointment with this feeling that not even becoming a Gennin would he be able to be accepted, but he kept this to himself and could only mutter:


- I tried. - He finished suddenly when he was undone by his own choice, with the Uchiha hitting nothing and falling sprawled on the ground, grinding his teeth again in humiliation, this time not even having the dignity of having been in combat.



[ ... ]

Sakura ran through the forest in search of Sasuke. The "idea" that Naruto had given her was her chance to try to win over the Uchiha. However, halfway through her journey she noticed the sensei in front of her, making her stop abruptly.



- Phew, thank goodness he didn't see me. - Sakura muttered.



- But I heard you! - A deep voice like a ghost sounded on Haruno's shoulder, who, upon turning around, came face to face with two eyes of different colors.



A loud scream echoed through the forest, drawing the attention of everyone located right there, making both Gennin notice that one was already gone.



[ ... ]

After leaving Sakura in shock with Kakashi's appearance and his disappearance, now that she got up and saw no one, Haruno realized that she had actually lost consciousness, as there was no reason for her to have fallen to the ground without even noticing.



- Sakura, please... - It was a voice she knew very well.



- Sasuke-kun, I'm glad I found you, I... - Her voice died when she saw Sasuke's state.



Her clothes were torn, blood was pouring from her body in an unusually black color that demonstrated the seriousness of the deep cuts on her, and it was almost impossible to count the number of kunai and shuriken brutally stuck in her flesh, neck, there was even one stuck in her left eye. The sight of her half-dead love in front of her was too much for her, and then, with a scream, the pink-haired girl fainted again.



- Yeah... I think I overdid it. - Kakashi said, seeing the girl who fainted with the sudden appearance behind her. - Shinobi skill No. 2: Genjutsu! The Art of the Mind. She studied about it at the Ninja Academy, but she didn't even know how to recognize a simple Rank E Genjutsu... what are they teaching there these days?



- Well, one down. - He said calmly as he took the girl back to the clearing and tied her to one of the wooden posts. - Two more to go.



[ ... ]

- I'm not like the others... I'm an Uchiha, the heir to the clan head. - Sasuke motivated himself as he watched from a distance as his sensei tied Sakura up and sat on the floor, opening a green book which completely focused his attention.



- You'll have the moral authority to say that when you have one of those bells, Sasuke-chan. - Kakashi's voice came from behind him with mockery and sarcasm, from which he promptly dodged the martial kick that the Uchiha performed.



The two stared at each other for a while, then Sasuke threw a kunai and shuriken at Kakashi, who simply caught them with his hand and threw them back at the Uchiha, making him turn around and now notice that the one who tied Sakura up was a clone.



- Normal attacks won't work... - He said still. Sasuke then smiled, and threw a kunai in another direction, cutting a rope that launched a new barrage of kunai and shurikens against the Jounnin.


- "A trap." - Kakashi mused, dodging the attack. At that moment, Sasuke appeared behind him, applying a kick that was easily defended. Still in that position, Sasuke tried a punch, which was also defended, and then turned upside down, trying a kick from above.


Kakashi defended himself again, but realized the Uchiha's intention, who was almost grabbing one of the bells. He pushed him back, breaking contact between them and preventing him from getting close.


- "This kid is fierce. Definitely neither he nor Naruto want to let me read Icha Icha." - He thought as he saw the Gennin stand up and look at him seriously.



And then when he took a deep breath, the Uchiha began a sequence of seals "Hitsuji", "U", "Mi", "Tori", "I", "Uma", "Tora":


Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu! - (Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu!)

The Uchiha blew with all his breath that made even his eyes lose focus slightly, exploding a large sphere of flames that spread all the way between him and Hatake.



Kakashi's eyes widened, or rather, his eyes widened when he saw the immense sphere of flames coming towards him and hitting him squarely. Sasuke spent a few more seconds blowing and finally ended the jutsu. Waiting for the result of his attack that would char anyone it hit, and upon realizing that Kakashi had escaped, he immediately went on alert.



- "Where is he? Behind me, above me, to the sides..." - His reasoning was cut off by the sensei's voice.



- Where? - Kakashi's hand came out of the ground and grabbed Sasuke's ankle, brutally pulling him into this forced burial, leaving only his head out. - Where you least expected it. Right under your feet, ordinary civilians usually avoid looking at the sky when looking for something, ninjas should look at everything, including the ground beneath them, because for a Doton dominator who can create giant walls of earth, simply burying the ground quickly and creating a trap, it would... be no problem at all.


- Shinobi skill #3: Ninjutsu! The Art of the Spirit. You're right, you're not like the others, but being different isn't always better, because what's the point of bragging about being an Uchiha when you can't even activate your Kekkei Genkai. - He finished by touching the brunette's forehead, seeing him faint, thus removing him from the ground and taking him to where Sakura was captured.


- Naruto! Your two companions have already been captured, and I still have the bells... how long will you continue to be a coward and hide? - The gray-haired man shouted in an announcement, wanting to provoke his student's hyperactivity.



Just then he heard the sound of a fan coming from the other side of the lake, quickly approaching what was a Fuuma Shuriken.

Kakashi, who saw the trajectory of the large shuriken, immediately bent down to dodge it, however, his eyes widened when he found another Fuuma Shuriken, showing that this Shurikenjutsu keeps them superimposed on each other, spinning simultaneously to deceive.


- "The boy thinks fast... it seems he just needed a little focus to improve." - Kakashi thought with a smile under his mask. - "But not yet." - He jumped between the large shurikens, in a skillful movement that allowed him to pass calmly between the two.


Falling to the ground in a position that Gai always told Hatake was the superhero landing, Kakashi could only jump in a sense of danger when he pushed himself forward seeing a Kunai tearing a strip in the sleeve of his uniform. Looking at where it came from, Hatake noticed how one of the large Shuriken passed through the logs that held the Uchiha and Haruno, tearing a part of the ropes, and the other Shuriken was not present, with only one Uzumaki in a throwing position falling to the ground.


- "Damn, this kid is awesome." - Kakashi cheered up when he looked at his slightly cut uniform, and then smiled when he saw the Uzumaki grab the two team members in a position where he hugged them against his body, and then disappeared in a Shunshin. - "He created a triple Shurikenjutsu in such a short training time? First the launch of a Fuuma Shuriken, confused by the presence of another overlapping each other, launched simultaneously, and in case that still doesn't work, one of the blades is a Henge from Naruto that launches a final attack from behind."



- It's a shame that Sasuke-teme and Sakura-chan didn't want to work with me, otherwise we would have been able to get those bells easily, easily. - Said the Uzumaki's voice appearing again in a Shunshin, but with his two colleagues missing. - But anyway, if I don't do it, no one will do it for me... come on, Kakashi-sensei... there are no more shadow clones.



Strangely enough, this calm was caused by an explosion of smoke emerging from the gloves Naruto had been using since the beginning of the test, which, when dispersed, appeared in the form of two blades being wielded.

An elegantly curved red one on the right wrist, and a dark one resembling a fang on the left wrist.



{ Hours Ago }

With all his clones instructed in groups to train some selected Jutsus, Naruto turned his attention to the gloves and scroll he had taken from that box of objects his mother left him.



- Knight Slayer and Rasaka's Fang? - Naruto muttered the title of the scroll.



- Knight Slayer - The Knight Slayer has an elegant and deadly blade that is sharp and elegantly curved, and can always emerge when the user infuses their chakra into the runic seal on the right glove. The blade is made of a mysterious, dark material that glows with an eerie light. It exudes an aura of lethality and precision, making it clear that this is a weapon designed for deadly efficiency. The blade's edge is razor sharp, honed to perfection to cut through trees and even the toughest armor. Its sharpness is emphasized by a faint, glowing outline that suggests supernatural enhancement. The Knight Slayer's hilt is ergonomically designed for a perfect grip, allowing the Uzumaki to wield it with maximum control and agility. It is wrapped in a dark, leather-like material that provides comfort and a non-slip surface during combat. The dagger's guard is minimalist but effective, designed to protect the wielder's hand from slipping on the blade during intense combat. It is elegant and perfectly integrated into the overall design of the weapon, which looks exceptionally different from the usual ninja blade pattern. The blade's runes and engravings are adorned with intricate patterns that glow faintly with the Uzumaki's remaining chakra. These markings are not only decorative, but also serve to enhance the weapon's power and abilities as it has been shown to be extremely capable of cutting through objects seemingly tougher than the blade, indicating that the chakra makes it something more than a simple sharp blade. The runes are ancient and complex, hinting at the mystical origins of the Uzumaki Fanalis Tribe. The Knight Slayer has a dark and menacing aesthetic, reflecting its purpose as a weapon of assassination and precision which makes it very effective in combat, never allowing putrid flesh and blood to remain on the blade.


Classification: Bukijutsu

Special Classification: Fuinjutsu

Class: Dagger

Activation: Chakra Infusion into Right Wrist Glove

Rank: S

Chakra Expenditure: 5.000



Naruto concentrated chakra in his right fist, which contained the fingerless glove, from which the marking began to glow and with a small explosion of smoke, he saw that he was wielding a heavy and very beautiful blade, different from the blades that he had seen his wife Yugao collect and train. So, leaving it under the grass, he returned to the scroll:



- Rasaka's Fang -

Rasaka's Fang stands out due to its sinister and menacing design, reflecting its deadly nature.

The blade is long and curved, resembling a tusk. It has a dark, almost black hue, with a slight shine, indicating its sharpness and quality.

The handle is designed to resemble the body of a serpent, with intricate scales etched into the metal, providing a firm grip.

It is typically dark in color, matching the blade, and sometimes emits a faint, frightening glow. The dagger exudes a menacing aura, fitting for a weapon with poisonous properties. It has a sleek and deadly aesthetic, emphasizing its purpose as a lethal tool in combat by paralyzing its targets in a dangerous environment where deep cuts can result in bleeding to death.


Classification: Bukijutsu

Special Classification: Fuinjutsu

Class: Dagger

Activation: Chakra Infusion into Left Wrist Glove

Rank: S

Chakra Expenditure: 5.000



Naruto concentrated chakra into his left fist, which contained the other fingerless glove, the marking of which began to glow in the same way as the previous one, and with a small explosion of smoke, he saw that he was wielding a heavy and different blade.



- This is awesome! - He said, all euphoric, because when he was young he always wanted to buy ninja equipment like shurikens or kunais, but they were always thrown out of the stores. - Now I have mine.


He felt his chakra resonate with the blades as he stood up and held them together in each hand, feeling the weight of carrying something like that, leaving his wrists slightly sore.

He had little understanding of how such symbols that were said to be something from Fuuinjutsu worked, but one thing was certain. His mother was incredible for carrying something so heavy, and had left him an exceptionally powerful gift to guide him in his ninja career.

Not wanting to disappoint her by not even being able to carry her, he knelt down, placed the blades securely in his lap, and with a hand seal, formed a complete battalion of a thousand shadow clones.



- Very well, just as we have groups focusing on the selected Jutsus, we will all get used to these two, try to lift it and move properly, we need all the experience on how to carry it without hurting ourselves or losing our balance due to its weight. - He dictated in order to the clones who were already standing up with the blades in hand, noticing how they were without any shine without being in hand, when in hand it is as if chakra flowed through their runes, lighting their colors in that mystical and beautiful pattern on them.



{ Current Moment }

== Hokage Office ==

Hiruzen Sarutobi for the first time this year, had a very boring morning, this since Naruto did not go to him for the diplomatic meetings due to his team's test.

He sighed with all the paperwork and intrusive thoughts that aimed to occur to him when he had to constantly stay in his office, without the blond around everything became monotonous without the spontaneity of the Uzumaki around, making the Sandaime Hokage focus only on his Crystal Ball Jutsu, which kept the entire wall of the village under supervision, keeping him alert when those wild creatures get too close to the walls.


He had paid little attention to his advisors sitting on a couch there, in the last decade what were his best friends had changed with the constant danger that fell upon the world at the time that the Kyuubi no Youko scratched the veil of reality, not only causing a catastrophe in the village, but also the opening of what was considered the mystical astral plane that divided the world of the dead with the world of the living, thus appearing hordes of wild creatures devouring human flesh that were always attracted in excess to his village.

It was for this reason that he had created the walls of Konohagakure, just as the other four great nations had created their forts against a common enemy and ended the wars... of course, far from being allies, but the constant war that they were in had simply been interrupted, making it a waste of time when the walking creatures attacked all sides without distinction of civilian or ninja.

They were all just flesh, flesh that walked the world causing its destruction, and the Draugr seemed like nature's answer to end all this corruption. A change of eras, a reason for his best friends to force the position of Sandaime Hokage back on him for the second time, and the reason he was diagnosed with depression for not even having the benefit of the mourning period for his wife murdered by the Nine-Tailed Fox, having to take the reins in the face of the murder of the Yondaime Hokage, general and constant supervision of the village so that no creature would affect his people who had suffered from an attack, having to become this, a shell of what he once was, trapped in a dull office from which he could not even live his life, because if he did, the rest would suffer at the putrid hands of the Draugr.

Of course, his potential as a Nidaime Kami Shinobi was not for nothing, and his presence with the Yamanaka troops allowed for a quick extermination of the beasts, where every now and then something interesting occurred within the village, and it seemed that today was the day when Hiruzen let go of his supervision, with the Yamanaka troops focusing on his place in supervising the Walls of Salvation.



He felt a great charge of Chakra being used, where he broke his window without even caring about the shock of the counselors, he promptly jumped out of the office while using his body flicker to quickly go to training field seven.



[ ... ]

Based on his intrusion into a large tree in the region, Hiruzen was finally able to calculate how much Chakra had been expended in excess since morning, all coming from Naruto's unique signature, who carried two blades, one in each hand, and showed no sign of exhaustion.

Not a drop of sweat when since the beginning of this test he counted that the Uzumaki spent more than 125.000 of his Chakra, and if that were to mean anything, it means that any Chunnin would already be dead from draining the Chakra core, because a skilled and capable Jounnin like Kakashi, who was considered an Elite among the ninjas, his Chakra reserve measured 250.000, and even with the constant and exorbitant drain that that eye caused dramatically in Hatake, that amount of Chakra was not small, an act proven by the presence of three Jounnins watching in surprise at the clash of conflict between Naruto and Kakashi, with their students situated right below the tree.

On one side an Uzumaki using two blades, and on the other a Kakashi with Sharingan exposed and a Kunai bathed in lightning, preventing the mere Kunai from breaking in the face of the legendary blades that Uzumaki Kushina had used in the past.



It seemed like the fight would drag on in an epic battle of skills, but it wasn't meant to be, not when Naruto had only learned to wield these blades a few hours ago without getting hurt, and despite having forced Kakashi to use Raiton to protect himself, he was still an Elite Jounnin against a Gennin who had just graduated from the Ninja Academy.

In this, it was a matter of a cut that the Uzumaki forced to break Kakashi's Kunai. A miserable cut from a very powerful blade that had destroyed the lightning blade and when it collided with the Hatake's chest, it had simply become pure electricity and thus everything had turned against the Uzumaki's body, brutally electrocuting him in what was a Raiton: Kage Bunshin.



[ ... ]

- I won the battle... very good Naruto, you surprised me. - The gray-haired man said, emerging from a Kakuremino no Jutsu, picking up the Uzumaki, taking him to the central area of the training field, which at that moment already had the presence of the Uchiha and Haruno, already awake and tied up, next to the clock's timer beeping that it was noon. - You failed the bell capture test.



Kurenai wanted to run from that tree and help her husband, just as Hinata, Ino and Naruto's best friends were hidden at the base of the tree.



With a touch on the Uzumaki's face, his consciousness was awakened by the chakra being inserted into his head, causing him to gasp in fright as he sat up abruptly, thus seeing his two tied-up colleagues, staring at him with unique looks, and a serious Kakashi with his arms crossed.


- What happened? - Naruto asked, getting up, with his blades falling to the ground, simply disappearing in explosions of smoke.



- You suffered an extreme discharge of electricity, I call it Raiton: Kage Bunshin, congratulations, you forced me to use something that I usually only use against Jounnin-level ninjas. - Kakashi said with some excitement in his voice, making Hiruzen smile slightly at how the White Fang's son was already firmly attached to the Uzumaki, even if he didn't express it much due to the mask. - But tell me, why did you hug those two when you rescued them from those trunks? Weren't they the ones who gave you the beads, imagining passing the test with you being demoted back to the Ninja Academy?



- Ah, well... - Naruto, still a little disoriented, sighed deeply when he looked at his two colleagues, seeing the surprise in their eyes at the idea of Naruto rescuing them, because when they woke up they were trapped here, giving no signs of having been released. - When I use the Shunshin no Jutsu, my speed multiplies by 5 times, I don't know exactly how much that is, because it's not like I have any method to calculate my base speed, but I know that if I just grabbed them by the arm and ran away with the Instant Displacement, I would at least tear their arms apart or break their bodies with the whip effect. - Naruto said about his logical reasoning when faced with such a basic ninja technique, but which was also so dangerous. - They may have made their choice, but that doesn't mean I would be petty enough to hurt them trying to keep them safe from capture, I don't need that weight on my conscience... and also, it's not like I have some kind of Speed Force that vibrates everything I touch in the same tune as my speed, imagine the scene, trying to save them and them dying if I didn't take care of how I carried them, it would be a spectacle, horrible, disgusting and brutal, but still a spectacle.



- So you calculated all this for the safety of your colleagues, even knowing that they would hand you over to me in exchange for the bells? - Kakashi asked finally, finding it brilliant how Naruto changed his personality when he started to explain something that he knew how to do and that he was also seeking his own conclusions while answering.



- Look... if they want to be a bunch of shit, that's their problem. If this were the case here, I would bring them in anyway and both of them would have to face the consequences of their choices. - Naruto said in conclusion. - If we're going to fail this test, at least let's have another chance in a year, but I'm not going back to the Ninja Academy with a reputation as a murderer, the village already has its own personal reasons for me to feel comfortable winning another title of murderer in front of the daughter of one of the civil counselors whose wife practically hates me, and by the last of the Uchihas who would only serve for these shitty people to want to put my head on a stake. - Naruto walked towards the lunch boxes, starving after training so much and with so many clones since 5:00, really wanting to replenish his energy spent with food. - That's right! They've been trying that since I was kicked out of the orphanage. - Naruto laughed sarcastically. - So... listen up, Uchiha, whether you're alive or dead, you have no weight on my conscience.


Naruto started eating as he sat on the grass, only now did he notice the astonished looks on all three of their faces:


- Sorry, that's it. - Naruto said, his mouth smelling of rice and chicken. - I've been starving since morning, I feel kind of weird on an empty stomach... so go ahead, Kakashi-san, fail us already, but I'm going to eat these lunchboxes anyway. - He said, looking at his small lunchbox, where a clone soon appeared and stole the lunchbox from where Sakura and Sasuke were tied up. - I'm going to eat yours too, because you're both fucking virgin eunuchs, so dumb that you can't even use the logical reasoning that geniuses like you like to boast about, but you can't even interpret what the damn test the sensei wanted to put us here for. - Naruto opened the lunchboxes with his clone disappearing. - Damn, Anko-chan has been corrupting me a lot with these new swear words. - He muttered, soon becoming quiet and voraciously commenting on all the lunchboxes. - Hm... really tasty.





-- Jutsus Learned with Kage Bunshin --


Shuriken Kage Bunshin - (Shuriken Shadow Clone)

The jutsu uses the Shadow Clone Technique to create up to a thousand copies from a shuriken in an instant, cornering the opponent with a lethal and difficult to dodge attack. Compared to creating clones from the user's own shadows, cloning objects is much more complex, as it requires an exact understanding of the blade to be cloned. Despite this, it is a practical jutsu, since the person performing it does not need to carry large amounts of weaponry. Since the clones created are real, not illusions, they are all as dangerous as the original.


Classification: Ninjutsu

Class: Bunshinjutsu

Activation: Ox → Dog → Dragon → Rat → Dog → Boar → Snake → Tiger

Range: Short to Medium

Rank: A

Number of Clones: 1 to 1.000

Chakra Expenditure: 10.000


Kage Shuriken no Jutsu- (Shadow Shuriken Jutsu)

The Shadow Shuriken Technique is a high-level Shurikenjutsu technique, although it is simple, where two shuriken, even Fuuma Shuriken, are superimposed on each other and thrown simultaneously. However, depending on how the technique is used, she can prove her absolute efficiency.

The trick is to somehow draw the enemy's attention to the upper shuriken. Then, he has to deal with the unnoticed shuriken that comes from underneath the upper shuriken. However, if the enemy notices both shuriken, the technique ends up losing. all its efficiency.


Naruto increased the technique's effectiveness by disguising himself as one of the Fuuma Shuriken, and in this way, even if the enemy noticed the second shuriken, Naruto was able to attack the opponent from behind.


Classification: Ninjutsu

Class: Shurikenjutsu

Activation: Ox → Dog → Dragon → Rat → Dog → Boar → Snake → Tiger

Range: Medium to Long

Rank: D

Number of Clones: 1

Chakra Expenditure: 100


Henge no Jutsu - (Transformation Jutsu)

The Transformation Technique is an invaluable Ninjutsu, since the ninja missions that are assigned involve battle, information gathering, and other adversities that the battlefield can bring to a ninja's life.

It is generally used to transform into other people, but it also has the ability to transform into animals, plants and even inanimate objects, such as weapons or money, something extremely difficult since there is a need to copy a matter different from its human composition.

This gives this technique a wide range of uses. A skilled shinobi's transformation will be exactly like the intended target, so it is impossible to say which one is which.

On the other hand, the transformation performed by an inexperienced person will have obvious differences and will be predictable, so it will be impossible to deceive anyone.


Classification: Ninjutsu

Class: Supplementary

Activation: Dog → Boar → Goat

Deactivation: Boar → Confrontation → Ram

Range: Low

Rank: E

Chakra Expenditure: 10


Kawarimi no Jutsu - (Substitution Jutsu)

With the Substitution Technique, users replace their own body with some other object within its area of effect, usually a log, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful.

From there, the user can use the enemy's lapse in attention to attack or flee the battlefield.

Some explosive charms can be attached to the replacement for an additional surprise.


It is a basic Ninjutsu taught at the Academy, but it is a useful art that can be applied in many situations.


Classification: Ninjutsu

Special Classification: Basic Jutsu

Class: Supplementary

Activation: Ram → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake

Range: 50 m²

Rank: E

Chakra Expenditure: 750


-- Uzumaki Glove Relics --


- Knight Slayer -

The Knight Slayer has an elegant and deadly blade that is sharp and elegantly curved, and can always emerge when the user infuses their chakra into the runic seal on the right glove. The blade is made of a mysterious, dark material that glows with an eerie light. It exudes an aura of lethality and precision, making it clear that this is a weapon designed for deadly efficiency. The blade's edge is razor sharp, honed to perfection to cut through trees and even the toughest armor. Its sharpness is emphasized by a faint, glowing outline that suggests supernatural enhancement. The Knight Slayer's hilt is ergonomically designed for a perfect grip, allowing the Uzumaki to wield it with maximum control and agility. It is wrapped in a dark, leather-like material that provides comfort and a non-slip surface during combat. The dagger's guard is minimalist but effective, designed to protect the wielder's hand from slipping on the blade during intense combat. It is elegant and perfectly integrated into the overall design of the weapon, which looks exceptionally different from the usual ninja blade pattern. The blade's runes and engravings are adorned with intricate patterns that glow faintly with the Uzumaki's remaining chakra. These markings are not only decorative, but also serve to enhance the weapon's power and abilities as it has been shown to be extremely capable of cutting through objects seemingly tougher than the blade, indicating that the chakra makes it something more than a simple sharp blade. The runes are ancient and complex, hinting at the mystical origins of the Uzumaki Fanalis Tribe. The Knight Slayer has a dark and menacing aesthetic, reflecting its purpose as a weapon of assassination and precision which makes it very effective in combat, never allowing putrid flesh and blood to remain on the blade.


Classification: Bukijutsu

Special Classification: Fuinjutsu

Class: Dagger

Activation: Chakra Infusion into Right Wrist Glove

Rank: S

Chakra Expenditure: 5.000


- Rasaka's Fang -

Rasaka's Fang stands out due to its sinister and menacing design, reflecting its deadly nature.

The blade is long and curved, resembling a tusk. It has a dark, almost black hue, with a slight shine, indicating its sharpness and quality.

The handle is designed to resemble the body of a serpent, with intricate scales etched into the metal, providing a firm grip.

It is typically dark in color, matching the blade, and sometimes emits a faint, frightening glow. The dagger exudes a menacing aura, fitting for a weapon with poisonous properties. It has a sleek and deadly aesthetic, emphasizing its purpose as a lethal tool in combat by paralyzing its targets in a dangerous environment where deep cuts can result in bleeding to death.


Classification: Bukijutsu

Special Classification: Fuinjutsu

Class: Dagger

Activation: Chakra Infusion into Left Wrist Glove

Rank: S

Chakra Expenditure: 5.000