Act 01 - Leaf Gennins Aura.

[ Previously ]

Hiruzen Sarutobi for the first time this year, had a very boring morning, this since Naruto did not go to him for the diplomatic meetings due to his team's test.

He sighed with all the paperwork and intrusive thoughts that aimed to occur to him when he had to constantly stay in his office, without the blond around everything became monotonous without the spontaneity of the Uzumaki around, making the Sandaime Hokage focus only on his Crystal Ball Jutsu, which kept the entire wall of the village under supervision, keeping him alert when those wild creatures get too close to the walls.


He had paid little attention to his advisors sitting on a couch there, in the last decade what were his best friends had changed with the constant danger that fell upon the world at the time that the Kyuubi no Youko scratched the veil of reality, not only causing a catastrophe in the village, but also the opening of what was considered the mystical astral plane that divided the world of the dead with the world of the living, thus appearing hordes of wild creatures devouring human flesh that were always attracted in excess to his village.

It was for this reason that he had created the walls of Konohagakure, just as the other four great nations had created their forts against a common enemy and ended the wars... of course, far from being allies, but the constant war that they were in had simply been interrupted, making it a waste of time when the walking creatures attacked all sides without distinction of civilian or ninja.

They were all just flesh, rotten flesh that walked the world causing its destruction, and the Draugr seemed like nature's answer to end all this corruption. A change of eras, a reason for his best friends to force the position of Sandaime Hokage back on him for the second time, and the reason he was diagnosed with depression for not even having the benefit of the mourning period for his wife murdered by the Nine-Tailed Fox, having to take the reins in the face of the murder of the Yondaime Hokage, general and constant supervision of the village so that no creature would affect his people who had suffered from an attack, having to become this, a shell of what he once was, trapped in a dull office from which he could not even live his life, because if he did, the rest would suffer at the putrid hands of the Draugr.

Of course, his potential as a Nidaime Kami Shinobi was not for nothing, and his presence with the Yamanaka troops allowed for a quick extermination of the beasts, where every now and then something interesting occurred within the village, and it seemed that today was the day when Hiruzen let go of his supervision, with the Yamanaka troops focusing on his place in supervising the Walls of Salvation.



He felt a great charge of Chakra being used, where he broke his window without even caring about the shock of the counselors, he promptly jumped out of the office while using his body flicker to quickly go to training field seven.



[ ... ]

Based on his intrusion into a large tree in the region, Hiruzen was finally able to calculate how much Chakra had been expended in excess since morning, all coming from Naruto's unique signature, who carried two blades, one in each hand, and showed no sign of exhaustion.

Not a drop of sweat when since the beginning of this test he counted that the Uzumaki spent more than 125,000 of his Chakra, and if that were to mean anything, it means that any Chunnin would already be dead from draining the Chakra core, because a skilled and capable Jounnin like Kakashi, who was considered an Elite among the ninjas, his Chakra reserve measured 250.000, and even with the constant and exorbitant drain that that eye caused dramatically in Hatake, that amount of Chakra was not small, an act proven by the presence of three Jounnins watching in surprise at the clash of conflict between Naruto and Kakashi, with their students situated right below the tree.

On one side an Uzumaki using two blades, and on the other a Kakashi with Sharingan exposed and a Kunai bathed in lightning, preventing the mere Kunai from breaking in the face of the legendary blades that Uzumaki Kushina had used in the past.



It seemed like the fight would drag on in an epic battle of skills, but it wasn't meant to be, not when Naruto had only learned to wield these blades a few hours ago without getting hurt, and despite having forced Kakashi to use Raiton to protect himself, he was still an Elite Jounnin against a Gennin who had just graduated from the Ninja Academy.

In this, it was a matter of a cut that the Uzumaki forced to break Kakashi's Kunai. A miserable cut from a very powerful blade that had destroyed the lightning blade and when it collided with the Hatake's chest, it had simply become pure electricity and thus everything had turned against the Uzumaki's body, brutally electrocuting him in what was a Raiton: Kage Bunshin.



[ ... ]

- I won the battle... very good Naruto, you surprised me. - The gray-haired man said, emerging from a Kakuremino no Jutsu, picking up the Uzumaki, taking him to the central area of the training field, which at that moment already had the presence of the Uchiha and Haruno, already awake and tied up, next to the clock's timer beeping that it was noon. - You failed the bell capture test.



Kurenai wanted to run from that tree and help her husband, just as Hinata, Ino and Naruto's best friends were hidden at the base of the tree.



With a touch on the Uzumaki's face, his consciousness was awakened by the chakra being inserted into his head, causing him to gasp in fright as he sat up abruptly, thus seeing his two tied-up colleagues, staring at him with unique looks, and a serious Kakashi with his arms crossed.


- What happened? - Naruto asked, getting up, with his blades falling to the ground, simply disappearing in explosions of smoke.



- You suffered an extreme discharge of electricity, I call it Raiton: Kage Bunshin, congratulations, you forced me to use something that I usually only use against Jounnin-level ninjas. - Kakashi said with some excitement in his voice, making Hiruzen smile slightly at how the White Fang's son was already firmly attached to the Uzumaki, even if he didn't express it much due to the mask. - But tell me, why did you hug those two when you rescued them from those trunks? Weren't they the ones who gave you the beads, imagining passing the test with you being demoted back to the Ninja Academy?



- Ah, well... - Naruto, still a little disoriented, sighed deeply when he looked at his two colleagues, seeing the surprise in their eyes at the idea of Naruto rescuing them, because when they woke up they were trapped here, giving no signs of having been released. - When I use the Shunshin no Jutsu, my speed multiplies by 5 times, I don't know exactly how much that is, because it's not like I have any method to calculate my base speed, but I know that if I just grabbed them by the arm and ran away with the Instant Displacement, I would at least tear their arms apart or break their bodies with the whip effect. - Naruto said about his logical reasoning when faced with such a basic ninja technique, but which was also so dangerous. - They may have made their choice, but that doesn't mean I would be petty enough to hurt them trying to keep them safe from capture, I don't need that weight on my conscience... and also, it's not like I have some kind of Speed Force that vibrates everything I touch in the same tune as my speed, imagine the scene, trying to save them and them dying if I didn't take care of how I carried them, it would be a spectacle, horrible, disgusting and brutal, but still a spectacle.



- So you calculated all this for the safety of your colleagues, even knowing that they would hand you over to me in exchange for the bells? - Kakashi asked finally, finding it brilliant how Naruto changed his personality when he started to explain something that he knew how to do and that he was also seeking his own conclusions while answering.



- Look... if they want to be a bunch of shit, that's their problem. If this were the case here, I would bring them in anyway and both of them would have to face the consequences of their choices. - Naruto said in conclusion. - If we're going to fail this test, at least let's have another chance in a year, but I'm not going back to the Ninja Academy with a reputation as a murderer, the village already has its own personal reasons for me to feel comfortable winning another title of murderer in front of the daughter of one of the civil counselors whose wife practically hates me, and by the last of the Uchihas who would only serve for these shitty people to want to put my head on a stake. - Naruto walked towards the lunch boxes, starving after training so much and with so many clones since 5:00, really wanting to replenish his energy spent with food. - That's right! They've been trying that since I was kicked out of the orphanage. - Naruto laughed sarcastically. - So... listen up, Uchiha, whether you're alive or dead, you have no weight on my conscience.


Naruto started eating as he sat on the grass, only now did he notice the astonished looks on all three of their faces:


- Sorry, that's it. - Naruto said, his mouth smelling of rice and chicken. - I've been starving since morning, I feel kind of weird on an empty stomach... so go ahead, Kakashi-san, fail us already, but I'm going to eat these lunchboxes anyway. - He said, looking at his small lunchbox, where a clone soon appeared and stole the lunchbox from where Sakura and Sasuke were tied up. - I'm going to eat yours too, because you're both fucking virgin eunuchs, so dumb that you can't even use the logical reasoning that geniuses like you like to boast about, but you can't even interpret what the damn test the sensei wanted to put us here for. - Naruto opened the lunchboxes with his clone disappearing. - Damn, Anko-chan has been corrupting me a lot with these new swear words. - He muttered, soon becoming quiet and voraciously commenting on all the lunchboxes. - Hm... really tasty.

[ At the moment ]

[ First Arc: The Awakening ]

== Konohagakure no Sato ==

Kakashi, who watched Naruto devour the three lunchboxes, felt his plan to make them stay trapped there until someone fed the other be thrown down the drain, nothing beats a hungry Uzumaki, and with the look on Naruto's face when he had finished the lunchbox, Kakashi laughed as he handed over his lunchbox and gave the boy a quick caress of his hair, seeing there how even with such drastic changes in the awakening of these bloodlines, it was still the boy he had been protecting whenever he was not working in the ANBU.


Well, the normal test would be to give this general shock, and then force companionship on them, but apparently Naruto did this when he saw how silent the other two prisoners were in the face of everything they heard. Naruto's way of speaking was a bit drastic, really showing that Anko's presence as his wife was corrupting him, but he acted like a ninja when rescuing his companions and aiming for their safety, when he could have forced a very quick escape, hurting them in the process, and if that meant anything, it was positive given the short round of applause coming from a little distance away, attracting everyone's attention.



- Very good! I had to come here to check what all this massive amount of Chakra being spent one after the other was... - Hiruzen said laughing as he approached them. - Let's face it, Kakashi-kun, you were caught off guard when you saw a Gennin use half the amount of your Chakra without even breaking a sweat.



- Hnpf... - Kakashi snorted when he saw Gai, Kurenai and Asuma coming down from the trees, with their teams further away, clearly showing how he already had his best friend's teams and probably the team that his other two friends had just promoted in their tests. - After arriving late from my last mission, to finally retire from ANBU last night, I arrived here at dawn to set some traps, and look... this guy spent way more Chakra than half of what I have. - Kakashi said to Naruto's surprise as he was eating his lunch box, not knowing that his sensei had been there since that hour, when he arrived late to take the test.



- Sandaime-sama! - Kurenai said with a bow, only for him to calmly wave his hand as a sign that she didn't need to pay so much attention to him, but rather to her husband who was already getting up and looking for more food. - Take care of Naruto... we'll give everything an hour to calm down, because I know that both your team are hungry, and Lord Uzumaki is almost dying of hunger after training so much and spending his Chakra - The village leader explained as he circled the Uzumaki's body and liked how the cloak he had custom-made fit the newly-minted clan leader of the Hidden Leaf Village.



- Dobe has more chakra than me, impossible? - Sasuke cursed, trying to free himself.



- That's true, Sasuke-kun. - Sakura laughed passionately.



- Yeah, Naruto, fuck... no Lord Uzumaki - Naruto cursed when the dizziness hit him from hunger, and he almost fell, being held by Kakashi, who carefully supported him. - And you, you little shits... you better think carefully about how to talk to me, I'm already tired of having to beat up that damn villager. - Naruto came face to face with the Uchiha. - I don't need any more trouble with the daughter of the civilian who hates me the most in this village, for no apparent logical reason... anyway, goodbye, I hope I never see you again, or you can know that I'll use Anko-chan's ropes and whip you just for being a bunch of shitty little children. - Naruto laughed when Kurenai pulled him by the ear towards her students, with a shy Hyuuga with active Byakugan staring at Naruto.



- What do you say? - Hiruzen asked with euphoria like a Gennin on his first real mission. - Any variation of what we know about his Kekkei Genkai for what he was able to do?



- Although Onigan barely uses chakra to stay active, and causes an incredible multiplication of his physical base, Naruto did not explore this Doujutsu. I believe he continues to get used to improving Tenshi no Karada, because his Shunshin is great, but he drags his feet a little when it comes to stopping, giving the impression that he does not risk using it with Onigan active, which could cause more damage than benefits. - Kakashi cited everything he saw from Uzumaki's training this morning. - Naruto is more interested in the Nidaime Hokage's Kinjutsu. - He continued, ignoring the surprise of both Gennin still tied up. - He used the art of cloning himself proficiently, and not only that, he quickly realized or had already been theorizing that shadow cloning acquires experiences back into the body.



- Why do you say that? I am capable of performing Nidaime-sama's Kage Bunshin and I know from experience that overusing it with too many clones is a curse that can completely exhaust one's Chakra.



- Yeah... and I copied that Kinjutsu with my Sharingan too. - Kakashi said smiling. - And I can say that given everything I copied and analyzed, the idea of creating several clones to sleep while others train had not crossed my mind... but Naruto thought of it, Naruto not only used clones to train, he used clones to sleep and replenish that massive physical exhaustion, he also used another clone to meditate and be dispersed in a method of waking up the original, all this from 05:00 to 07:45, obtaining mastery of four Jutsus.


- The Shuriken Kage Bunshin - (Shuriken Shadow Clone), I saw a squad of clones debating how they need to learn and master this, since the villagers never allowed him to buy ninja tools, so he would physically clone all the ones he got from the Ninjas he beat when they attacked him in the past, stealing their ninja tools as historical reparation spoils against him. - Kakashi laughed at that. - Trust me, he's much more sadistic than he appears to be with that playful smile.


- The Henge no Jutsu - (Transformation Jutsu), I heard another squad of clones debating how they need to learn to master the Henge no Jutsu, which uses a minimum amount of chakra, of which even having developed his erotic transformation that uses more chakra and is physical, he saw how trying to control little chakra becomes a great chakra control skill... - Kakashi said releasing Sasuke from the trunk he was trapped in. - He created his own path of chakra control before even knowing that the Jutsu of walking on water or climbing walls exists.


- The Kawarimi no Jutsu - (Substitution Jutsu), I saw with my own eyes Naruto all euphoric earlier when he discovered how he was able to replace his position with any object that was within a range of 50 m². - Kakashi said, releasing Sakura from the trunk she was trapped in. - And in a short period of time he developed a ninja tactic to learn my fighting style using the substitution used in support of the instantaneous displacement that was massively capable of pressuring me into using a variant of the Shadow Clones, he called it Multi Shadow Clones, managing to surpass the limit established by the Nidaime Hokage of creating 1.000 clones. - Kakashi said, retrieving the test timing watch, putting it away. - If before I was surprised by him getting around the exhaustion of using the clones, he also used the experience of the clones' death to massively learn my fighting style, getting used to the blows and thus avoiding ending up like his clones did. I avoided as much as possible causing any blow that could cause trauma due to feelings of murder, but he didn't know that, and he knew how to deal with it.


- The Kage Shuriken no Jutsu - (Shadow Shuriken Jutsu), if he allows me to call it that, of course, was something I saw him develop using two Fuuma-Shuriken, in reality, just one... but the second one was him using the Henge, in a final attempt to hit me, and he actually hit me. - Kakashi showed the sleeve of his torn clothes, with a thin cut there.


- The blades that brought so much fame to the bloodthirsty Scarlet Habanero, are still not as effective as shown by his lack of technique with Bukijutsu, but it was incredible to see that for the first time he picked up heavy swords, he knew how to manage it when he used Kage Bunshin to get used to the weight and balance of using them, thus even managing to break my Raikiri no Kunai - (Lightning Cutting Kunai) with the pure brute force and mystical aspects of those blades.



- His elemental arts without hand seals make him even more unpredictable, but I didn't see him very adept at focusing on using it, he only used his Onigan once to cause explosions with that Taiyõ no Tama - (Solar Spheres), but that was a strategy to distract me while he tried to copy his Ninjutsu with the Sharingan, of which I barely noticed two of his clones disappearing in an extremely fast Shunshin of the active Onigan, going directly towards Sakura and Sasuke. - Kakashi said respectively to the two who were watching the report. - I could only notice the Shunshin of the clones going at such a great speed, due to the fact that he had no control over that speed with the Onigan multiplying his base state, thus causing a very loud noise of momentum and drag amidst the explosions.


- In my opinion, with my retirement from ANBU, I would like to have him as part of my team immediately because he didn't fight with me all this time to prove himself special, but rather to try to distract me while I went to the two of them there, looking for teamwork, that even though they denied the idea of Naruto-kun having unraveled the prank, he still tried to rescue them, and mainly worried about gently taking care of them so that they wouldn't get hurt in that whip effect of Shunshin... - Hatake finished before the silence of the two youngest, from whom they saw how everything gradually connected in what Naruto said. - It wasn't perfect and Anko's presence has really influenced his sadistic side to gradually predominate in this maturity of a repeating teenager older than his peers, finally fitting in with a sarcastic and even perverted personality, the intention was to please me... as for those two, I don't know what to really exemplify.



- Why do you say that about these two? - Hiruzen asked, looking at them, making both Gennin freeze before the powerful presence that the Sandaime exuded.



- Haruno Sakura: Perfect Chakra control with medium reserve, great potential in Genjutsus and perfect for supporting a team. - Kakashi quoted what he saw in the girl. - She has great potential, but she lets her blind passion for the Uchiha subdue her thoughts and strategies in order to show herself to him, thus cutting off her strategies and critical thinking in battle.


- Uchiha Sasuke: Remaining member of the Uchiha clan with average Chakra reserve, advanced martial Taijutsu of his clan, good mastery with Fire Release. - Kakashi quoted remembering the confrontation. - His fire breath ineffective in the face of his dizziness in not concentrating on the Jutsu, losing his breath in the process, unable to follow the logic of his critical thinking when confronted with arguments from someone he considers inferior, even the facts proving otherwise, and inflated ego in the face of his dying lineage, faithfully believing himself to be an Elite of Konoha when he has not even awakened his Sharingan yet.


- Both with potential that can be worked on and that could graduate as Gennins with any other instructor, but with me, for me the matter is different, without teamwork they will end up dead when they leave the Walls of Salvation, neither of them accepted to listen to someone they considered inferior, despising him until the end, where they were captured and held hostage, having to be rescued by the so-called dead weight that should be demoted back to the Ninja Academy.


- In my opinion, it would be an extremely better team with just me and Naruto, and we could even be the most powerful team in the village, but these two... I don't see any hope that they will become a formidable team with Naruto, not as long as they continue to belittle him and label him as scum due to the policy of hate that the villagers have preached against Naruto since he was born.



- I see... - Hiruzen murmured thoughtfully. - So you really only want Naruto on your team, I'm not saying I agree, but there's nothing I can do about the decision of a sensei's test.



- Hey! What about us? - Sasuke questioned in a highly disrespectful manner towards the highest authority of the village, who only laughed at this.



- I thought better of it, and decided that I won't send them back to the academy - Kakashi said seeing Sasuke and Sakura's relieved expressions, and then added. - I'm going to recommend that they be eliminated from the shinobi program permanently.



- WHAT'S UP? - Sakura screamed in astonishment. Sasuke, finding strength from who knows where, broke the rope and went for Kakashi, who easily immobilized him. - But why do you approve of Naruto who didn't defeat you, and not us?



- The answer is simple. Naruto was able to see between the lines that you didn't. You, Sakura, were told that the goal was teamwork, but you only cared about Sasuke, and left Naruto aside.


- You, Sasuke, think the world revolves around you, and ignored both of your partners. Naruto understood the objective immediately, and even warned them about it, but you left him aside, because you thought you were better than him.



- But the objective of the test was teamwork, and Naruto took the bells alone and gave them to us. - Sakura argued, to everyone's surprise. - I mean, we can have our differences, but in the end, the look he gave us made it clear that if this was a mission, he would be the distraction and we would hide the object, look here... it's right in my pocket.



- What? - Kakashi asked, not understanding a damn thing, touching his waist and widening his eyes when he didn't feel the presence of the rope with the bells.



Hiruzen, who approached and took the protruding object from her pockets, turned around when Kakashi was surprised and looked at the Uchiha who on the floor also showed that he had a bell.



- Dobe distracted you by pretending to almost faint, stole the bells when you supported him and hid them in our hands when he pretended to threaten us. - Sasuke said reluctantly. - He's already failed the Ninja Academy three times and doesn't seem to care much about the consequences, but he made it clear that if we at least had a chance, we would graduate and never come near him again.



- "A Ninja breaks the rules, he's like trash..., but it's much worse for someone who abandons his friends." - Kakashi thought as he remembered his tragic past.



- What a son of a bitch... damn, I was fooled! - Kakashi cursed under Hiruzen's laughter, when even he fell for that Uzumaki being disoriented, but damn... he's an Uzumaki, it's quite possible for him to continue training and spending chakra for another whole day, before finally feeling exhausted or unable to stand.



- Look, hypothetically in the case that occurred here, on a mission, if that happened! Naruto would be dead or at least captured, you would have returned to the village with the object of the mission, but at the expense of a colleague... - Kakashi explained the obvious. - And Naruto tried at all times to warn you, work as a team, take care of you so that you wouldn't get hurt and still have a chance to be promoted... a Gennin promotion requires a team composed of a Jounnin and three Gennin, Naruto showed the ability to pass my tests and even paved the way for you two to be accepted...



- Consider yourselves lucky, because in my entire ninja career, I've only seen one person go against the rules to try to help a fellow ninja... and that was the White Fang of Konoha, may Kami rest his soul, he was one of the most brilliant shinobi I've ever seen growing up in the same generation as the Legendary Sannins and our village didn't know how to value his kindness and intellect. - Hiruzen said, seeing Kakashi clench his fists slightly.



- You better improve your teamwork from today onwards, you're the first team I approve of. - Kakashi said sighing as he saw the bright eyes of the two, having to remember that even though they graduated, they were still children, even if one had suffered a serious trauma, it still wasn't the end of the world, because there was someone left to take care of him. - Go home and rest, because team seven starts their first mission tomorrow... and come to your senses soon as Naruto said, now that you're Gennin and you'll have to distinguish why the villagers hate Naruto like he was a plague and the ninjas adore him as if his existence was a true blessing.



[ ... ]

== Hokage Office ==

Hours after separating from his first admitted team, Kakashi found himself in the Hokage's office, with Kurenai, Asuma, some other Jounnin extras, and Gai, who had already had a team for about a year, but who had watched from the front row the best Jounnin Vs Gennin confrontation in a long time.


Kakashi, on the other hand, kept his eyes on his Icha-Icha, a way for him to divert his boredom, but every now and then, he still felt the tremendous effects of just using his Sharingan vision, while hidden, this eye did not drain him at all, but when exposed it is as if the abilities remained active automatically, always seeking to copy what he looks at and never giving Hatake a period of rest.


Asuma kept a frown, and every now and then he looked at Kurenai, who remained indifferent to him and paid attention to the other Jounnins, who reported the tests done with the new Gennin teams. So far, only failures had been reported, making it clear that for the majority of the Ninja Academy's results were very different from the field tests.



- Your turn, Asuma. - The Sandaime asked, after the end of the report of one of the Jounnins who had made clear his dissatisfaction with how the civilian instructors being inserted into the Ninja Academy were not working, the only ones who actively prostrated themselves teaching well were Mizuki and Iruka, and look where things got when they discovered that Mizuki had become an accomplice of the Snake Sannin, being an intermediary exposing information about the new generation of ninjas, but compared to the light of villagers that the civilian council sought to integrate into the academy, that was already too much due to the incompetence shown.



- I will be in charge of team ten, a strategic team based on the famous Ino-Shika-Cho team, composed of the former leaders of the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi clans, whose heirs now carry the weight of their legacy.


- Yamanaka Ino: She is lively and outgoing, and to a certain extent, frivolous about her physical beauty and care that interferes a little with her aptitude as a ninja... but she knows when to take things seriously. She has excellent control over her clan's Jutsus, and great chakra control, which makes her a potential Iryo-nin. - Asuma said something that noticed she was adept, but without proper instruction he didn't see much future in it. - She also has a vast knowledge of plants from common to medicinal, her Taijutsu is quite limited, being one of the areas to be worked with her, but she compensates for it by the fact that she is a natural Kanchi Taipu, an act demonstrated in today's test, when all morning during the test she remained tense, only calming down when we arrived at Training Field 7, discovering that throughout the morning she felt the exorbitant Chakra expenditure that Uzumaki Naruto performed, leaving her relieved that this was not putting him at risk, and yes that everything was intentional on his part in his own test as a Gennin.


- Nara Shikamaru: He is lazy, unmotivated and somewhat careless. But he has a high IQ, being able to calculate up to two hundred moves ahead against his enemies. His variety of Jutsus of his clan is great, but his stamina is weak to the point of not being able to keep it active for more than five minutes, his amount of chakra is considerably low, which can be detrimental in long battles. - Asuma said this both because the boy's laziness keeps him somewhat sedentary and without the energy to do anything above the speed of a simple walk. - My focus with him is to instruct him in varied ninja arts, so that he becomes unpredictable in the act of not focusing only on controlling the shadows, thus exploring manipulations of Chakra control to expand his reserves.


- Akimichi Chouji: He is a compulsive glutton addicted to snacks, he does not share his best friend's laziness. He is determined and proactive, and has a lot of brute strength, especially when irritated by being called fat, showing a physical strength equivalent to blows that weigh 100 kg. - He explained to the surprise of the other Jounnins, who never thought the boy had muscles under the fat. - He has great control of his clan's Jutsus, a regular chakra control of average size and a clumsy Taijutsu that becomes effective only by force, his gentle personality is what hides his potential, which can lead the enemy to underestimate him.


- These three have excellent teamwork due to the fact that two of them are best friends and the girl has a friendly relationship through her parents, and they passed my test for promotion as new Gennins of the Hidden Leaf Village in the year 1618.



- Great, really great... I'm counting on Team 10 to bring the potential of Ino-Shika-Cho to another generation of our village. - The Sandaime said, making some notes without even looking at the sheet. - Now you, my dear. - Sarutobi continued to the brunette with red eyes.



- I'm in charge of team eight, a search and tracking team. In short, it has no connection to past tendencies like Asuma's Ino-Shika-Cho team, but the trio's personality allows them to work well together in terms of tracking and improvising in terms of dictation.


- Inuzuka Kiba: he is impulsive and somewhat of a fool due to his best friend being none other than his dog Akamaru, who has an absurd synchrony of man and dog, making both excellent trackers based on having the notion of my hiding place during the entire test period. - Kurenai said as she remembered how his dog always barked wherever she changed location, as if the boy himself could understand him from some hidden method of his clan. - Your Taijutsu is great and your knowledge of your clan's Jutsus is formidable. If you learn to be calm, whether through meditation or similar functions that give you the ability to stay focused on your duties, you will be able to become a great shinobi and even a great source of power in your clan.


- Aburame Shino: He is withdrawn and reserved, however, he works well in a team and has a strong sense of leadership. He is very good at controlling his insects and has good control over his clan's Jutsus. He will make a formidable leader, as he has shown in his ambition to explore each stage of Ninja Rank promotions, until the day he proves himself capable of taking the mantle of Lord Aburame. - Kurenai said, liking how intelligent the boy is and how great a communicator he is when he manages to open up to people. - His only area to be focused on and well-instructed in the short term is the Art of Taijutsu, in which, although he is a ranged fighter, he will need good training in personal physical defense, so as not to be caught off guard in cases of facing a superior opponent.


- Hyuuga Hinata: She has a clear aversion to violence, and her gentle personality and low self-esteem undermine her Gentle Fist ability. However, it is possible to observe that she has high potential when she activates her Byakugan, making her more confident and spontaneous. I don't know if this reflects some hidden ability, or the fact that it is noticeable that her physical strength and resistance multiply when she activates her clan's Doujutsu. - Kurenai said, remembering how the girl did not deactivate the Doujutsu until she felt that the test was really over, showing exhaustion next to her fiancé in the restaurant. - With the right stimulus and training adaptation in this resistance and habit to keep the Doujutsu active for long periods, she can become one of the most powerful Kunoichis in the Hidden Leaf Village in this generation. There are many issues to be addressed among her, be it Taijutsu that could be addressed in foreign techniques compared to those of the Hyuugas, Genjutsu in a case of not being caught off guard, and mainly, Ninjutsu and elemental arts, in which are her most important affinities to be instructed that unfortunately her clan avoids in order to keep their tendencies pure and within the Hyuuga limits, which I will take the liberty of exploring with her now that she is in the process of changing clan, being possible that in a decade we will have a Hyuuga fully trained and adept at Multi functions and ability, perhaps even an evolution of her Doujutsu, which unlike the Sharingan, has always shown itself to have only a single phase, leaving the doubt as to whether the Byakugan is really at this level, or that it needs an adequate external impulse.



Kurenai took a short pause to breathe, and then continued:


- Their teamwork is great, they managed to finish my test in a very short time and with such mastery that I even suspected that the trio had already interacted before, but that wasn't the case, they just got along well... and because of that, Team 8 passed my test for promotion as new Gennins of the Hidden Leaf Village in the year 1618.



- Very good! - The Sandaime went back to taking notes with a smile on his face. - Now the cherry on the cake. You can start, Kakashi. - He asked, seeing the Jounnin close the book and put it away in his shuriken pouch.



Many Jounnins who did not watch the test wanted to know about the remaining Uchiha, little did they know that things were changing, and with a smile imperceptible to the others, the gray-haired man finally began:


- I'm responsible for team seven, direct combat and escort type.


- At first, I can't say that I consider them a team, nor that I'm satisfied with instructing the trio, in my opinion, it would be much more proactive to train only one of them and send the remaining two back to the academy so that they could receive legible instruction on teamwork and the errors of arrogance and individuality in the shinobi art.



Many of the villagers who worked at the Ninja Academy and were watching their students' training smiled excitedly at all of this, truly believing that the gray-haired man was referring to the Uchiha as the team's only hope, but little did they know that they were very wrong, the bombshell coming right away:


- Uchiha Sasuke: He is arrogant and arrogant, but has adequate skills. His Taijutsu is considerably good in the Uchiha martial art, although it was created to be used with the Sharingan, they were still good moves presented. - Kakashi said remembering the exchange of blows, and really if he went to the Ninja Academy, the boy would stand out. - His Chakra control is average, he has good Ninjutsu and is capable of using the Fire Style, but his high ego prevents him from exploring the potential of Jutsus of this element, when he loses his breath and even runs the risk of choking on the flames, as well as from working as a team, as he considers everyone inferior to the Uchiha Elite.


- In the midst of a moment of decision, in which he could choose to work as a team knowing that he would have no chance against a Jounnin, he let his ego speak louder and acted impulsively, being easily captured and weakened in combat.


- His anger, even though it was the key to awakening his Sharingan in childhood, as confirmed by the doctors and the boy's mother, is not the key to controlling it, as he does not even have any idea of how to activate the Doujutsu.


- Haruno Sakura: I didn't even get to evaluate her shinobi skills, since the only thing she did was faint. Despite her high intellect, chakra control and great perception and proactivity in the field of Genjutsu, she can't even recognize one while she aims to be lost in her obsessive passion for Sasuke, which prevents her from working with the remaining member of the team.


- She went through the same situation as Uchiha Sasuke, in which she could work as a team with her partner, but let her futile thoughts and prejudice from her family cloud her thoughts. When the right thing to do was to know how to divide her personal side with her professional side.



Kakashi, who was about to continue, was promptly stopped by a villager extra who was outraged by everything he had said:


- Wait a minute, Kakashi-san... you're not going to tell me that the dead weight we failed three times was your choice as the sole member of a team?



- That's right! He's the one who carries the damned demonic fox inside him... Wouldn't it be better to train the Uchiha boy so that his Sharingan can control the uncontrolled fox when the boy finally turns against us? - Another villager said in agreement with the rest, with only Iruka sighing at that.



Listening to everything, Hiruzen had to suppress his killing intent which he aimed at the walls of the office cracking and the glass shattering.


- Hokage-sama, am I reporting to you, or should I now start sucking the balls of pathetic, shitty villagers just to please fucking Danzō and his advisors who are only where they are because they are your best friends? - Kakashi said, to the laughter of Kurenai, Asuma and Gai. - With all due respect, of course..., but if that's why I retired from ANBU, then I'll tear up my retirement myself and go back to doing something worthwhile.


- You can continue, Kakashi-san... - Hiruzen faked a cough to cover the smile on his face, amidst the indignation of the villagers, that Hiruzen might not be the most present in situations due to his responsibility against the Draugr, but it seemed that something was wrong there, only clan heirs were being qualified as Ninja, and an Academy class had many students.



- Uzumaki Naruto: definitely the greatest proof that the results in the academy and those on the field are completely different. His Taijutsu does not have a defined style. In fact, it is just a sequence of random punches and kicks, but combined with his synchronization with the Nidaime Hokage's Kinjutsu in shadow cloning, along with a proficiency in Shunshin, Kawarini and Kakuremino, he showed me an incredible continuous ability to assimilate and adapt to combat.


- His chakra control is something that I couldn't get a clear view of whether it's minimal, medium or advanced, but the immensity of his reserves makes up for all of that when he spent about half of what I have in Chakra, barely sweating in combat.


- He managed to perform an elementary technique without hand seals due to his Kekkei Genkai, along with the fact that he understood the trick that is the Gennin promotion test in working as a team, seeking the support of his colleagues, and even being denied as an outcast, he still rescued them from my hands, taking the greatest care in the world not to hurt them in the escape process.


- Of the three, Naruto is the one most willing to work as a team, with the other two denying his request and understanding that the bell test was for teamwork, rather than individualism, with each one obtaining their bell and discarding the last member.


- I can say that I had the idea for Naruto and I to form a rare team of just two members, while Sasuke and Sakura repeated in order to improve their individualities and petty selfishness. However, even in the end, Naruto managed to trick me and handed over the two bells he had obtained. A clear action that even on a mission, he would choose the lives of his companions over completing the mission, while he himself serves as a distraction in combat. - Kakashi was thoughtful for a moment. - I still don't understand if this was a noble and good decision that will make the team a better team, or a humiliation to the ego of those two who may come to resent it even more, believing that Naruto did everything out of pity, due to the fact that he really has a sharp tongue and is starting to be very sarcastic, showing his real age than everyone thinks he is only 13 years old, being clear that he is already 16 because he is a triple repeater of the last year of the Ninja Academy, having met the last three batches of shinobi and kunoichi formed and who already fit into the formations from Chunnin to Jounnin.


- Anyway, I'm the current retired ANBU and in charge of Team 7, with Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto as Gennin entities of the ninja formation of the Hidden Leaf Village in the year 1618.



- Hmm, interesting. - Hiruzen took a puff on his pipe, with the last revelation finally serving to stamp the trio's promotion. - Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma and Gai... you stay, the others can go. - Ordered the Hokage, with the consent of everyone else. - You, dear counselors... can also leave. I said everyone and that's it. - Hiruzen finished seriously with them leaving reluctantly, but he already knew that soon his old friends would return with some silly subject in mind, as they had always been meddling.



[ ... ]

In Konoha Square, teams eight and ten were gathered, talking about their tests. Hinata and Ino were talking separately, further away, Naruto, who hadn't talked to them, was laughing with a boy in a green jumpsuit and another Hyuuga with a bored face, probably some old classmate from when Naruto started at the Ninja Academy before them, Shino, Shikamaru and Chouji listened boredly to Kiba talking and could only see how he really never changed:


- Dude, no big deal, Kurenai-sensei is the hottest babe. Wow, those eyes of hers, man, her eyes look like two strawberries they're so red. And that mouth, imagine giving a kiss to that delicious mouth - While Kiba drooled over Kurenai, his three listeners saw something. He immediately started gesturing to the Inuzuka, signaling for him to stop talking, but the boy, excited, continued. - And those breasts, they're not even that big, but I bet they fit in my hand just fine - He found it strange when the three stopped gesturing and looked at him with pity.


- Hey, why did you stop, right when I was going to tell you the best part, no, because that ass of hers is out of this world, and... - At that moment he felt a tight touch on his shoulders. He swallowed hard, and asked. - Naruto is right behind me, isn't he?



- Yes! He is... how did you guess, cutie? - The blond said as he held both of the Uzumaki's shoulders in a massage gesture, but it looked more like torture due to the Inuzuka's reaction. Then he placed his right hand on the Inuzuka's shoulder and lightly stroked the dog on Kiba's head. - You know, Akamaru, you should tell your owner to respect my wife, who is also his sensei... or you might need another owner soon. - The blond said as an icy vapor appeared in the place where Kiba was touching, with the area seeming to start freezing while he saw the boy tremble and the puppy bark, agreeing with him. - Watch out, kid, you don't want me to start talking about your hot sister, do you?



- Naruto-kun! - It was Ino and Hinata, who finally approached when they saw their fiancé say goodbye to the team of those two guys in green jumpsuits.


- Hey! - He hugged them both, as if they hadn't done that in a long time. - How were your tests?



- It wasn't that hard. We just had to trap Sensei, and with that lazy Shikamaru coming up with a plan, we did it really quickly. - Ino replied, snuggling into his embrace.



- Despite being lazy, Shikamaru is very intelligent, he was the one who cheated on my theoretical tests at the Ninja Academy - Naruto said almost in reverence, with Nara snorting awkwardly, going to Chouji who was already eating all the meat. - And your Hinata? Tell me you managed to keep the Byakugan active for a while.


- A-a little over four hours. - Hinata said, snuggling up to him, who had been taking care of her since New Year's Eve. - We had to locate some scrolls containing some important messages. And since the entire team has tracking skills, we located him quickly. - The brunette with a slightly mature body for her age, which was hidden by her thick jackets, forced herself to speak to him, looking him directly in the eyes, something that was helping her a lot with her shyness.



- Congratulations, I still can't control my speed when I activate Onigan... and it seems that each test was made to test teamwork, just based on the specific type of team they want to form... - The blond commented, receiving questioning looks from everyone there.


- Like, your team, Ino-chan, is a strategic team. In other words, your skills are used to create battle plans, traps, and ambushes.


- Your team, Hinata-chan, is a search and reconnaissance team, it can be used to locate something or someone somewhere, as well as to scour the battlefield, identifying the number and types of enemies we will face.


- And mine would be classified as combat and escort, and we would be sent on missions to escort important people and missions where there would be direct combat with the target. - Naruto said thoughtfully. - Each test served not only to evaluate teamwork, but also the individual skills that each Jounnin would have to focus on each one.



- Not bad, Naruto - Shikamaru said with a short smile. - Looks like you're finally starting to use your head.


- But it went wrong, right... I won't have you to cheat on me anymore when I return to the Ninja Academy. - The blond grumbled sullenly, seeing his friends get slightly discouraged, because his team really didn't do well at all. And at that moment he felt two delicate hands cover his eyes.



- If you don't guess who it is, you'll be chopped up. - He couldn't help but recognize the voice, especially after talking to her team and herself just a few minutes ago.



- Well, with a motivation like that I even wanted to make fun and call another woman's name. - Naruto made a dramatic pause. - But maybe it could be a brunette girl with slight sadistic tendencies, chocolate-colored hair, eyes that look like two chocolates and whose name is Tenten. Did I get it right?



- Very good. - She said, uncovering his eyes and giving him a quick kiss. - Our team was given a day off after training today.



- Who the fuck is that, Naruto? - The most active blonde in the relationship asked a little jealously in a funny way.



- True, right? You don't know each other yet. Well, Ino-chan, Hinata-chan, this is Mitsashi Tenten, she's also my fiancée. Ten-chan, these are Yamanaka Ino and Hyuuga Hinata. Just like you, they're also my fiancées. - Naruto said only now noticing how finally all three fiancées were together, unlike the wives who got together because of the connection they already had with Kurenai. - These are Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji, two of my best friends and Ino-chan's partners, and those are Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino, they're also my best friends and Hinata-chan's partners.



- It's a pleasure to meet you all. - The girl bowed slightly, greeting all those who were younger than her.



- The pleasure is ours, Tenten-chan. - Ino replied smiling, speaking for everyone, and then she remembered something. - By the way, how was your test, Naruto-kun? We only caught the part where you were using those swords and then fell and got electrocuted.



- It was more or less. Our test was to get some bells from Kakashi-sensei... but nothing more to comment on. - Naruto explained as he stole some meat from Chouji's plate, under his glare. - Let's eat, guys.



- No need to hide it, Naruto. - It was Sakura, who was approaching with Sasuke. - I know I was completely useless during the test. - She said with the Uchiha leaning against the wall.



- What do you mean, Sakura-san? - Hinata asked, because she had only really arrived at the end of the test, and her fiancé was a bit stressed with all that hunger, not that it was different now when he ate and accepted the meat that Tenten offered in his mouth.



- Only Naruto realized the true purpose of the test. He tried to warn me, but I ignored him because of Sasuke-kun, and all I did during the test was pass out and get tied to a pole.



- So you mean that only Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun tried to fight together? - Ino tried to ask, which seemed very far from what they saw when they arrived.



- No. - Sasuke spoke this time. - I was also completely useless. Naruto also warned me, but I ignored both him and Sakura. - With each word he spoke he felt his pride being crushed, clearly he wouldn't let this go easy on the blond, but his mother had always taught him to assume his mistakes and all he could think about was her bloodthirsty look when she found out about the test. - I faced the sensei alone, but I ended up with dirt up to my neck before the sensei knocked me out.



- But if Sasuke-teme, who was the best in the class, couldn't beat that Kakashi, how did Naruto's baka, who was the worst student, manage to beat him? - Kiba asked, smiling sarcastically under the indignant look of the Uzumaki, which only made them both laugh after staring at each other for a few seconds. - I mean, what was that business? Are you learning Bukijutsu now with that other wonder of yours? Go on, tell me. - Kiba said all euphoric, only to take a bite from Akamaru. - Damn, you traitor.



- Look, first you're going to fuck yourself, or I'm going to beat you up - Naruto loved the sound of the curse word that Anko had been teaching him every night. - And it was the teamwork that I focused on showing in the test, it was of no use, since I was a Jounnin, but still.



- Teamwork!? - Geral asked in disbelief, where they looked at Haruno and Uchiha, only to turn their gaze to Uzumaki who was already making a strange hand seal.


Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! - (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)

The Uzumaki created two clones, who immediately pulled Ino and Hinata from their places, so that they sat down and placed them on his lap, seeming to pamper them just like the original did with Tenten.



 - I created a battalion like that to help me with the test, I was able to learn a lot about how Kakashi-san fights, but in the end it was no use, I tried to distract him, force him to retreat, ask for help from the two there and in the end rescue them from the logs... in the end it was no use, that guy is very strong and electrocuted me, it hurt like hell. - Said the clone who was petting Ino, laughing at how she wasn't shy with his clownish ways.



- Anyway, we're here! - Said the clone who was petting Hinata, in the face of his fiancée's feverish shyness.



- I ran away from the hospital and I'm starving. - Naruto, who was petting Tenten, pretended to look desolate and begging. - Now that they've gotten the promotion and I'm going back to the Ninja Academy... you'd pay, wouldn't you?



- How is this possible? They're all real! - Chouji shouted in amazement as he pinched one of the clones.



- Are you crazy, featherweight? - The clone grumbled, only for them all to disappear, surprising their brides.



- See? Pretty cool, huh?



- Where did you learn that? As far as I remember, you couldn't even do Henge properly. And now you're creating these solids there. - Shino spoke for the first time, too interested in the Jutsu.



- That's for me to know and for you to find out... I won't expose my trump card that will allow me to be stronger than a Hokage even without being a Gennin. - He finished with a laugh, until he was interrupted by an ANBU agent appearing in a Shunshin right behind him.



- Uzumaki Naruto, imagine my surprise when I discovered that you escaped from the hospital, for the hundredth time... - The tall agent with long, gray hair, dictated sarcastically under everyone's gaze. - Hokage-sama summons you to appear in his office immediately.



- Hokage-sama can very well go fuck himself. - Naruto said to everyone's shock. - I spent a lot of Chakra this morning and I'm starving.



- Naruto... now as clan leader you have to be more responsible.



- Fuck, don't fuck around. - Naruto stood up grumbling, gently placing Tenten on the bench. - I'm going, honey, I'll meet you tonight to train... I want to show you the swords I got from mom. - The Uzumaki planted a kiss on her head, to the laughter of the girl, who loved to see him always changing his personality.



- Hinata-chan, don't faint. - Naruto said, also planting a kiss on her head, which turned all red.



- Ino-chan... – Naruto was about to say, but the girl pulled him in for a kiss on the mouth, surprising everyone, and Kiba almost going crazy with euphoria.



- Ready, Seph. - Naruto turned his back to everyone, not giving them a chance to see what he was carrying. - Another race? - He asked as they both left the establishment.



- If you want to lose, of course. - Seph, Uzumaki's personal security ANBU agent, replied excitedly as he activated the Shunshin on his legs, taking advantage when he disappeared in pure speed.


An act repeated by the Uzumaki who was already performing hand seals, and thus disappeared quickly, seeking to recover the disadvantage.



His still dumbfounded friends would even comment on this, but Chouji noticed the most important thing.



- The bastard stole the meat when he kissed you guys. - Chouji looked on in pure fury as the food in front of them only contained salad.



- Leave it to Chouji, he deserves it after the disappointment of failing... we're his friends, remember. - Shikamaru said, with Shino agreeing.



- I even tried to cheer him up like we did before, but I don't think it worked very well. - Kiba said slightly discouraged.



- That's what we came to do, Kakashi-sensei asked us to tell Naruto that we passed the test, we are team 7 now. - Sakura said, shocked by Uzumaki's best friends, who soon opened excited smiles, especially Chouji for the new round of meat rotation.


And with that we end the fifth chapter of the Chronicles of the Wind.

I'll wait for everyone in the comments section. XD


-- Characters Featured --


Hatake Kakashi:


Uzumaki Naruto:


Haruno Sakura:


Uchiha Sasuke:


Maito Guy:


Rock Lee:


Hyuuga Neji:


Mitsashi Tenten:


Sarutobi Asuma:


Shikamaru Nara:


Yamanaka Ino:


Akimichi Chouji:


Uzumaki Kurenai:


Hyuuga Hinata:


Aburame Shino:


Inuzuka Kiba & Akamaru:


Seph - Uzumaki ANBU Security Agent:
