The Art of Baby Manipulation

3 month later.


Well after the realization of what had happened to me and trying to find out everything i can about this place i found some useful things like magic yeah I guess I shouldn't be shocked as nearly all reincarnation stories have magic involved.


I first saw it when my mother whose name i found out is lyra use some sort of fire spell to burn away the dead leaves but i also found out that my dad's name is galen and that he used to be a leader of a team I guess like a team of mercenary, he tells me all sorts of adventure he was on before he met my mother but not all things are clear right now, my mother also reads me stories at night but I can't tell if they are true or just a kid story book, I learned that i was born in a village called elfin a small but peaceful place.


In the past 3 month I learned to walk a little but crawling is faster right now, I tried to speak but other than some random word I can't say anything else, but I guess right now my parents are happy with me saying mama and papa.


A knock was heard on the door and my mother opened the front door as a young looking girl who seemed to be in her teens greeted my mother, the young girls name is Amara she is someone that lives near us with her parents.


 I first met her when my mother took me outside for the first time, she visited Amara's house first and as my mom talked with Amara's mom Salena, Amara played with me or I just went along with her ideas as she just tried to make me laugh while making different faces but I just didn't smile to see her reaction.


After that day she has been coming to our house a lot as my dad goes to the field and city market to work and my mother is busy with household work so both are busy, so Amara is the person that looks after me mostly while they work and today she is here to do the same.


"Hello Mrs. Dawning, where is little Lucian?"


"You are right on time amara, Galen just left and I have to go to the city market, Lucian is in his crib why don't you go to see him I am sure he would be happy to see you." Lyra said with a smile.


"I hope he smile at me one of these days he always seems to not be happy to see me no matter how hard I try." Amara says with a sad look.


"But I will not give up I will not only make him smile but I will make him laugh today." Amara says with confidence in her voice holding her fist in the air.


Seeing this Lyra giggles a little and cheers for Amara.


"Ok I will be leaving then, make sure to not take your eyes off of him while he is out of the crib he always disappears when you leave him alone." Lyra says with concern.


"You can leave that up to me I will make sure to keep an eye on him at all time since we will be playing all day today." Amara says with a happy expression.


"Ok then, I will be leaving" Lyra comes to my crib picking me up and kisses me on the forehead.


"Mom will be back soon don't make Amara worry ok?"


I give her a smile and she puts me in Amaras arms and leaves while waving bye to us.


"Well I can't say I am not happy to have such a loving mom."


Amara looks at me with a big smile ready to play but today I have another plan, a plan to learn magic. Amara might be a teenager but she can also use magic as I have seen her practice it a couple of time outside our house, lyra doesn't allow her to use magic in front of me but today I will make sure to find out about magic no matter what.


"I need to use one of my ultimate techniques!!"




With this technique i need to point at the thing that I want most, the book on the top of the shelf lyra didn't want me reading or messing with that book but after hearing mom talk about that book I need lyra to give that to me, I need to keep pointing at the book until she realizes, please look at the book that I am pointing at.


"Do you want me to read you a story, which one do you want do you want the adventure story of the hero?" Amara says while looking at the books on the book shelf.


No, no, no she is looking at the wrong book I need her to look at the top of the bookshelf I need to keep stretching my arms and signaling to her, please understand what I am pointing at.


Amara finally looks at where I am pointing my arms at.


"Oh are you pointing at that book?" Amara says while pointing at the book that I want.


With excitement I begin to shake my head up and down to signal yes. Amara puts me back in the crib and takes the book off the bookshelves and sees that it's a book about the nature of magic and hesitated to give it to me.


"I don't think this is a fun book Lucian, big sister Amara will read you something more fun like the adventure of the hero." She says with a worried look on her face.


No I must succeed in my mission this is my chance to use my second technique CRYING.


I start wailing and crying while looking at the book that I want and after a second of thought Amara finally gives up and with a defeated expression hands me the book about magic nature mission successful.



"But remember Lucian big sister Amara will stay beside you while you play with it ok."