Magic Meets Metal

After that month, I'd learned the basics of swordsmanship from Galen, though each training session left my body sore. I also began sneaking out to the woods at night to practice under the light of Lunador, this world's bright moon, which guided me as I trained.

Any chance I got, I practiced both swordsmanship and magic. My mother helped me with magic, since we both had the fire nature, she was able to teach me a lot, and my control over fire improved significantly. My wind nature, however, was less developed, I could only release it in short bursts, which was just a massive drain to my mana. Luckily, I have a large mana reserve, but I still need to use it wisely.

One day, my dad approached me with a grin as wide as a mountain.

"Lucian, get ready! Today, I'm taking you to the city market and giving you a tour of the city."

I'd rarely left the village before. The one time I had, I was too young to remember, and it was only to buy clothes. But one thing I did remember was the city library, which I'd been wanting to visit.

"Really, Dad? Then could we also visit the city library?"

"Well, if that's what you want, we'll stop by. Now go get ready, and I'll prepare the wagon."

As we set off, my mind was filled with thoughts of the library and my excitement to learn more. I felt like I was hitting a wall in my training, and I hoped the library might help me find a way through.

The journey was long, but the sights along the way amazed me. As we neared the city, I saw the massive gate leading to the market, guarded by soldiers who looked like seasoned fighters. Even while checking our papers, they wore serious expressions. But as we entered, the noise of the bustling crowd drowned out my thoughts. Shops lined the streets, selling strange materials and foods I'd never seen before.

"Remember, son, not everyone in the city is friendly. Don't wander off or talk to strangers, crime has been on the rise lately. Stay close to me."

After winding through the busy streets, we finally arrived at our destination, a two-story building with no sign out front. I was confused until a blast of heat hit me as we walked in, and I saw a man hammering a glowing piece of metal on an anvil. We were at a blacksmith's shop.

"What are we doing here, Dad?"

"Today, you're going to pick out the sword you'll use for practice."

"A real sword? Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

"Don't worry. You need a real sword to understand its weight and balance, better to start early."

I'd imagined buying a sword from a shop, but this was something else entirely.

"GIDEON!" my dad called.

The blacksmith looked up, wiping sweat from his brow. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a bushy mustache, towering even over Galen.

"Galen," he greeted, resting his hammer on a table. "And who's this young one with you?"

"This is my son, Lucian."

Gideon chuckled. "Ah, the kid I've heard so much about. Last time I saw you, you were still in diapers!"

I vaguely remembered meeting him as a baby on my first visit to the city.

"So, Galen, here to teach him blacksmithing?"

"No, I'm here to get him a fitting sword."

"A sword, huh?" Gideon turned to me. "Well, let's find one that suits you."

"Lucian, go with Gideon while I unload the wagon," my dad said.

"Follow me, little warrior. Today, you'll wield your first real weapon." Gideon led me down the stairs into a basement filled with all kinds of weapons and armor. For a moment, I was overwhelmed by the variety.

"What kind of sword do you want, kid? Considering your size, a short sword would probably suit you best."

"A short sword sounds good."

Gideon pulled out a short sword from a storage chest and handed it to me. It felt much lighter than I expected, though also sturdy.

"Notice anything? This sword is made from anadite, a mana-absorbing metal. It's one of my earlier works, but I'd never part with it, until now."

"Why give it to me if it's special?"

"Everything I make is special, kid. But this sword would be more useful in your hands."

"Thank you. I'll use it well."

"Then let's see what you can do with it."

Gripping the hilt, I could already tell this sword was different from the wooden ones I'd practiced with. The balance was better, and the sword seemed to draw mana from me as I swung it. When I finished, it released the mana it had absorbed.

Gideon looked at me, wide-eyed. "Kid, did anyone teach you how to channel mana?"

"Channel mana? I thought the sword was absorbing it by itself."

"It helps with that, but good mana control is still required. You're a natural!"

This sword had likely made channeling easier, but my mana control training must have helped as well.

"Gideon, I have a question."


"Is it possible to channel mana nature into a weapon?"

"It is. The best warriors can channel their mana nature into their weapons," he said proudly. "Back in my day, I was known as 'The Boulder Born' for my earth nature mastery."

I was intrigued. Was Gideon in the military? And what connection did he share with my father?

"What weapon did you use?"

"Let me show you," he said, retrieving a large, cloth-wrapped object from the corner. When he unwrapped it, I saw an old, battle-worn hammer.

"I call this 'Quake,'" he said proudly. "It's seen plenty of action. I wanted to fix it up, but decided its dents and scars were part of its story."

"Can I hold it?"

Gideon chuckled. "It's 200 kilos. You sure?"

"Just for a second."

He smirked, clearly doubting me, but I lifted the hammer without trouble, even managing a small swing. Gideon's jaw dropped.

"Kid, are you really only eight?"

I grinned as I handed it back.

'With all the mana training I have done I already have the idea of body strengthening I guess this will be enough to show him not to underestimate me, and I wanted to surprise him.'

"Will you teach me how to channel mana nature into weapons?"

Gideon laughed. "You're not only talented but also sly, showing off your strength to impress me. Fine, I'll teach you."

He crossed his arms and eyed me. "But my training will be harder than your dad's. From today on, you'll call me 'sir.' Understood?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You're quick, kid. Hope you're that way during training." 

With that, we headed back upstairs, where he planned to discuss everything with my dad.