Just a Flesh Wound!

After that day I began practice more and more every chance I could get the best time was at the night where I would be alone and free to do whatever I want, I also realized that there was a limit to how much mana my body could gather and after a certain amount it would start to stop gathering it, which i guess is a good thing and now that I had learned the basic of gathering now was the time for control.

8 years later.

In these 8 years I have managed to find out what nature of magic I have, it turns out I have both fire and wind nature, well if it is revealed that I have wind nature it will already be a pretty big deal but I also have fire, most of my time is spent inside my room trying out different techniques for my mana natures or just reading about it in general as now I had no problems getting the book on the bookshelf and my mom even allowed it.

Well I wonder what my parent's reaction would be if I told them but I should keep it to myself for now and only tell them about the fire nature.

"The question is how do I reveal it?"

Wait I can do that.

I went to my dad who was in the back garden working.

"Dad I wanted a favor from you."

"A favor what kind of a favor do you want kid you know your dad will do anything right?"

"Dad I want to learn how to fight And I want you to teach me dad."

There is a moment of silent as dad stands there with a plant in his hand but then there is a sudden excitement.

"Really you want that son!?" Galen says with an excited expression.

"Yes dad I want to learn how to fight and become strong."

"I knew it, I knew my son would find his destiny one day." Galen says with a proud expression.

"So will you dad?"

"Yes, I will son but before that, we have to get permission from you mother."

"Prepare you war face son we will need it." Galen says with a serious expression.

"I am ready father."

I followed my dad into the house to get permission let's just say we got the permission but some scars still remain from that war.

The next day my dad and i went out to the front yard with wooden swords to practice, even if I want to use magic I should also learn how to use a sword since it is the most common weapon in this world, so I need to prepare for the future.

"Ok son from today your training begins remember you will bleed but you need to be strong and grow from it."

"I understand dad"

Shouldn't he say that I might bleed not that I will bleed? 

"Ok son then I will let you have the first strike as this is you first time."

"Come at me son."

"Ok dad here I come."

With a quick dash towards galen I tried to hit him, but galen easily blocked the attacked and pushed me back which I had expected to happens as galen was someone who had years of experience with the sword, I landed back on my feet and took a defensive stance.

"Good that strike was quite nice I didn't expect you to have such power."

"But now it's my turn prepare to block my attack Lucian." Galen said with a giant smile on his face.

Will he really go all out on a kid? did he really mean it when he said that I will bleed?

I gripped the sword more tightly and prepared to use magic if necessary, but before I could even think everything through, Galen's sword came flying at me and with just the skin of my teeth I managed to block the attack but I was sent flying back unable to keep my balance landing on my back.

"That was just a taste of what your dad can do so you better be prepared to attack or defend next time, now get up."

Even though I blocked that attack my arms are still shaking, no I need to get up if I want to learn how to attack then I should also be prepared to take them but if he keeps going like this I will be dead on the first day of training I need to make him go easier on me.

"Dad you shouldn't go so hard on just a kid."

"Listen to me son, the world is a dangerous place and even if in your eye you are a kid, in the eyes of the enemies you will be nothing but a prey to be hunted." He says with a prideful expression.

"If you don't go easy on me I will tell mom that you hurt me while training."

"Now son there is no need to make such a serious threat, we both should be fair to each other." Galen says with a serious face.

"I accept your request son, so let's be fair to each other."

"Then here I come at you dad."

This is my time to use it.

As I charged at galen this time I faked a sword strike and attacked with a fire attack, this shocked galen as he had not expected this but galen still managed to dodge the attack by easily moving out of it.

"What?" galen said with a curious expression.

"You really surprised your dad with that one I had no idea that my son was already able to use magic and fire none the less I guess you have much more to show me don't you? Give me your all son."

As we both began the duel I started to use more fire attacks to make sure that I was maintaining distance when necessary and attacking when I had the chance but this didn't mean that I would win as galen was still holding back a lot against me, We went back and forth for a long time until I was out of breath, meanwhile galen hadn't even broken a sweat.

"It seems that my son has been hiding something important form me haven't you?"

"Well I wanted to tell you about me awakening my nature that's why I wanted to fight you in the first place."

"Son that is truly a way of the warrior I guess you are a true warrior just like your dad was in his days."

"But does your mother know about this?"

"No she doesn't, i hoped that we can tell her together and dad I also wanted to learn more about magic."

"Then prepare your war face son we will have another war to fight soon."

Let's just say my mom was happy for some reasons and mad for the others but that evening was a very long war that me and dad fought through and we both were left with more scars at the end of it.