Dreams Bound by Ink

With the new found confidence Lucian flips to the next page on the diary.

"After telling my reasons, yalost was quite for a bit but then he asked 'What path do you plan to walk?', The question was simple but the truth was that even I didn't know what path I would walk on, it could be one that leads to my success or it could lead me to my death, so I simply told him 'I don't know?' even I wasn't satisfied by my answer but it was true, as we sat there silently he spoke again 'Do you think you will find your path in life?', 'what I have in my future I can't tell but what I can make of my future is in my hand, so Maybe I will or maybe I won't, who knows what's in the future but I'll try my best.' I told him with confidence,

'So you will leave tomorrow? And there is nothing that can stop you? He asked 'Yeah I plan to leave tomorrow at sunrise, and there is no reason for me to stay here anymore' i spoke with confidence, suddenly he got up and walked away it surprised me and I was confused on why he just left without a word but I guessed that he got tired of my talk and just left, after a while I also got up and went back to sleep' tonight I packed up all my things and I am prepared to leave tomorrow as soon as the sun rises." And that's now the page ends.

Lucian was confused on why would a good friend like yasolt would just walk away from such a important conversation, but Lucian also didn't know the past of yasolt and the owner of the diary, it was both fascinating and weird to read such a story while not knowing the past of these people in it, but nonetheless it was something that was giving Lucian insight on a persons greed for power and also human relationship while making him aware of his own past life mistakes.

As he was about to flip to the next page, there was a sudden knock on the door, Lucian jolted because of the sudden knock but then a voice came from behind the door and it was none other than galen "Lucian are you still awake?" Lucian quickly looked at the clock realizing that it was nearly midnight scared he tried to keep as quite as possible to make it seem like he was a sleep.

But galen spoke again "You know I can see light coming through the bottom slit of your door right?" this quickly blew Lucians cover off who then hid the diary under the bed and opened the door, "Yeah I wasn't sleeping."

 "Were you not sleeping because you couldn't or is it because you were doing something?"

'He is quick to catch on' Lucian thought to himself.

"No I just wasn't sleepy but I will head to bed right now." Lucian said while trying to sound sincere.

 "Go to bed quick, you are hurt don't make your body feel any worse ok?" Galen says to Lucian in a gentle tone.

"Ok dad I will" after closing the door Lucian jumped onto his bed thinking to himself that he has read enough for tonight and turns off the light.

But even while laying down Lucian can't help but wonder about the diary and about the writers future, Lucian thinks about yasolt and wonders if these people in the diary are still out there alive as he slowly drifts into sleep.

Next day Lucian wakes up does his daily routine waits for his mom and dad to leave the house and after they leave he goes to his room to continue reading the diary but as he is about to open the diary he hears a knock on the front door, Lucian is a little annoyed but is also confused on who it might be, Lucian quickly walks to the front door and opens it and behind the door is non-other than Amara I hadn't seen her in a while, She had left the village when she turned 18 to go and study in a faraway academy called Rumen academy, after that this is my first time seeing her in 4 years.

As soon as she saw me she grabbed me by both of her arms and hugged me tightly while lifting me in the air.

'I know I am not that heavy but am I really this light?' I thought to myself as Amara lifted me effortlessly.

"You are so much taller Lucian and even cuter." She says to me while grinning from cheek to cheek.

"Thanks, you too have become much more bearable to look." I say to her teasingly.

"You haven't changed a bit have you Lucian? Always making fun of your big sister" Amara doesn't seem to mind the teasing as she and I have been always like that since the time I started to talk from when i began to constantly tease and make fun of her, this might have drove other to anger or madness but for her she was always playful and was always trying to make me smile so time by time I would smile at her acts to make her feel better.

Amara looks much more mature and somewhat reminded me of my sister, even though I didn't want to remember her but I guess that's the only good reference I have.

Amara's eyes wondered around looking in the house as she walked in, she asked "So are both Mr. and Mrs. Dawning out for work right now?

"Yup they just left for work" I told her as I went to the kitchen, She sat down on the sofa and asked.

 "So what are you doing today? Do you want to hear the sorties from my academy life?" Amara asked with an excited expression it was almost like she was saving all the stories just to tell me.

I handed her a glass of water and sat down on the couch next to her saying to her "Obviously I do, I have my own dream of going to an academy one day so the more I can learn the better it is for me." I said to her,.

"I knew you would want to learn about the academy so I brought something's for you from the academy."

Amara then opened her bag that she had placed on the table and pulled out three books, "what are these books?" I asked curiously, "These are the books from my academy."

Really books from the academy I quickly grabbed one of the books and started to flip through the pages.

 "Most of the books are provided by the academy and the students are strictly prohibited to share the book with any outsiders that do not belong to the academy."

"Then how did you managed to get these out of the academy?" I asked as I was concerned of her stealing the book for me.

"These are the books that I bout myself so I can take it anywhere or even let other people read it, but these are not as advance as the ones that I read in the academy, compared to those these are similar to a beginners guide."

 "Doesn't matter if they are just beginner's guide I can probably learn a lot from these." I said while excited looking at the books.

"The one you are holding is a basic guide to mana channeling and mana nature, the second one is history, and the third one is basic guide to weapons"

"History?" i was surprised but not shocked as it was also a major subject in my past life, but seeing a history book about this world I could only be excited to read such a book.

"Yes history you can't just be knowledgeable in magic only, to become a top student you need to have knowledge of everything and history is one of those important subjects." Amara explains excitedly.

"Amara you also got a scholarship right? How hard is it to get one?" I ask after hearing her excited voice.

"Well it's tough to get in the academy in general but to also get a scholarship on top of that is extremely tough, but since I always had a dream of attending that academy I studied hard and focused on impressing the teachers and even manage to get a recommendation letter from a previous scholar from that academy."

Amara just getting into the academy was already a massive achievement but she also got a scholarship because of her intelligence and great talent over the earth nature.

'I wonder if I can also get a scholarship.' Lucian thought to himself.