The Power of the Earth

Lucian flips through the pages seeing new and exciting things, he is lost for a moment but is quickly pulled back by Amara.

"So what do you want to know about the academy?" Amara's asks Lucian.

"How was it for you in there was it comfortable?" Even if Lucian was physically a kid he was mentally still older than Amara so as an adult he wanted to know if she was comfortable in the academy.

"Most of the time yes all the time no." Amara says while tilting her head.

"What was the uncomfortable part?" Lucian asked curiously.

"The practical exams" Amara crosses her arms and leans down releasing a big sigh.

"What were the practical exams were they that tough?"

"Tough? Well if you knew the theory and went into it with a good plan you wouldn't have a hard time but even a small mistake could make you lose a lot of points."

"Points, you were given points not grades?" Lucian was a little confused the rules of the exam.

"Yup, you are not directly given grades for your exam rather that's only for the theoretical and written exams, for the practical and on field exams or test you will receive points according to your performance, your contribution, use of magic and much more."

"Ohhh, so that's why it's such a pain to pass in the practical exams." Lucian was curious about such a grading method as he had read about it in fantasy novels and manga before.

"So are you put in teams for these kinds of exams?" Lucian was interested to know more about it.

"Well in the beginning you are put in teams of 3 and will have to work together but later you could be alone or can even be divided into teams of 8 to 10 so it's mostly random."

'It must be to give all the new students a different experience every time and such a method also could help prevent cheating.' Lucian remembered similar events from one of the manhwa he read in his past life.

"How many people were there in your team?"

"When I had my first exam it was just me and two other students and I already knew both of them so our teamwork was great and we had one of the highest point count but during my second exam we all were alone and it was a free for all, the pressure was just too much for me and I ended up nearly last, but after that I managed to get into some good teams and even learned to work alone, well I didn't always had good teammates sometimes it would be bastards who want to hoard all the points for themselves but I managed to pass those tests too." As she tells me her experience her face goes through a whole roller-coaster of emotions.

"It seems like you went through a lot."

"Sure I did, I even attended extra classes just to make up for my point losses in the practical exam." She said angrily.

"But even among the bad experience I still had a great time, made a lot of friends, learned many things about the world, and even got an internship." Amara face lit up as she mentioned the internship.

"Internship? For what and for whom?"

Lucian wasn't shocked at the fact that Amara was working as an intern but more so curious about whom she was working for.

"As I was finishing my time in the academy professor Hilda herta gave me the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant for her, it was a magical moment but at the same time I felt like I wouldn't be able to live up to her expectation but not only did she help me during my studies but she also helped boost my confidence by making me realize of my own potential and with such a great opportunity to work under her I will not let it slip out of my hand" Amaras serious expression gives off a menacing aura but Lucian is happy to see that Amara has found someone that can help boost her confidence and moral.

"She seems to be a wonderful person and a great teacher, you must be inspired by her a lot?"

"Not only inspired I want to be like her and become a great teacher in the future." Amara speaks with confidence.

"It looks like you have already decided on your career as a teacher, haven't you?"

"Yeah, being a teacher is my biggest goal in life and I will work towards it even if I have to spill my blood and sweat for it." Amara seems to be getting even more enthusiastic.

"let's not get to spilling blood so fast, you know you are still at the starting line right, so take it slow and steady, I believe that you will be a great teacher in the future so don't worry too much ok."

Amara quickly calms down and tones down her expression, it seems she had lost herself for a bit there.

"Sorry, I kind of lost myself there, I promise to not push myself too much." Amara says to Lucian in a calming and gentle voice.

'I guess that promise stands for both of us to not break.' Lucian thinks as he is reminded of his own promise to Gideon and Galen. 

"So how strong are you now?" Lucian asked Amara, Lucian knew that Amara wasn't a novice anymore by just feeling her mana that felt very heavy and potent but Lucian just had to see it for himself.

"How strong am I huh? Are you curious about that?"

"Of course I am, you were strong even before you went to the academy so anyone would be curious about the power you have gained in these four years."

"I could show you but won't we need permission from your parents first?"

"Come on they aren't home and even if they were I am now allowed to train in both magic and swordsmanship so they won't mind you showing me a few tricks." Lucian tries to convince her with any reason he can find in his head.

"Well if you insist this much I can show you a little bit of my power but we will need a much more open space do you know of such a place?"

"Yup, I have the perfect place in mind."

After we left the house I took her to the place in the forest that I used as a training ground, I had cut the grass and removed a lot of stones and rocks to make the place more comfortable to train on.

"How did you find such a place?" Amara was surprised to see such a place in the forest.

"By luck I guess" Lucian didn't want to tell her the whole story of him coming to this place to train at mid night which might have made her concerned about his health.

"Well this will do just fine, now move a little back and let your big sister show you what true magic is." Lucian stepped back and was locked in on Amaras movement, Lucian wanted to learn as much as he could from this moment. 

As Amara closed both her eyes the surrounding wind started to move faster and faster suddenly Amara opened her eyes and a burst of mana could be felt from her body not only that she was also absorbing mana continuously, this made Lucian realize that Amara was using channeling.

Lucian started to pay even closer attention as Amara's hand moved with sudden precision. In an instant, the ground around her began to tremble, and the earth gathered rapidly before her, forming a massive spike in the blink of an eye. Amara then with a flick of a finger launched the spike towards the nearest tree, the impact was explosive as the tree was shattered into a million pieces but the spike didn't stop there as it obliterated not just the one tree, but an entire line of them, leaving a wide path of devastation in its way.

Seeing such power left Lucian speechless as he was lost in thoughts after seeing such power, Amara asked him.

"So, was that enough or do you want to see more?"

Lucian was still in and awe after seeing such power, but he quickly snapped out of it and spoke.

"Big sister Amara, will you please fight me?"