Chapter 1

{Phoenix, Arizona}

A young man is seen siting on the sofa of his house, reading the news that there was a earthquake near his house. He sighed as he left the house to go to work as it early in the morning. Yep that is me.

{MC pov}

I have to work in this hot weather this is just crazy, I reminisced on my life until now. I was born and raised here in Arizona, the heat was something I am used to. I was raised in a less than idle environment, my father worked a minimum pay job while my mother spent it all on alcohol and drugs. This caused a lot of fights with my mom and dad but he never left her, the reason like I know or even care. 

I wanted to get out of the house asap thus I worked hard in school and eventually got a good job in my early 20s. This was also the reason why I could live in my own house at the age of 24 but this came at the cost, a very pernicious cost if I ask myself. I was 0 flirting skills, all I have is knowledge and money but my looks left a lot to be desired. It is not that I was ugly or anything just not the 6 foot, muscular guy that girls want. I am just your average joe with lots of money.

If you noticed that I have been talking a lot about money, it is because I am proud of it. Poor noobs look at my bank account in 7 figures, it is just that I want more money that is why I run to my job or else I could have retired and let my investment give me more money. I would have still lived a comfortable life, but alas that is the true nature of money. The more you have, the more you desire and less you have the more it is required. 



I lay in the pool of my blood as I was ran over by a truck. Hahaha, I laughed at the joke fates played at me. I have worked all my life for a future of peace and laziness, but it was all robed in a instant all of it reduced to ashes. I laugh at the absurdity that everything I worked for turned into ashes, it is really a nice perspective.

I look at the sky slowly as darkness closed in, I finally am free of this burden. 

{Omni pov}

The truck that hit the Mc has longed since disappeared and even if the police wanted to check the details it will be futile. We see the truck transform into a golden orb as it said "Conquer number 007 has been registered" 

Before it flew into the mc soul which turned from white with tints of black to golden in a instant but it was the end of it as a purple colored orb this time also found it way here. "God number 003 is selected" as it also floated into the soul of the mc turning it half gold and half purple and as they continued to fight for dominance.

It was a beautiful sight if we did not know the implication as the mc's soul is now in a battle as it traveled the omniverse. Until it took over a body in a certain universe and the soul now looks like a golden yang and purple yin with now revolve in a continuous motion.

{MC pov}

I opened by eyes as I saw a woman with green hair looking gently at me, I already have a idea of what is happening, as it seems I have been isakied into some verse. I also saw that there were siblings of mine, I did not know them but from what I count there are 12 children. Who the hell is my father? to have seed that birthed 12 fu*king children.

Then as if on que, the sky shook and a man came down from the tops of the sky, he has white hair and blue eyes. He is very muscular, he would be a body builder in my previous world. When he appeared all the love in the women who I assumed is my mother disappeared and looked at the man with utter hatred. 

"Why have you come here, Uranus?" She basically spat those words, wait his name is Uranus No, please no. 

"What? I can't look at sons, Gaia" He said in a tone that displayed his arrogance. Fuck it is, I can't believe my luck. Well, long story short, my father locked us in the deepest part of taurus. Fortunately, my step father seems kind enough to lets us grow up in peace as such he has kept monsters out of our vicinity. I could not help but cry at the inanity of it all, who the hell would look at their children and decided to lock them in the most dangerous place know to man kind.

After calming down thanks to my adaptation that I learned, as a investor I have a very adaptive mind this is the reason I was able to quickly adapt to my surroundings. Anyways I immediately thought of any kind of cheat skill like all transmigrators would have.

[Hello host, I am the Omniverses conquer God system] 

Hehehe, the name sounds op as fuck. System introduce yourself,

[Gladly host. I am a fusion between two High end powerful systems: The Omniverses Conquers system and The god system. They fused together to make me, this makes you the first host of the Omniverses Conquers system.

The objective of the system is to find a capable ruler for the omniverse, as long as the objective is not compromised the host is free to do whatever he wants with the world he can conquer. However, failure to conquer a universe means death and there is infinite amount of time given to the host.

As for the capabilities of the system, there are a couple one is World management which allows you to manipulate or give authority to the worlds you have conquered. The next is Power development, this allows the user to not only gain/create items but also create/acquire powerful abilities. In any sense, you could be called omnipotent, of course it comes at the cost of points which can daily be generated by the worlds you conquered.]

I have a question, I currently have no world under me so does that mean I am on my own.

[No, although I said conquered. It also means the influence you have on the world, so even though you have technically have no worlds under you. You still have around 3 points generated every day and this is with the internal clock of the system thus it will not revolve around any time dilatation or manipulation.]

What are the requirements for the world to be considered conquered?

1. Influence reaching above 90%

2. Being in the top 1% in the world

3. Hidden


I internally frowned at the third condition, but the other two look doable and with the system what can possibly go wrong. I just have accept it, system what is our current world?

[ You are in the world a world similar to your original but all the myths and legends of those worlds are true.]