Chapter 2

{ Few couple years later}

I am now 5 years old, I have been developing myself all this time. The old man Tartarus, which by the way looks ancient thus I call him old man Tartarus, taught us basic knowledge of the world. This world is made up of multiple creatures, god, humans, demons, angles, ect. Demons and creatures gain power through destruction of humans and other races. Gods and angles get power from faith, humans although mostly weak but some have manna and cultivation to reach the ranks of gods.

The gods are divided into 4 parts currently, they are Greek, Shinto, Egyptian, Hindu. Greek are the most active ones with most gods either fucking or killing things. Shinto although less active and a lot less fucking but still does a lot of killing. Egyptian are just building shit, and finally Hindu are well, increasing their believers lead by the Indra. Although, he is the god most of the show is ran by the 3 supreme gods which are just gods with mana cultivation like humans somehow.

Gods power are primarily from their divinity, now it can increase with faith and age but more importantly gods control over their domains sometimes if powerful enough can allow you to skip all those and kill higher gods. This is the reason gods like Cronus can kill being like Uranus even though the former is a god king of Greeks.

A god's divinity is divided into 4 major realms, minor gods they have no domain of their own are the ones serving the others with faith until humans showed up. Gods, they have domain and can have either strong control over it making them possible powerful enough to kill Greater gods. We then have Greater Gods, same as the previous ones with just more divinity and rarely a second domain. Now there is the god king which is a power different from the rank god king which is the king of heaven and all, this realm is suppose to belong to a person of god king rank but through usurp and all it is now in hands of greater gods. Now we have supreme gods, there are only 6 supreme gods they are like the origin of the faction and all.

Now, I am a minor god although I have strength of a god. I am currently in the minor god state as I don't have a domain. It makes sense as my godhood came from my system rather than my birth, well sort off. I don't have full knowledge on that but it is what it is. As for the others they are all in gods realm, now I am not getting bullied or something as my power is equal to a god but just not a domain. They of course don't know this fact not even Tartarus know this. I have been waiting to buy myself a powerful divinity because of this. I said divinity because domain is just an extension of what divinity you possess and I don't have any, I am pure divinity or that what I think I am. 

"System show me a list of divinity I can buy" I said as the familiar gray interface showed up.

[ Host, you can get any divinity you want but I can tell create some divinity for you according to you points.]

"Show me" I said 


Cosmic: The user can create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the creation of force fields, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness. The user can summon or manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. They can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of cosmos. This power can also be used for combat purpose.

Space-Time: Self explanatory.

Celestial: User can create, shape and manipulate the skies and cosmos with heavenly influence, including all the aspects of the astrological, divine, elemental, mythical and cosmic powers.

Chaos and Order: The user is both chaotic and orderly, being in charge of anything that's associated with order and freedom, and they can control both freely in any way they desire. The user tends to have a unique outlook that too much chaos will result in disastrous consequences, while too much order will result in no fun whatsoever, meaning balancing both of them out is essential to the status quo. Even though the user embodies the aforementioned opposites, they also have all the chaotic and orderly powers they need to achieve warping reality.


Chaos and order is the strongest but it has of unwanted attention to it, it is common for 2 gods to share divinity but khoas would not want that from me now would he. Space-time is next as bro, my brother has it. Every god has that power in some level, even if mine is supreme it is still not the same. Now it is a tie between Celestial and Cosmic, I want to go for cosmic as it is very powerful and also not everyone possess it. Sitting on the throne as god king will give you Celestial manipulation on a weaker degree. Plus I can buy it later when I reach Greater god, so it not a worry. "I chose Cosmic" I said

The next movement power coursed through my body as I felt strength, previously I could destroy a state like Texas but now I can destroy country like America. Not at the level of Russia but I can get there in the next 10 years when I cross 1 minor realm. This power is not only because of me having the power of a official god but my domain which is bosting my power to the roof.