Mel's Body

I knocked on Johnny's hotel room door. "Coming!," I heard him say from the other side. Johnny opened the door and said, "Please, come in!"

It was only me right now. I let Thistle and Penny rejoin the group. This felt like something I had to do alone. I stepped inside Johnny's room. It was neat and clean. There was a half eaten hot dog on the table, so I knew he was still Johnny inside, just changed for the better.

Johnny said down at a table and motioned for me to do the same. I did.

"I was just meditating. What can I help you with?" He said.

"Wow. Ok. That's different. I need to know where you buried Brandy's body," I said, remembering that he only knew Mel as Brandy.

"Oh, sure! I'll give you the address. It's just an abandoned plot of land on the outskirts of town. I'll draw a little map on how to get to the spot," he said.