The Return of Mel

"Dylan?" Mel said.

"Yes, Mel?" I said.

"I love you," Mel said.

"I appreciate that, but didn't you just say that a few minutes ago?" I said, laughing.

"Not for you. For you it's been years since I said that," she said. "And that time jump isn't funny! It's scary! I was a fucking corpse for three years! Fuck you for laughing!" She said this while still hugging me and crying into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said. "Sometimes I laugh to keep from crying or thinking negative thoughts."

"Well, don't. That's not healthy. You're supposed to feel your feelings. Not avoid them," she said.

"Yes maam," I said. "I will do better, Mel. I promise." I hugged her harder.

"It's not fair. We were supposed to run away together and live on the road. I was supposed to eventually convince you to date and we were going to live happily ever after," she said.