Promotion To Healer Apprentice 2

Chapter five : promotion To Healer Apprentice.

In this way he tried and missed ways to feel magic while meditating, perform magic control and manipulations, and recover magic quickly.

It was time to think differently about magic control and magic manipulation, fluttering on the verge of depletion of magic. I heard knocking on the door three times.

"Please enter."

I managed to squeeze my voice out.

"Oh, resting? you face looks pale, are you okay?

The previous receptionist brought me a meal when the door opened, but she saw my pale complexion and was worried about me.

"Yeah, I can handle it. Before that, I apologized for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Lucien. Don't worry, I am currently feeling depletion of magic. Thank you for preparing my meal."

"Hehe. That splendid even thou You're young. My name is Krull. Once you're done eating, you can leave the dishes outside the room. And don't push it too much,it would be disastrous If a healer falls in the healer's guild .

"Ha. Well, that's right. But I'm starting to get the hang of it, so I'm going to keep trying."

"Well, I'll get the word out, and it looks fine. Sleep tight. Your magic will be restored."

"Copy that. Krull- san."

I tried saluting her . Krull- san left the room laughing when she saw it.

After finishing the dinner she brought, I chanted my magic and decided to finish my magic training for the day and go to sleep because of the dizziness and headache I was starting to feel on the verge of depleting my magic for the second time today.

I don't know how much I slept. There was an unfamiliar ceiling I didn't know when I woke up, and I was disappointed that it was true that I was reincarnated now, but I changed my mind with the speed I had developed in sales.

"Now I'm leaving a new life . If I work hard, I can raise my standard of living better than before. Come on.

Having thus moved on, I noticed that this room was bright, trying to read a magic book.

"Speaking of which, is it electricity that keeps a certain brightness? Or is it magic or magic stone? I'll ask one of these days."

I shrugged with that in mind and resumed my thorough magic training until breakfast arrives.

After I woke up, I chanted magic to deplete my magic, but breakfast hasn't come yet.

I was feeling more focused for some reason.

Practicing of magic in this confined space was somehow beginning to make me feel magic properly.

When I tried checking the appraisal earlier, various items had grown.

"It actually rewarding when your purpose is clear. And because it progress can be seen for what I've done, which gives a sense of accomplishment."

I was more motivated to work hard to ensure that my efforts were linked and reduced as a result.

People work harder when they have a goal, than when they don't have an objective . It's like my previous life's work.

And there were all sorts of new discoveries. For example, u hen meditation was selected, meditation ---->meditation, concentration, and magic recovery.

At this time, I decided to try everything I could to increase my proficiency.

After moving my body and remembering parallel thinking? I was shocked that I had only grown 1 proficiency after doing so for a day and I immediately gave up on this.

Even with such failures, efforts continued.

"I'm a normal person, aren't I? I am not the protagonist of the story. Well, my heart won't break if my efforts are rewarded in today's environment."

By the time the meal was ready for the fourth or third morning in total, I could finally cast the heal magic .

But I wanted to maintain this excellent environment, so I decided to live here for a little longer.

Having worked to acquire skills in meditation, concentration and magic recovery while watching the proficiency appraisal, I was able to acquire skills safely, so I finally decided to leave the room I couped myself in since the first week after I got here.

When I went to the reception, but Krull-san wasn't there.

"Um, excuse me. I was studying Holy Magic in that room, but finally I'm capable of using Holy Magic"

I said to the receptionist.

"Congratulations. Then , can you borrow me your card?

I handed the card to the receptionist who handled it with a smile on her face and passed back the card to me after she was done with the procedure.

The card contained letters of holy magic, meditation, concentration and magic recovery.

"Congratulations. You worked pretty hard. That cost is 1 piece of silver."

Huh? You're taking money? I paid while replying , thank goodness I have silver coin on me.

"Excuse me. So what am I supposed to do after this? Should I look for Lumina-san?

"What? You were the one that Lumina - sama brought in ? Then I'll return this silver coin then . Lumina-sama had offered to rent out the magic training room for ten days, so we will make it free"

Oh. Lumina- san is still an amazing person. And my [extraordinary luck] is still working for me.

Thank you, Great Luck sensei .

"So can you lend me that room for three more days?

"Yeah. If you want, If you're so serious when training, there's nothing wrong with lending the room."

The receptionist answered with a smile.

I decided to ask all the questions I had on my mind util now .

"Thank you . Speaking of which, I forgot to ask when I was registering, what exactly does the Healer guild do ?

"Heh? Oh, yes. The Healer Guild is an organization founded to treat people. The rank is divided into ten levels: G, F, E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, and S, and if you maximize the sacred attribute magic, the rank will gradually increase. They usually polish their magic skills in a clinic in the city before working as an Independent healer . In the rare event that a request for assignment comes, the healer himself may choose to entrust it or refuse it. Don't worry, if you can't find a job , The healer's guild will recruit you ."

I see. Then I guess I have a job then . Oh, I guess I will ask Abt that too .

"By the way, ... can I sign up for the Adventurer Guild as well?

"Yes, you can, but I don't really recommend it. Not only is it had for healer to acquire offensive skills, and even if you aspires to be promoted to a new profession, you will not be able to increase the level of your profession without gaining experience according to your profession. Because occupational level needs to be higher than or equal to", The healers who increase their level by healing are said to have the hardest occupation. "

She politely told me. By the way, they won't get an increase in their level unless they defeat the demons.

One silver coin is the market rate for a healer.

Members of the Healer Guild are taxed according to their rank. If I am G-ranked in the year to maintain my rank, I will have 12 silver coins a year.

They cost increases by twelve pieces at a time as the rank increase.

Healers who can't earn money need to be careful because they fall to something similar to a slave for the company .

However, if I increased my rank, their are benefits that also exist that magic books with advanced recovery magic chants could be bought cheaply.

If you can learn the top magic,a single cast can earn you enough money to pay for the annual tax Levy .

I decided to listen to that part of the story .

A slight change of topic , but healing centers that charge exorbitant price and also healer can sometimes be stripped of their guild certificates when am Inquiry Committee takes place, when the treatment centers is unsustainable and a problem of live and death occur , she said.

"Just don't cause any problem for the guild, please.

Yes I won't I replied.

Think about it and do business, by the way, as there are some healer who tend to treat in the dark that remain unqualified as healers, but if a complaint is made and they are not affiliated with a healing home, there will always be a barn waiting for them. added the receptionist .

Thank you for explaining to so many things to me , I paid for a piece of silver for this month's donation and I left the Healer Guild .

By the way, the other receptionist was called Monica- san, she was a light Blue haired beauty with glasses that suit her and gave off an aura of intelligence .