Chapter 6

** The Devil's in the Details**

**Athena's Point of View**

After what feels like an eternity in the council chamber, Taye finally guides me out of the room and into a series of winding corridors. I try to keep track of where we're going, but after the fifth left turn, I give up. This place is like Hogwarts on steroids. If I ever need to find the bathroom, I'm doomed.

"We've arranged for you to have your own room," Taye says, stopping in front of a large wooden door. The wood is dark and polished, with intricate carvings of—you guessed it—dragons. Because apparently, nothing says "home sweet home" like the threat of being roasted alive.

He opens the door, and I step inside. The room is, to put it mildly, stunning. The bed is massive, with a canopy of shimmering silver fabric that looks like it's spun from moonlight. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting serene landscapes—no wrestling cherubs this time, thank goodness. There's even a window that overlooks the castle grounds, where I can see the dragons lazily circling in the sky.

"I could get used to this," I mutter, running a hand over the soft bedspread. It's like velvet, but softer, if that's even possible.

"Dinner will be ready soon," Taye informs me, his tone businesslike. "You'll meet the rest of the council and—"

"Hold on," I interrupt, eyeing him suspiciously. "There are more of you?"

Taye gives me a look that clearly says, "Of course there are, don't be ridiculous." "Yes, Athena. There are more of us. The council is made up of many angels, each with their own responsibilities."

"Great," I say, flopping onto the bed. "More people to judge the weird human girl."

Taye's expression softens a bit. "They're not here to judge you. They're here to help. And tonight, we have a special guest joining us."

I sit up, suddenly interested. "Special guest? Who? Someone famous? Wait—is it Michael? Gabriel? Please tell me it's not Raphael. I've heard he's kind of a diva."

Taye hesitates, just long enough for me to realize something's up. "It's… Lucifer."

My brain short-circuits for a second. Did he just say Lucifer? As in the Prince of Darkness? The guy with the whole "fallen from grace" shtick?

"Lucifer?" I echo, my voice coming out in a squeak. "The actual, literal devil?"

"He's not *the* devil, technically," Taye corrects, as if that makes it any better. "Lucifer is… well, he's complex. But he's requested to meet you."

"Of course he has," I mutter, sliding off the bed. "Because why wouldn't the literal prince of Hell want to have dinner with the girl who can't even stay dead properly?"

Taye gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Just be yourself, Athena. Everything will be fine."

"Easy for you to say," I grumble, but I follow him out of the room anyway. It's not like I have much of a choice.


The dining room is just as grand as everything else in this place. The long table is set with gleaming silverware, crystal goblets, and platters of food that look like they belong in a five-star restaurant. There's roasted meat, fresh fruit, and what I can only assume is some kind of angelic ambrosia. I make a mental note to avoid the salads—knowing my luck, the lettuce will start talking.

The council members are already seated, their wings neatly tucked behind them, looking all serene and ethereal. They nod politely as I enter, but there's an undercurrent of tension in the room. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why.

I'm just about to sit down when the doors swing open with a dramatic flair that would make any soap opera villain proud. And there he is.


He's nothing like what I expected. No horns, no pitchfork, no smell of sulfur. Instead, he's tall, with dark hair that's slightly tousled, like he just rolled out of bed—but in a good way. His eyes are a startling shade of blue, sharp and piercing, like they can see right through you. His wings, when they spread slightly as he enters, are black as night, with a sheen that catches the light in a way that's almost hypnotic.

And then it hits me—this intense, almost magnetic pull toward him. My heart skips a beat, and I have to resist the urge to take a step closer, like some lovesick teenager. What the hell is wrong with me? He's *Lucifer*, for crying out loud!

"Ah, Athena," he says, his voice smooth and rich like melted chocolate. "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

"Uh… thanks?" I manage to squeak out. Smooth, Athena. Real smooth.

He smiles—a slow, deliberate smile that makes my stomach do a weird flip-flop thing. "You're different from what I expected," he says, almost to himself, as if I'm some kind of puzzle he's trying to solve.

"I get that a lot," I say, trying to sound casual. It's not easy when you're pretty sure you've just found your soulmate and he happens to be the most infamous fallen angel in history.

Lucifer moves to take the seat directly across from me, his gaze never leaving mine. It's like there's some invisible thread connecting us, pulling me in. And honestly? It's freaking me out. I've never felt anything like this before. Not even close.

As he sits down, the other angels shift uncomfortably, but no one says a word. Arion clears his throat, breaking the silence. "Lucifer, thank you for joining us. We were just about to start."

"Of course," Lucifer says, his eyes still locked on mine. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

I swallow hard, suddenly very aware of how dry my mouth is. I reach for my goblet, trying to act nonchalant, but my hand is shaking slightly. I can feel Taye's eyes on me, probably wondering if I'm going to pass out or something.

"So, Athena," Lucifer says, leaning back in his chair with a casual grace that should be illegal. "How are you finding Lanom so far?"

I nearly choke on my drink. "It's… uh, different," I say, trying to find words that won't make me sound like an idiot. "Dragons, angels, being stuck between life and death—it's a lot to take in."

He chuckles, a low sound that sends shivers down my spine. "I imagine it is. But you're handling it well. Most mortals would be panicking by now."

"Oh, don't worry," I say, managing a weak smile. "I'm panicking on the inside."

Lucifer's smile widens, and I swear there's a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Good. A little fear is healthy. Keeps you on your toes."

"Great," I mumble, picking at the food on my plate. "Because that's exactly what I need right now—more things to be afraid of."

As the meal continues, I can't help but steal glances at Lucifer. The pull I feel toward him is still there, strong and unsettling. Every time our eyes meet, it's like a jolt of electricity, and I have to remind myself to breathe. 

I'm supposed to be dead, in a coma, or whatever. I'm definitely not supposed to be developing a crush on the devil. That's got to be breaking some kind of cosmic rule.

After a while, the conversation at the table starts to flow more naturally. The angels begin discussing various matters—something about celestial politics, which is as boring as it sounds. But I'm only half-listening. Most of my attention is on the fact that Lucifer keeps looking at me like he knows something I don't. Like he's waiting for me to figure out some big secret.

Finally, when the meal is winding down, Lucifer leans forward, his gaze intense. "Athena," he says, his voice lower now, almost intimate. "We'll have to talk more, just the two of us. There are things you need to understand about your situation… and about us."

My heart is pounding in my chest so loudly I'm surprised no one else can hear it. "Us?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"Yes," he says, and his eyes flash with something I can't quite place. "I think you'll find that our fates are more intertwined than you realize."

I nod, unable to trust my voice. What the hell does that even mean? And why does it feel like the ground just shifted beneath my feet?

As the dinner wraps up, I'm left reeling. I've been in Lanom for less than a day, and I've already met angels, seen dragons, and had dinner with Lucifer. And now, apparently, we're "intertwined." 

As everyone rises to leave, Lucifer gives me one last lingering look before he turns and strides out of the room, his black wings trailing behind him. I exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Well, that was something," Lirael says, appearing at my side with a grin. "Lucifer has a way of making an impression."

"No kidding," I say, still staring at the door he just exited through. 

Lirael nudges me with her elbow. "Careful, Athena. Falling for the Prince of Darkness could lead to all sorts of complications."

"Yeah," I reply, trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm already feeling the complications."

As I make my way back to my room, I can't shake the feeling that things are about to get even crazier. But hey, if my afterlife is going to be this eventful, at least it'll be interesting.

I just hope I can handle whatever comes next.