Chapter 7

**The Devil's Advocate**

**Athena's Point of View**

The next morning, I wake up in my lavishly decorated room feeling oddly refreshed. I hadn't slept this well in years, probably because I wasn't interrupted by the usual chaos of my parents' lifestyle. I stretch out and marvel at how comfortable the bed is—definitely a stark contrast to my old mattress back in Brooklyn. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Lirael's voice startles me from my reverie. I sit up quickly, accidentally flinging one of the ridiculously fluffy pillows across the room.

Lirael saunters in with a cheerful grin, as if barging into someone's room without knocking is completely normal. "We have a busy day ahead. You're going to meet the other members of the council, and then there's a special event this afternoon."

"Special event?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "I'm not sure I'm ready for more surprises after dinner with Lucifer."

"Trust me, this one's less… intense," Lirael assures me, though there's a twinkle in her eye that makes me wary. "Let's just say it involves a lot less existential dread and a lot more… festivities."

I glance at the ornate clothes laid out on a nearby chair. "These are for me?"

"Yes," Lirael confirms, picking up the gown with an air of pride. "You're going to look fabulous."

I look at the gown skeptically. It's a dazzling creation of silver and blue, adorned with intricate beadwork. I half-expect it to start glowing or sprout wings. "Are you sure this isn't for someone else?"

"Positive. And don't worry, it's not enchanted to make you dance uncontrollably or anything like that," Lirael adds with a wink.

"Good to know," I reply dryly, taking the dress and heading to the bathroom. I emerge a short while later feeling like I've just stepped out of a fairy tale.

Lirael looks me up and down, nodding in approval. "Perfect. Now, let's get you to the council chambers."

We navigate the winding corridors once more, but this time I'm more focused. I've learned my lesson: follow Lirael, and maybe I won't end up lost in some dragon's lair. 

We arrive at a grand hall, where a diverse group of beings is already gathered. Angels with various hues of wings, mythical creatures I can't quite place, and a handful of other celestial entities are mingling and chatting. I feel like I've walked onto the set of a fantasy epic, minus the cameras.

Lirael leads me to a set of ornate double doors. "This is where the council meets. They'll want to hear from you before the event."

Inside, the council members are seated around a large, circular table. It's decorated with mystical symbols and glowing crystals that pulse rhythmically, giving the room an otherworldly ambiance. The members are engaged in animated conversation, but as we enter, their chatter dies down, and all eyes turn to me.

"Ah, Athena Mikaelson," says a tall angel with emerald-green wings and an air of authority. "We've been expecting you."

I wave awkwardly. "Hi. I'm Athena. Nice to meet you all."

The room bursts into polite applause. I manage a weak smile, feeling like a pageant contestant at a cosmic talent show. 

Lirael steps forward. "Let's get started. Athena has some information to share."

I take a deep breath and begin recounting my experience—how I ended up in Lanom, my unexpected dinner with Lucifer, and the strange pull I felt toward him. The council listens attentively, their expressions a mix of curiosity and intrigue. 

When I finish, there's a brief silence. Then, the angel with the emerald wings speaks. "It appears you've made quite the impression on Lucifer."

"Great," I mutter. "Just what I needed—more attention from the Prince of Darkness."

The angel raises an eyebrow. "It's not often someone has such a profound effect on him. Most souls are quickly moved on to their final destinations. You, however, seem to have sparked something… significant."

"Well, I did almost get run over by a dragon and had a weirdly intimate dinner with him," I say, feeling my face flush. "So, I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

The council members exchange glances, their interest piqued. "There's something else we should discuss," the angel continues. "The special event Lirael mentioned—it's a celebration of sorts, marking the arrival of souls who will be staying in Lanom longer than expected."

"Right," I say, trying to follow along. "And I'm part of this celebration because…?"

"Because you're not just any soul," the angel explains. "You've been chosen to stay and potentially influence the balance between realms. Your presence here could be pivotal."

"Fantastic," I reply, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Another life-changing role thrust upon me. I'm on a roll."

Lirael gives me a sympathetic look. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you're doing great. Now, let's get you to the event."

We leave the council chamber and head to a large hall decorated with sparkling lights and floating lanterns. The atmosphere is festive, with celestial music playing and beings from all realms mingling and enjoying themselves. It's a far cry from the drama of the council chambers.

Just as I'm starting to relax, Lirael pulls me toward a side area where a small stage is set up. "You're going to be introduced as the guest of honor."

"Me? The guest of honor?" I ask, incredulous. "I haven't done anything worthy of a grand introduction."

"Exactly," Lirael says with a grin. "You're a wild card. And everyone loves a good mystery."

Before I can protest further, the music shifts to a grand, fanfare-like tune. A spotlight falls on the stage, and Lirael nudges me forward. I take the stage, feeling a mix of dread and disbelief.

As the crowd cheers and applauds, I see Lucifer standing near the back, watching me with that intense gaze of his. There's something reassuring about his presence, even if it's deeply unsettling. He nods approvingly as I awkwardly wave to the audience.

Once the applause dies down, Lirael steps forward to give a short speech. "Everyone, let's raise a toast to Athena Mikaelson, who has brought a new spark of excitement to Lanom. May her journey here be as extraordinary as she is."

The crowd raises their glasses in a cheer, and I manage a grateful smile, trying to ignore the fact that my heart is racing again.

As the event continues, I find myself mingling with other guests. To my surprise, many are friendly and eager to chat. It's not quite as terrifying as I'd feared, and I even start to enjoy myself. 

But through it all, I can't shake the feeling that Lucifer is watching me closely. Every so often, I catch him glancing my way, his expression unreadable but undeniably intense.

By the end of the night, I'm exhausted but exhilarated. The festivities have been a welcome distraction from the overwhelming reality of my situation. As I make my way back to my room, I think about the day ahead and the mysterious, magnetic pull I feel toward Lucifer.

One thing's for sure: my afterlife is anything but boring.