Chapter 2. A deal

Similar to a VR capsule, Love's basement had been outfitted in a way that, with the aid of a second hand VR headset, the entire floor would simulate a top military training centre. complete with a moving target arena and highly adaptable opponents, programmed to attack when her guard was down, Love couldn't have asked for a more suitable space to continue honing every skill that the Commander desperately tried to teach her before his passing. 

Panting and covered in a light sheen of sweat, her communication device beeped loudly, echoing through the small empty room. She glanced down at the notification, reminding her to take the monthly iodine pill provided to all Outskirt residents. She sighed lightly and pressed another button on the side of the device, where a cylindrical compartment snapped open to reveal the small capsule. She took it with a large mouthful of filtered water as she made her way back up the basement steps.

It was time to start getting ready. Love groaned internally, anxiety twisting in her stomach as she pondered the nightmarish night ahead. Elora was dragging her to the inner zone for the opening of a new nightclub. Elora had obtained tickets through another contact in the inner city, a first of its kind 'co-ed' club of sorts, allowing both human and vampire patrons.

Love had never been able to stomach the presence of vampires, their cold pale skin and bright eyes stirred the worst of her nightmares, but she had little choice but to acclimate herself. In recent months, there had been several announcements at the military compound, in order to initiate a new protocol, one vamp recruit was to be added per human unit. With this fast approaching change, Love knew that she had to get used to being in their presence. So what better way than to do so in a public space with her closest friend alongside her?

Well, if she was being honest with herself, she would rather jump into the radioactive waters of the Thames than step into this glorified propaganda machine of a nightclub of her own volition.

"El! Come on, it's midday already." She threw their single cushion over to the couch where her roommate had crashed out the night before.

Elora groaned and rolled over, her large brown eyes blinking slowly in the dim light.

"Argh, please Love, we ain't leavin' for hours", her speech slurred and lazy as she roused herself awake.

"Shit, my head is killing me" Elora groaned, slowly massaging her temples.

Love rolled her eyes, tossing her the rest of the water bottle, which Elora greedily drank down.

"Well, it was your idea to drink as much as we did last night...I'm only going tonight for you, you know."

Elora smiled, "I know you are, but honestly Love", she shook her head chugging the last of the water, "you act as though I were dragging you down to the seventh circle of hell, it's just a nightclub." 

Love raised her eyebrows at her clueless friend, who was smirking back at her, then turned her head away. Elora tossed the empty water bottle back across the couch, and Love caught it reflexively, still looking away at the bare wall.

"You know why El." Love answered, quietly.

"I've been better around them recently, I've had to be for work, but this…it's different." 

She sighed, tapping her index finger against the empty bottle, a nervous habit that she'd adopted from an early age. She was often viewed as cold and lacking emotions by those around her. Her icy grey eyes seemed to pierce through the facade of anyone who would attempt to show her any kind and friendly gestures without reason. 

But Elora had known her from an early age, and she knew that Love was simply wary of others intentions, she didn't freely give her trust, but for anyone who was able to earn it, Love was fiercely loyal and would do anything to protect those who had crept into her heart. She was also aware of some of the circumstances surrounding Love's past and her aversion to vampires. 

Elora also knew that Love would often tap her finger and avert her eyes from her face when she was truly anxious.

"Hmmm, alright! Let's make a deal" Elora exclaimed, clapping her hands once as she stood from the couch. 

"You give me tonight, we go, we drink, we dance, and we come home. And in return you can have…" Elora paused for a moment, forgetting that she hadn't prepared a prize for the deal. She searched around the bare room with her eyes as if searching for sudden inspiration in the grey walls with metal shutters and the beaten-up couch that had seen many better days. 

Love raised her eyebrows and smiled, enjoying the slight panic in her friend's face. 

"How about a cake?" Love suggested, smirking slightly.

"A real one, none of that cheap imitation crap. It is my birthday next week after all." 

Elora groaned, brushing her short brown hair behind her ears as she considered the hit to her credit balance. 

"You drive a hard bargain Miss Aikawa, but ok, then do we have a deal?" She flashed her warm smile full of sunshine and dimples and held out her hand to Love. 

Love half-smiled back, one that didn't quite reach her grey eyes, as she shook her friend's hand.

"Alright. Deal."
