In a dystopian future where Vampires emerged from the shadows in order to stop humanity from becoming extinct, a young woman with a dark past meets a charismatic stranger.
As time goes by Private Love Aikawa of military unit 4-7, finds that she may not be as human as she first thought, and that humanity may not be the side that she should be fighting for.
Battling rogue vampires, mutated creatures and her own past, Love works to unravel the mysteries behind the secretive Helsing unit.
This novel starts intentionally slow through the exposition, everything kicks into gear in the latter half of Volume 1, so I hope you stick with it and enjoy the WILD ride! I also added some song recommendations along the way to listen to whilst you read certain chapters, I hope this helps boost the experience.
Public Spotify playlist for Volume 1 is under the name: TLAR - Book 1
Please comment and vote for your favourite characters along the way :)
Author being shamless with a self-review: tick For any readers this is my first novel so please forgive sporadic uploading whilst I fine tune everything and do my best to make this is fun as possible! Along those lines, tips and suggestions are so welcome to me, be honest, I can take it. On a final note, I added a comment at the end of Ch 1. for this but I'm going to randomly include the odd song recommendation here and there, so if you like, keep an eye on that and then try to go back and read the chapter with the song playing. Let me know what you think of that as it's something I'd like to test for a larger project. Happy reading all!
I downloaded the app just to carry on reading this one. It's very well written, also I am soooooo into the characters already. I love Ezra, I love Love, I love that even the side characters get cool names and actual motivations behind why they act the way they do. The music recommendations are so cool and genuinely add to the story, I made a proper account to read the later chapters and Author was right, the story goes HARD and get's so good after the midway point when they go out into the Wastelands, Ezra's sidestory chapters could be a whole novel on their own, they're amazing. Keep going girl!! I'm excited and nervous about what's gonna happen next, hope you keep going with this because I HAVE to know who Love's parents are, when Ezra gets revenge, what's going on with the missing vamp kids and the whole thing with Kit and Till! Gaaaaaah, alright rant over, in summary please give this novel a real chance and read at least until the Wastelands chapters they're awesome (and spicy)
Ok, wow, just wow. I think the Author started slow as some kind of devious trick because I was NOT READY for the turning points. The moments of smooth intriguing dialogue completely disarm you for when shit gets real (ahem, A Locked Door, ahem). This is amazing writing, everything is being foreshadowed and my god I love the characters. Love, Ezra, Till, just so perfectly written...hell even Ren, you hot psycho you. Conclusion! Stick. With. This. Book. You won't be disappointed
When I say read it .I mean it🤭. The setting, the characters. Gosh this is a pass🌹
Impeccable writing style. The author's ability to capture the true essence of worldbuilding is astounding. If there's anyone on the contrary, they need literary adjustment. And you can tell them I said it. I'm inspired as a fellow writer.
This novel is very wonderful, I advise you to read it 👍👍