Chapter 76. Defiance

"What do you want to do with the others Kit?" Cordelia asked, glancing back at the area Love had been where a few survivors had been gathered. Strangely they were all in a deep sleep but apart from light wounds and the silver burns at their wrists and ankles, they appeared to be relatively unharmed. 

Captain Hunter peeled his eyes away from the survivors on the floor as his eyes caught a smear of blood on the door of another shipping container. 

Approaching it slowly he flicked his fingers for Ivan and Cordelia to follow him. 

He paused with his hand against the door, but he couldn't hear a single noise from within. With a deep breath he pulled the door open as Ivan and Cordelia raised their guns and trained them inside the dark enclosed space. 

There, tied together and appearing as though they were dead, with no breath and no heartbeats, were four other vampire's, sleeping against each other.