Chapter 26. Unit 2-18

When the door slid open, Till was leaning against the wall nonchalantly, whilst typing out a message on his commlink. The bronze accents in his hair seeming brighter under the direct light from the spotlight above the door. 

Glancing up at Love with his deep ocean blue eyes, Till gave a crooked cat-like grin. 

"Love the new fit, it suits you."

Love's silver eyes gazed back coolly.


Till turned away from her still grinning, and gestured with his head for Love to follow as he began loping gracefully down the corridor. He was quiet as he led her through the compound, and thought back to his conversation with Kit, after they had watched Love leave for her new residence. 


"What do you think of her?" Kit had asked, rewatching the clip of Love's earlier simulation in the VR pod for the fifth time.