Chapter 27. New faces

A tall man with sharp dark eyes and broad shoulders reclined back in his chair with his arms across his chest. From his position around the table, Love gathered that he was the pea shooter from earlier with the loud and boisterous laughter. 

"This skinny thing?" He scoffed in a deep voice that betrayed a hint of an accent, his eyes roaming over Love's slender frame and finding it wanting. 

"Ah, but you see, Ivan. She's the one that actually managed to kill the target in her assessment…more than any of you losers did." Till was looking forward to the reactions to this news, and was not disappointed by the now widened eyes that stared at Love in amazement and shock.

Ivan laughed again, his deep booming laugh. "Well I'll be. Still you realise that you're including yourself in that statement, Lieutenant." 

Till's grin dropped a little, "Well, yes. Sure I did." he trailed off, as a petite girl with short auburn curls giggled, the pea target.