Chapter 28. First taste

Love followed the example of her new colleagues and stayed seated as their Captain entered the room. It would have ordinarily been standard etiquette in the military to stand and salute when your Commanding Officer enters the room, yet it seemed that these types of formalities were not observed here. At least not towards members of their own team. 

The Unit 2-18 members greeted their captain with a chorus of informal greetings, none of them using his official title and Love blinked a little in confusion. Not saluting was not unheard of but to refer to their CO by his first name in such a casual way seemed a step too far. 

Kit sighed and shook his head in response. "I know I said I hate the stuffy military crap, but could you at least call me Captain in front of new recruits?"

Till mock bowed with a chuckle, "Ah our deepest apologies oh Lord Captain, sir." He drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm.