Chapter 40. A new mission

A few moments later, Love sighed lightly as the hot water ran down her skin, washing away the thin layer of sweat. 

Oddly, Love was not irritated by this level of teasing from the strange vampire. Despite the initially dreadful impression that he had given, she felt a strange sense of familiarity with him, as though they shared an unknown connection. 

His presence in her mind seemed to create a sense of calm and the absence of her nightmares left her feeling somewhat grateful and indulgent towards him at times. 

Opening the large mahogany wardrobe, Love grabbed a set of casual light grey sweats and braided her hair loosely down her back before making her way towards the canteen. 

'Decent?' Ezra's teasing voice came back through their connection and Love smiled lightly. 

'Yes, thank you.' 

Ezra chuckled as she stepped through the sliding doors and glanced around the room.