Side Story - Tears of a Lake (Part 3 - Chapter 8)

Chapter 8. "How are you alive?"

Ezra ran through the entire apartment, his eyes wild. 

Was he really gone?

He searched room to room, pausing briefly outside of the large door on the lower level that led to the small room he had been imprisoned in a few days prior. With a deep shuddering breath he propped open the heavy door so that it wouldn't close behind him and peered inside. 

His body trembled with fear at what he might find, but he knew he had to see. If she was still inside then it was his responsibility to lay her to rest, it was his fault, he had done this. 

But the room was empty. 

The shackles had been removed from the walls and the floor was clear of blood. 

Yet, in the middle of the room glinting in the light cast by the open door, was a small white gold ring with a single bright diamond. 

It was Lynn's engagement ring, left purposely in the centre of the room like a macabre trophy.