Side Story - Tears of a Lake (Part 6 - Chapter 20)

To Love A River - Book 3

Chapter 20. "He's mine to kill."

<< notre dame - Paris Paloma >>

One week after Ezra had arrived at the training centre for his Special Designation Unit, he lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling of the barracks that he was forced to share with the other male recruits.

As he shifted awkwardly in the small uncomfortable cot that served as his bed, he began to regret the decisions that had brought him here. 

During the first week of training, the new recruits to the Specialist Unit had been put through a vigorous training regime, and he was growing tired of having to control his strength and speed on a regular basis. 

Pretending to be exhausted was, well, exhausting.

Ezra had grown so accustomed to living alone, away from prying eyes, that he was not used to what he now referred to as, 'acting human'.