Chapter 22. The test (part 1)

Suddenly, Love was transported to an open white space, where a single blue screen hung in front of her eyes. 

She was only vaguely familiar with this type of UI and a fleeting regret passed her mind that in her state of dark reminiscence, she did not ask more questions about how the pod would work before she began. 

Love carefully read the text in front of her and hoped that the interface would be user friendly and that she could simply grasp it as she went along. 

[Welcome Guest-087 

Data mapping will begin shortly

Please select 'Confirm' when ready]

This part seemed easy enough, as Love observed that the 'Confirm' option was just underneath next to another that said, 'Exit Simulation'. She reached out a little tentatively and tapped it with her finger, unsure if this was what she was meant to do or if she should simply select it with her mind. 

The next moment however, she was happy to see that she had guessed correctly and the screen changed again. 

[Data mapping commencing]

At this, a strange line of blue light began to move across the front and back of her body. First horizontally and then again vertically. As it did so a progress bar began to swiftly fill underneath the system message. 

After just thirty seconds a small ding resounded, marking the data mapping a success and the screen changed once more. This time it appeared to open a medium-sized window displaying a list of images and short descriptions. Love recognised it as a weapon inventory. 

Her own was extremely limited due to affordability when using her second hand VR headset, and so she was momentarily taken aback by the size of the scroll bar to the side. How would she choose from such a large list? 

Shuddering internally at the thought of how many credits had been spent on the interface of this single pod, she quickly scrolled through the list of melee weapons.

'Of course it wouldn't be here, but it's a shame they don't have anything else close to it.' She thought, frowning a little in disappointment. 

In place of her favoured weapon, she selected a one-handed short sword, crafted with pure silver. Remembering the Captain's advice she felt that her other hand would need a shield of some sort for added defence. She quickly found one that would provide the right layer of protection without being too large or heavy. She would need to retain as much agility as possible after all. 

Before selecting 'Confirm' once more, her finger hovered in the air, hesitating.

Moving back to the first screen, Love selected one more weapon, 'Confirm'.

[Options confirmed

Commencing Simulation in:




As the timer reached its end, the white space disappeared and a new field of view entered Love's vision. 

The set location was a wide expanse of dry, cracked and barren land, which Love immediately recognised as a simulation of the wastelands beyond the wall. 

The sky was clouded and grey with only tiny pockets of dull sunlight that occasionally broke through as sharp winds whipped the clouds across the sky. The ground was devoid of life and covered in a fine layer of dust and ash. 

In the distance she could see metallic skeletons of ancient towers and rusted poles that had remained stubbornly upright in the ground, remnants of strange symbols and writing long rusted away beyond comprehension. 

Yet in her immediate vicinity, nothing was standing. 

'Tsk, they're not giving an opportunity for cover it seems.' She thought. They were looking for a direct confrontation only.

Just as this thought crossed her mind a line of blue horizontal light appeared again, this time at a distance of around 50 metres from her position. 

It started from the feet, dirty and bare with pointed toenails and slowly began to move upwards leaving the formation of a grotesque figure in its wake. 

Just as Love had seen in the earlier projections, the Crazed vampire was paler than any human or vampire she had ever seen, and its skin was stretched taut over sharp bones and tensing muscles. It appeared desiccated as though all blood had been drained from its body.

Yet it was its face that caused Love to temporarily forget her years of harsh and relentless training as her finger tapped against the now flimsy feeling shield. For a projection on a small screen of a commlink, although lifelike, paled in comparison to this sharper, more organic view. 

The red eyes that appeared hollow and bloodthirsty on the screen, now struck sheer terror into her heart. The jutting cheekbones, pointed ears and thin almost non-existent lips, made it appear as a hideous animated skull of some grotesque humanoid creature. 

It opened its wide mouth revealing large pointed teeth ending in sharpened points, each one glinting like the steel of a blade and dripping with saliva. Crazed bloodlust entered the face of the simulation and a horrifyingly realistic and familiar sound pierced her ears.


Love's heart spiked and her hands began to shake.
