Faith took one second to see Ren's hands gripped around Ezra's throat before she shot forwards straight into his side, throwing them all through the wall of the abandoned house across the street.
Slabs of concrete rained across the pavement and Love threw her arms up over her head before rolling to the side to avoid the falling debris.
When she looked up, Faith and Ezra had pushed Ren back, both aiming for his throat as he attempted to fend them off.
Suddenly he let out a deep sigh and kicked Ezra sharply in the leg, breaking his kneecap before side-stepping Faith with a movement so fast that Love's eyes failed to follow. He grasped the back of her head and held his sharp nails to her throat, "Hi there Faith, how's the family? Oh...right."
Faith grabbed his arm, strain making the veins bulge in her neck as she pulled him sharply over her shoulder, throwing him off from her neck.
"Go to hell." She spat, her eyes glowing a fierce amber.