Chapter 95. Choose me

<< Ondine - Lower Dens >>

Love's mind ticked over as she walked through the long hall to her door, had she been too harsh? 

She shook herself mentally, no.

She needed to keep Elora as far from herself, Ezra and subsequently, Ren, as she possibly could. Love only hoped she had been harsh enough to accomplish that. If she were to put her closest friend in the path of that monster, she didn't feel as though she yet had the strength she would need to protect her. 

She sighed heavily as the door slid closed behind her and she turned around to walk towards her bed, but halted in her tracks. 

Ezra was seated on it already, looking uncharacteristically awkward. 

"Lieutenant General Acheron." Love grinned at him playfully, "Isn't it a bit early for this?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion as she leant back against the wall and folded her arms in front of her.