Several hours had passed and Ezra was still seated at his desk, staring at the wall of his office, his emerald green eyes, dull and lightless.
'Have I lost her?'
The stray thought that he had flinched away from during the time since she had left his office flitted across his mind and Ezra felt the corners of his eyes burn in discomfort.
"Ha, ha ha. I can't even cry anymore. I'm not human. She deserves someone who can cry for her. Someone warm. Someone who won't hurt her." He laughed in derision as he spoke aloud to the empty room, but a sudden alert to his commlink snapped him away from his thoughts.
He glanced down at the message blankly, and then his eyes widened in shock.
"What the - ?"
It was an alert he'd never seen before, stating that someone was overusing a VR pod and was at risk of cognitive damage.
"...Love." Ezra leapt up from his chair and bolted for the door.