Chapter 14. A reason to kill

Love's time in military school at the age of 18, had included government funded classes covering the history of their current time, as well as what came before. 

Most of those in their late teens had already covered such topics in their early years of schooling. Yet for Love and a few other recruits who had received a less than privileged upbringing within the outskirts, they were shocked to discover that there had been a time when the city was not only connected to other cities within their country, but that other countries also existed. Not only that, but hundreds of years ago these countries were vast and numerous and had, for some reason, tried to annihilate each other. 

Hearing the Head General recount these events in more detail made way for new revelations in Love's mind. The potential that the vampire's had a hand in the start of the Last War, the devastating effects of nuclear warfare that the citizens of their capital still faced today, and the origins of the Helsing unit. 

She was not entirely shocked that the enigmatic Captain was an important figure within this elite military faction of humanity however. During their brief interaction in the medical bay, he had given off an air of confidence and strength that she had rarely seen. 

When the General revealed this therefore, her expression did not change, she simply nodded once in affirmation, yes they had met. 

The General sighed lightly and leaned forward in her chair, her slender figures tracing the edges of her empty glass. 

"So you see, Private, we are more than just a typical specialist unit. The Helsings are above all a symbol of strength for humanity." Her hazel eyes stared into Love's, and she saw that they were the same shape as the Captain's and matched the colour of his one hazel eye.

"I see." She stated, simply.

"Do you? I am aware of the reputation of our team among the others in the military." She said, raising her finger. 

"They believe that the Helsings despise vampires and choose to kill on sight at every opportunity." She did not ask this as a question, the General was well aware of the rumours so Love simply nodded again in affirmation. 

The General smiled, "But that is where they are wrong. It is not our goal to eradicate vampires. We simply enforce the law and punish those who break the treaty. We have strength, but to request that the team hold back and somehow overpower a Crazed vampire in a way that does not end in their death is almost impossible. To attempt this would end in greater casualties. Casualties that we cannot afford, and so I do not ask them to take that risk." 

This sounded reasonable to Love, but if she were to be completely honest with herself, she would not have cared either way. If the Helsings chose to execute kill orders due to their own personal grudges, what was that to her? Either way it was another dangerous vampire that would no longer be able to harm others, like her mother. Like her. 

"I'll have Anna and Quinn take you to an available room for now, we'll have food and water sent up shortly, so relax for now and prepare yourself for tomorrow. If I know my son he won't make the test easy for you." She spoke with a friendly smile but her words made it clear that the meeting was over. 

"Thank you General Del. I'll take my leave then." Love stood and gave a brief salute before turning towards the door to meet with the two guards. 

"It was nice to meet you, Private Aikawa." General Del called out quietly, as Love exited through the sliding doors. 

As the guards, Anna and Quinn, led Love back through the metal hallways of the compound towards the elevator, the annoyingly melodic voice chimed inside of her head. 

'Well that went well I thought, although I have to say I think her theories are a little out there…' He remarked with a light tone. 

'I'm doing this for El. I meant what I said before. If you touch her, I will kill you.' She spoke with a sense of firm conviction, her voice dripping with thinly veiled hatred.

'Ah, sure sure.' He chuckled dismissively. 'All in good time. I have to break the link for a little while now, I'm an important man you know - but I will see you tonight.' 

She frowned at this. 'You'll - wait, what? I'll be here tonight, how will you come to me when I'm in the Helsing compound?'  Elora asked, confused. 

But the only reply was another light chuckle, and then suddenly she felt that her mind was once again hers alone. The strange thread of connection to his own had disconnected and only silence was left behind.


When Love entered the room that she had been provided with for the night, she once again wondered how exactly Ezra planned to meet with her here tonight. The room contained one large double bed at the far end of the wall, simple elegant furnishings, and a small private bathroom off to the side. But no windows, and one door, locked from the outside so that she could not wander. 

With the surprisingly pleasant furnishings, it made Love feel as though she were confined in a grand prison, but a prison nonetheless. 

She had requested access to her commlink on the short walk to her room, but the guard, Anna, had denied her request, explaining that should she pass her test, she will be provided with a new one. 

Love had expected this, given the secrecy of Unit 2-18, they would likely restrict any visitors from revealing their whereabouts and ensure any information about the goings on inside of the compound was withheld. 

But for Love, this meant that she was still unable to reach out to Elora. She wanted to confirm that her friend was safe and well, but for now she would need to play along until she had her chance to extricate herself from this odd relationship with the strange vampire. 

She scanned the room as she contemplated what approach she should take if he was truly able to break into a secure military base to reach her tonight and her eyes landed on a small lamp with a base of thick glass. 

Carefully, she moved the lamp into the small bathroom and cracked it against the side of the bath. As large shards of glass shattered into the bottom of the basin, she chose the largest piece with a shard jagged edge and placed it beneath her pillow. 

It wasn't ideal but a weapon was a weapon.
