Chapter 108. How to save a life (part 1)

<< Gnossiennes: No. 4 - Erik Satie, Jean-Yves Thibaudet >>

The next evening, three figures clad entirely in black, from the masks covering the lower portion of their faces to the full length bodysuits streaked with thin lines of deep red, walked slowly through the cracked cobblestone streets of Zone 7. 

One was tall and muscular with tanned skin and golden blonde hair tied back in a loose bun, his heterochromatic eyes scanning the streets of the pleasure district with distaste. 

Another was a young, slender woman, almost as tall as the first man, with strange silver eyes that glinted with a cold light. Her long black hair that seemed to almost absorb the light around it was tied back into a high ponytail, a katana strapped to her waist next to an unassuming black baton. Her cold, quiet beauty appeared to simultaneously pull you towards her and then retreat with a quiet shudder.