Chapter 85. Sakura

<< Help I'm Alive - Metric >>

Love, Till and Cordelia stepped through the glass doors and stared around them with widened eyes. 

The space had been turned into what could only be described as an enchanted forest, with hanging vines of genetically altered wisteria in shades of lilac and white. A large cherry blossom tree stood in the middle of the bar, the branches of forever blooming petals hanging across the winding levels of tables and chairs that encircled the space. 

A small moat of clear water circled the base of the tree, and both human and vampire servers weaved their way between the tables of excited patrons carrying trays of extravagant cocktails. Their flowing garments of white and gold swept behind them as they glided up and down the winding oak stairs, with ivy crawling up the banisters.