Chapter 11. The Head General

She knew that his words were true, if he was a vampire, he would easily be able to track Elora down after meeting her once already. He would also be able to harm her with ease. Elora's main weapon of choice was a sniper rifle, which she of course operated at a distance to provide support to their unit. As such, although she also joined close combat, it was not her forte. In a direct confrontation Elora was at a major disadvantage when caught alone. 

"Touch her and I'll kill you." Love spoke these words aloud into the empty room, her face emotionless. She wanted to be clear that this was not a threat, just an inevitable fact. 

'Hmm, do you think you could? I'm immortal you know...Well, I guess we could find out. Or if you prefer, your dear friend can remain untouched. The deal is not a bad one, the Helsing unit has great renown, you will have the opportunity to see what goes on in the compound of an elite military force. It's really a win win.' 

Love stayed silent, she'd already decided to play along for now in order to protect Elora's safety, but that didn't mean she had to listen to this strange vampire that had threatened the life of her only friend. So instead she simply nodded once, stiffly, and sat back against the bed. 

'Good girl. Ah, it seems our time is up. But just so you know…I'll be listening.' Ezra's mocking voice echoed inside of her head.

She didn't need his warning as she could hear the footsteps coming down the hall, and could feel that small thread that lightly tugged at her mind to let her know that the vampire was still there, connected to her thoughts.

A few moments later Love was being led down a long hall by two guards in all black bodysuits. 

One was a tall woman in her thirties, around the same height as Love. The other was a shorter, stocky man who looked to be in his early forties. Both of their hair was of a dark blonde colour and cut short. The man's deep brown eyes could be seen above the black retractable masks that they both wore, hiding their expressions for the most part. Yet their eyes were hard and cold. 

Except for a brief explanation upon arriving in the medical bay, where they informed Love that they would be taking her to see the Head General now, neither had spoken a word to her. As someone who rarely spoke to strangers unless needed anyway, Love was thankful for this. She had no patience for small talk. 

After some time and a short elevator ride, they had reached a set of large, metallic double doors. Love had noted that the elevator had listed three floors above ground and three below, marked as B1, B2 and B3. They were currently on the third and highest floor of the compound. She thought this a little odd as most military buildings would have one, or at most two, basement levels, and the same for above. Yet this compound appeared to house six floors in total. What were they all for, and why the need for three basement level floors?

As she pondered this, the female guard pressed the back of her commlink against the side panel next to the door and they slid open. Both guards stepped aside and the man nodded to Love, gesturing for her to go inside alone. 

As the doors shut behind her, Love took a brief moment to glance around at the spacious office. It was lined with tall metal bookshelves and glass cabinets housing strange artefacts and weaponry, which Love spared a curious glance before her eyes fell on the figure of a woman in a black military uniform. She was seated behind a large desk that appeared to be made of a thick glass-like material with accents of steel, currently projecting several screens on its surface, that the woman was studying carefully. 

Love stood to attention with her hand raised in a military salute and she waited calmly for the Head General to speak. 

She lifted her head regarding Love with a steady gaze. Her round eyes were hazel, set into a pale oval-shaped face. She had a small straight nose and thin lips with short ashy blonde hair. Both her hair and the dark military suit were straight and immaculate. 

In her youth she may have been regarded as beautiful, but now in her late fifties and with the deep black of her uniform washing the little colour she had from her face, she appeared a little haggard and wore a stern and weary expression. 

"At ease Private, you can take a seat." The Head General gestured with a pale slim hand towards a single chair in front of the large desk. Her tone was professional but friendly. 

Head General Delilah Hunter continued to study the beautiful woman with the unusual, almond-shaped eyes as she took a seat across from her desk. It was those eyes that held her gaze. They were steady and calm, set into a face that showed no hint of stress or nerves. They were of a curious silvery grey that shined even brighter against her raven black hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail behind her head. 

The calm younger woman continued to hold her gaze, tapping her finger slowly and lightly on the top of her knee where her hand rested. It was the Head General who looked away first and glanced at one of her screens. 

'Curious.' Delilah thought.

"Private Love Aikawa of unit 4-7, currently residing in the eighth city zone, correct?" She asked in the same steady tone.

"Yes, Head General." Love replied in a similarly steady and professional tone. 

"General Del or ma'am is fine. Aikawa, does that mean you are originally from an Eastern territory? Your file is a little sparse." The General glanced back and regarded those strange silvery eyes again to watch for any changes to the woman's expression. 

"From the few records they found for my mother, it would seem she moved here before I was born, but other than her name, I can't tell you much else. She died when I was 7." 

"I see. And your father?"



"No, I don't have a father."

General Del paused for a moment and looked back at her screen where Private Aikawa's information from her military unit was displayed. It was true that there was very little data, but for a Zone 8 orphan raised in the military, it was not an entirely uncommon occurrence. 

"Love is an interesting name." Delilah switched to a friendlier tone as she sat back in her chair with a friendly smile on her thin lips. 

Love was about to shrug and give her usual cold response before remembering that this woman was the Head General of an elite military force, and she should try a little harder to communicate well. 

"When I was found, they couldn't locate any records of my birth. But I have one memory from before my mother passed away and she called me love, so I just…went with it. It was probably just a term of endearment but…" 

"But it was a memory of your mother. I see." General Del smiled lightly, with a sympathetic gaze. 

Love nodded but said nothing else.

"Alright, thank you for explaining all of that, it's part of the process you know." She waved her hand dismissively, moving to the next topic. 

"Now, please recount for me the events of last night. I'm curious as to how you found our base Miss Aikawa." 
