Chapter 55. A ruined city

The final few miles of the expedition to the city were surprisingly smooth. 

The occasional Beast strayed into their path, but was swiftly dealt with by a single shot from Private Sunny's rifle as she perched atop the Tank with Captain Hunter at her side. 

After the events of yesterday he was reluctant to place Love back onto the frontline, much to her frustration. 

Yet, there was little danger to speak of, they were even able to stop after each fray to burn the bodies and deter other Beasts from approaching the convoy. 

Within just half an hour they approached the outskirts of the city.

The city wasn't large by any means and appeared to be more like a sizeable town, with a tall, steep hill at its centre.

Atop the steep hill of broken stone, there stood two ruins at either end, jutting up above the horizon. One a broken castle that had crumbled to nothing but rubble. And the other a magnificent cathedral, towering into the sky.