Chapter 19. "He reminds me of someone."
In preparation for his entry into the military, Ezra had spent the past few months living solely on animal blood. After his experiences in Scotland over 70 years prior he had found that although not sustainable in the long run, animal blood was able to sate the need for human blood, at the cost of weakening his strength and speed.
But Ezra, was still an immortal vampire of almost 200 years, and even being outside in the sunlight and in a weakened state, he knew he would have to hold back significantly if this was considered close to the peak of human abilities.
At this stage he had been a vampire far longer than he had been a human, and after spending the majority of this time alone, with only minimal human interaction when he had to feed or to meet women, Ezra had begun to lose his sense of what it was to be an ordinary person.