Chapter 46. Bonding

Stepping outside into the cold air, Love took a deep breath through her ventilation mask. 

She understood from an early age that she was unable to process emotions like other people. 

Social interactions had been a struggle from the moment she relearned how to speak. When she was mute, it was as though she were invisible to those around her. Nobody wanted to get too close to damaged goods, as though mutism were infectious. 

But as soon as she spoke again, there were expectations. 

Expectations to be normal. To understand how to respond to other's voices, actions and emotions appropriately.

But Love felt as though she would never truly understand. 

Suddenly a strange scuffling noise caught her attention and her head snapped to the left, where a strange creature began to crawl from a small alcove in the rubble. 

Love swiftly unsheathed her katana and stepped back calmly, pointing her blade towards it.