Chapter 62. A guilty conscience needs no accuser

When Captain Hunter woke the next morning he rubbed his bloodshot eyes with a tired groan.

The familiar burden of guilt hung heavy on his shoulders and his last conversation with Love had replayed in his mind as he struggled to sleep. 

He found it bizarre that they had each lost a parent to a vampire attack and yet they approached their residual feelings on the matter with such a difference. For Captain Hunter he had only ever wished for some form of retribution and yet Love had chosen to take a vastly different stance, choosing to judge vampire's as she would any other human. 

Splashing his face with the cold leftover water in the wash basin to chase away his sleepless night, he left his shelter to take a quick shower aboard the Tank. Passing the makeshift camp on his way, he spotted Lieutenant Jace was already up and readying the fire to make breakfast alongside Faye.