<< doomsday - Lizzy McAlpine >>
Kit sat beside the cot in the small medical bay, with his head in his hands staring down at his friend's sleeping face through hooded eyes. He both craved and dreaded the moment when Till would finally wake up.
The thought of losing another friend whom he had grown up with as a brother, was more than he could bare, but he was terrified of how Till would be once we awoke. How broken would he be? Would he resent him for saving his life, or blame him for being driven to this in the first place? He couldn't think of what may have happened for them to get here.
Was this really all about Sunny's death? It didn't feel like her death was enough to bring Till to this place, not when he was always ordinarily so strong and quick to recover. Even after Noah's death he was almost completely back to his old self long before Kit had a chance to process everything.