Chapter 276: The Final Calamity is Here, One Kill or Death

Two more calamities struck after the [Time Beams] had ended, but in comparison to the second one who had no deaths, this time, the consequences were severe.

The third calamity event was known as [Monster Rampage].

Every monster in the overworld of the trial domain suddenly surged to level 2,000.

No warnings, no build-up. One moment, they were normal threats. The next, they were walking disasters.

Twelve participants didn't survive.

Then came the fourth calamity: [Dragon Assault].

Xyrran, the one controlling these trials, summoned thirty dragons from [Dragon City] at random, unleashing them upon the participants with no other directive than to attack whatever moved.

Seventeen more lives were lost.

And on top of those disasters, another five participants perished, either killed by token holders or slain while trying to steal a token for themselves.

[Participants alive: 23]

The number was shrinking fast.