Ciara’s Dreams

Ciara followed the attendant through the winding corridors of the pack house, her heart pounding with anticipation. They finally arrived at a door adorned with intricate embroidery, and the attendant pushed it open with a gentle hand.

"Enter," they said, gesturing for her to go inside.

Ciara took a deep breath and stepped into the room, her eyes adjusting to the warm light within. A woman with piercing green eyes and long, curly brown hair looked up from her work, her gaze scrutinizing Ciara from head to toe.

"Ah, the new one," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "I am Lam, the pack's main seamstress. And you, Ciara, are still a mystery."

Ciara curtsied, her hands trembling slightly. "It's an honor to meet you, Lam. I'm eager to prove my skills."

Lam raised an eyebrow. "Prove your skills, you say? Very well. I shall give you a test. If you pass, you may join our team of seamstresses. But if you fail..." Lam's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. "Let us just say you won't be leaving the pack house anytime soon."

Ciara's heart skipped a beat. She knew she had to succeed. "I'm ready, Lam. What is the test?"

Lam smiled, a small, enigmatic smile. "I shall give you a piece of fabric, and you shall create a garment from it. The catch? You have only one hour to complete it."

Ciara's mind raced as Lam handed her a bolt of fine silk. She knew she had to work fast, but she also knew that haste could lead to mistakes. Taking a deep breath, she began to work, her fingers moving swiftly and surely as she created a beautiful, intricate gown.

Ciara's fingers moved deftly, her needle dancing across the fabric as she stitched together a majestic gown. She had been tasked with creating a test piece, a way for the pack to assess her skills. Ciara had poured her heart and soul into the design, determined to make a good impression.

As she worked, a passerby stopped to watch her, her eyes fixed on the gown taking shape. Ciara didn't notice her at first, too focused on her work. But as she looked up, she saw a woman with a kind face and a warm smile.

"Wow, you're incredibly talented," the woman said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I'm Brenda, by the way."

Ciara blushed, her heart swelling with pride. "Thank you, Brenda. I'm just trying my best."

Brenda nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Well, your best is certainly impressive. I can't wait to see more of your work."

And with that, Brenda smiled and continued on her way, leaving Ciara feeling grateful for the unexpected encouragement. She had no idea that this chance encounter would be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Ciara felt grateful and satisfied and to her, life had begun to take shape. But little did she know. That problems were far from over. Her ordeal with Fidel wasn't going to end anytime soon.

It was now night time and the tired Ciara's eyes fluttered shut, and she slipped into a fitful slumber. Her mind began to race, and her dream became a kaleidoscope of fragmented memories.

She saw herself as a toddler, crying in a dark alleyway. A figure loomed over her, shouting at a woman who cowered on the ground. The words "you're just like your mother" echoed through the dream.

The scene shifted, and Ciara saw herself as a little girl, hiding behind a couch as her father's angry voice boomed through the house. She heard snippets of a heated argument, words like "infidelity" and "bastard" piercing the air.

The dream jumped forward in time, and Ciara saw herself running through a forest, her heart pounding in her chest. She heard the sound of snarling wolves and the rustling of leaves as unknown hands grasped her, pulling her into darkness.

The scene blurred, and Ciara found herself in a dimly lit room, surrounded by snarling faces. A figure loomed over her; its eyes gleaming with malice. "You'll make a fine addition to the Grey Moon pack," it sneered.

Ciara's dream-self trembled, reliving the terror of her capture. She saw flashes of her life in the pack, the constant fear, the struggles to avoid the wrath of the wolves and Lycans.

The dream shifted again, and Ciara saw herself as a child, sitting on a woman's lap. The woman's kind face and gentle voice soothed her, "You're safe now, little one. I'll always protect you."

The dream faded, leaving Ciara gasping for breath, her heart still racing from the turmoil of her subconscious. She lay in bed, her mind reeling, trying to process the fragments of her past that her dream had uncovered.

Abandoned at birth due to her mother's infidelity, she was left in the care of ruthless rogues. A kind woman rescued her, providing a brief sense of stability and love. But a brutal attack dragged her away, selling her into slavery in the Grey Moon pack.In this treacherous world, she struggled to survive, dodging snapping jaws and menacing eyes. Her path crossed with Fidel's, but her affections were met with indifference, her advances rebuffed. His rejection stung, a painful reminder of her worthlessness in his eyes. In desperation, she offered herself to him, only to be dismissed as a mistake.

Ciara's eyes fluttered open, and she lay in bed for a moment, trying to shake off the lingering emotions of her dream. She took a deep breath and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Just a dream," she told herself, trying to sound convincing.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, her feet planted firmly on the ground. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the tension in her shoulders begin to ease.

"Today is a new day," she said aloud, trying to sound resolute. She began her morning routine, brushing her teeth and washing her face. The cool water helped to clear her mind, and she felt her determination grow.

As she dressed and braided her hair, Ciara made a conscious decision to leave her past behind. She couldn't change what had happened, but she could control how she reacted to it. She chose to forge ahead, to focus on the present and the future.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Ciara headed downstairs to start her day. She made herself a hearty breakfast, savoring each bite. As she ate, she planned out her day, thinking about the tasks she needed to accomplish and the goals she wanted to achieve.

With a sense of resolve, Ciara faced the day ahead, ready to tackle whatever challenges came her way. She knew that the memories of her past would always be there, but she refused to let them define her. She was stronger than that. She was a survivor.

And her life was far from over….

It had just begun.