The Visitors

The Visitors

Ciara hastily gathered her things and rushed back to the Alpha's quarters, her mind racing with thoughts of Fidel's letter. She found Lamar in his study, a look of curiosity on his face as he read a letter of his own.

"Lamar, I need to speak with you," Ciara said, her voice urgent.

Lamar looked up, his eyes narrowing. "What is it, Ciara? I've just received a letter from Fidel myself. It seems he's interested in your fashion designs and wants to commission some pieces."

Ciara took a deep breath before speaking. "Yes, I received a similar letter. He wants me to design some attire for him and is planning to pay a courtesy visit to our pack to discuss the details."

Lamar's expression turned thoughtful. "This could be an opportunity for us, Ciara. Fidel's interest in your designs could lead to a valuable alliance between our packs."

Ciara nodded, her mind racing with the implications. She knew that Fidel's visit would require careful handling, but she also saw the potential benefits. "I'll make sure to be professional and courteous, Lamar. But I'll also be cautious. We don't know what Fidel's true intentions are."

Lamar nodded in agreement. "I'll make sure to have our guards on high alert during his visit. Let's keep a close eye on him, Ciara. Just in case."

It wasn't enough. There was just this feeling. Life was about to change. Does it really have to?

Ciara, meanwhile, made her way to her fashion studio, where her workers were busy at their looms and sewing machines. "I'm afraid I'll need to give you all the day off," she announced, her mind already racing with the tasks ahead.

Her workers looked at her in surprise, but Ciara just smiled. "I have some pack business to attend to, and I won't be able to supervise today. Please, take the day off and come back tomorrow ready to work."

With that, the workers packed up their things and headed home, leaving Ciara to her tasks. She took a deep breath, and made her way back to the Alpha's quarters, her mind focused on the tasks ahead. She would need to work with Lamar to ensure that everything was perfect for their visitor, from the food to the decorations to the security.

It was going to be a long day, but Ciara was ready for the challenge.

Fidel's eyes widened as he stepped into the grand entrance of Alpha Lamar's palace. The high ceilings, adorned with intricate carvings, seemed to stretch up to the sky. The walls, made of polished silver stone, gleamed in the soft light that poured in through the large windows.

"Impressive," Fidel said, his voice low and thoughtful. "Alpha Lamar certainly has a taste for luxury."

His entourage, consisting of his beta, Victor, and several high-ranking members of the Grey Moon Pack, nodded in agreement. They had heard stories of the Silver Moon Pack's wealth, but nothing had prepared them for this.

As they made their way deeper into the palace, Fidel couldn't help but notice the subtle details that spoke of Alpha Lamar's power. The intricate patterns woven into the carpets, the glittering crystal chandeliers, the polished silverware that adorned the tables... everything screamed of opulence and refinement.

Fidel's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the sights. He had come here to negotiate a potential alliance, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Alpha Lamar was trying to intimidate him. He smiled to himself, a cold, calculated smile. He would not be intimidated. He was Fidel, Alpha of the Grey Moon Pack, and he would not be swayed by mere displays of wealth.

Fidel had just entered the compound of the Alpha Lamar's Estate.

"Darling, I'm so excited to meet the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack," Sophia said, her voice bubbly with enthusiasm. "I've heard she's the best fashion designer in the land."

Fidel raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Yes, well, let's hope she can deliver. I still don't understand why you need a human fashion designer, Sophia."

Sophia pouted, her lips curling downward. "Because, Fidel, I want something unique and special for our wedding. And I've heard the Luna's designs are exquisite."

Fidel snorted inwardly. Unique and special? Please. This was just Sophia's way of showing off.

"And what about the entertainment?" Sophia asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I want human dancers for our wedding. It will be so exotic and thrilling!"

Fidel scoffed inwardly. Human dancers? Really? But he knew better than to argue with Sophia when she got an idea in her head.

"I'll see what I can arrange," he said dryly.

Sophia clapped her hands together, her face alight with joy. "Oh, thank you, Fidel! I know it will be perfect. And I just can't wait to meet the Luna and discuss the details of my wedding gown."

Fidel's expression turned even more sour. This was going to be a long day.

Fidel's mind was consumed by worry as he gazed out the window of the limo. He and Sophia had been betrothed for what felt like an eternity, and yet, they had no heir to show for it. It was a travesty, aembarrassment. In their pack, it was customary for couples to bear offspring before marriage, a sign of their fertility and strength.

But Fidel and Sophia had tried, countless times, and yet, nothing. No child, no heir. Fidel's anxiety grew with each passing day, his mind racing with the implications.

And now, with the wedding just around the corner, he couldn't call it off. Not without risking war with the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack, Sophia's father. He was a ruthless leader, and Fidel knew he wouldn't hesitate to attack if he felt his daughter had been dishonored.

Fidel's thoughts were interrupted by Sophia's chatter, her voice grating on his nerves. He forced a smile, pretending to listen, but his mind was elsewhere. What if he was sterile? What if he couldn't produce an heir?

The thought sent a chill down his spine. He would do anything to avoid that fate, anything to secure his pack's future. But for now, he was trapped, bound by duty and obligation to a marriage that seemed increasingly doomed.

Fidel's eyes widened in shock as he stepped out of the vehicle, his gaze fixed on the woman standing before him. For a moment, he thought he was seeing a ghost, a specter from his past. But as his brain struggled to catch up, he realized that it couldn't be. She was alive, standing right in front of him, and...

And she was the Luna.

Fidel's mind reeled as he took in the sight of Ciara, Lamar's bride, his Luna. He felt like he had been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. How was this possible? He had thought she was dead, gone forever.

But here she was, smiling and radiant, her hand held by Lamar as he guided her towards them. Fidel's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. How did she end up here? Why was she married to Lamar?

Sophia, oblivious to Fidel's shock, smiled brightly and extended her hand. "Luna Ciara, it's so lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about your designs."

Ciara's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes locking onto Fidel's, a flash of recognition and something else... something more. But then, she recovered, her mask slipping back into place. "Sophia, it's a pleasure to meet you too."

Fidel's eyes never left Ciara's face, his mind reeling with the implications. This was going to be a very interesting visit indeed.