The Hidden Thoughts

As they entered the royal living room, Fidel couldn't help but notice the opulent decorations that adorned the space. The walls were lined with intricate tapestries, and the furniture was made of the finest Silverwood. The room was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the soft chirping of birds could be heard in the distance.

Lamar and Ciara welcomed them warmly, offering refreshments and comfortable seating. Sophia immediately began to chat with Ciara, discussing everything from fashion to pack politics. Fidel, however, remained quiet, his eyes fixed on Ciara as he tried to process the revelation that she was alive and married to Lamar.

As they sipped their drinks and made small talk, Fidel couldn't shake the feeling that his presence here was more than just a coincidence. He felt like he had been brought here for a reason, a reason that only Ciara knew.

Ciara, sensing Fidel's gaze, turned to him and smiled sweetly. "Fidel, I trust you're finding everything to your liking?"

Fidel nodded curtly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Yes, thank you. Your hospitality is... impressive."

The room fell silent for a moment, the tension between Fidel and Ciara palpable. Lamar, sensing the unease, cleared his throat and spoke up, "Shall we discuss the reason for your visit? I do hope my wife's service to you will in some ways unite us. Lamar said with a chuckle

Fidel nodded, grateful for the change in subject. But as they began to discuss the details of the alliance, he couldn't shake the feeling that Ciara was hiding something from him. Something big.

Just as the conversation was getting underway, a commotion broke out at the entrance of the room. Two small, furry bundles of energy came tumbling in, growling and snapping at each other in a playful fight. Ethan and Emery, Lamar and Ciara's children, were at it again.

Ciara's eyes widened in exasperation as she rushed to intervene, laughing. "Oh, dear ones! Not now, please!"

She scooped up the two little werewolves, scolding them gently. "You know better than to behave like this in front of guests. Apologize to our visitors!"

Ethan and Emery looked up at Fidel and Sophia with big, round eyes, their tails wagging sheepishly as they chimed in unison, "Sorry!"

Ciara smiled apologetically at Fidel and Sophia. "I'm so sorry about this. They're still learning pack etiquette."

Fidel's expression softened, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's quite all right. They're just children."

Sophia, however, looked taken aback by the sudden interruption. "Yes, well, perhaps they could be taken elsewhere? We do have important matters to discuss."

Ciara nodded, handing the children off to a waiting servant. "Of course. Please, let's continue our discussion."

As the servant whisked the children away, Ciara returned to the group, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Where were we? Ah yes, the wedding dresses..."

Ciara smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm so glad you're here, Sophia. I've been eager to start working on your wedding gown. It's going to be a beautiful, one-of-a-kind design, if I do say so myself."

Sophia's face lit up with delight. "I've heard so much about your talent, Ciara. I know my gown is in good hands with you."

Fidel's expression turned sceptical, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Yes, well, let's hope it's worth the trip. We didn't come all this way just for regular a dress, after all."

Ciara's smile never wavered, but her eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance. "Of course not, Fidel. But I assure you, Sophia's gown will be well worth it. Now, shall we get started on the designs? I have some ideas I'd love to share with you, Sophia."

As Ciara and Sophia launched into a discussion of fabrics, colours, and styles, Fidel's gaze wandered around the room, his mind still reeling from the shock of seeing Ciara again. He couldn't believe that the woman he had once loved was now married to Lamar, and that he was here, in their home, pretending to be happy for her. It was all too much to take in.

Fidel's thoughts lingered on the children, Ethan and Emery. They were undeniably Ciara's, with her striking features and bright smile. But as he looked closer, he noticed something that made his mind raise an eyebrow. Apart from their blonde hair, which they must have inherited from Lamar, they bore little resemblance to their father.

Their eyes, their nose, their mischievous grin - all of it seemed to come from Ciara's side. Fidel's mind started to wander, wondering if there was more to the story than met the eye. Was it possible that...?

No, he shook his head, dismissing the thought. He was being ridiculous. Lamar and Ciara were married, and those were their children. It was as simple as that.

But the seed of doubt had been planted, and Fidel couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the conversation at hand, but his eyes kept drifting back to Ciara, searching for answers to questions he didn't even know how to ask.

Fidel's mind was racing with possibilities. He had to know the truth about those children. Were they really Lamar's? Or was there something more to the story?

He tried to get Ciara alone, to ask her questions, but she skilfullyavoided him, always staying by Lamar's side. It was as if she knew what he was thinking, and was determined to keep him at arm's length.

Undeterred, Fidel tried a different approach. He turned to Lamar, a charming smile spreading across his face. "Lamar, my friend, I was thinking. Since the wedding proceedings will be taking some time, would it be possible for us to stay here, in your pack, until everything is finalized?"

Lamar raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the request. "I'm not sure, Fidel. That's a big ask."

But Fidel was persistent. "I assure you; it would be a great convenience for us. And I'm sure Ciara would love to have us here, wouldn't you, Ciara?"

Ciara's eyes narrowed; her expression guarded. "I suppose it would be... acceptable."

Lamar nodded, seemingly oblivious to the tension between Fidel and Ciara. "Very well, you may stay. But please, make yourselves at home."

Fidel's smile grew wider, his mind racing with possibilities. He had just been given the perfect opportunity to uncover the secrets that Ciara and Lamar seemed so desperate to keep hidden.