

Ciara's eyes widened as she grasped the sudden vision. She saw Lamar, riding solo, his horse's hooves pounding the earth in a steady rhythm. The image was clear, yet fleeting, like a whispered secret.

"Lamar," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Fidel's eyes snapped towards her, concern etched on his face. "What is it, Ciara?"

Ciara's gaze refocused, her eyes locking onto Fidel's. "Lamar's coming," she said, her voice firm. "He's riding alone."

Ethan and Emery exchanged curious glances, their minds racing with questions. What did Lamar's visitation mean? Why was he coming alone?

Fidel's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes narrowing as he pondered the implications. "Let us prepare," he said finally. "We will receive Lamar with caution and respect."