The Flight

Agar's eyes sparkled with knowing. "You have the power within you, Ciara. You can fly, if you believe."

Ciara's brow furrowed, her mind racing with doubt. "But how?" she asked, her voice laced with skepticism.

Agar's expression turned gentle. "The power of the elements is within you. You need only tap into it. Close your eyes, focus on the sensation of the air around you, and trust in yourself."

Ciara hesitated, then closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She felt the air envelop her, its gentle caress rustling her hair. She imagined herself becoming one with the air, her body merging with its gentle currents.

As she focused, Ciara began to feel a subtle shift within herself. Her senses grew more acute, her awareness expanding to encompass the world around her. She felt the air's texture, its temperature, its gentle vibrations.

Agar's voice whispered encouragement. "You're becoming aware, Ciara. You're tapping into the power within."