season 1. chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Waking Nightmares

Jason braced himself, his body sore and battered from the previous fight, but his instincts kicked in. The two demons loomed before him, their dark forms shifting and moving like shadows come to life. He could feel the weight of his military training from years ago guiding his movements—sharp, calculated, precise. But even with his experience, the sheer force and speed of the creatures were overwhelming.

The first demon lunged at him, claws swiping dangerously close. Jason ducked under its attack, spinning around to deliver a swift kick to its side. His foot connected with a solid thud, and the creature staggered for a moment, but it quickly recovered. Its glowing red eyes locked onto him again, a guttural growl rising from its throat.

Jason kept moving, his fists clenched, dodging the second demon as it came at him from the side. His military training had taught him how to handle enemies, how to outmaneuver them, but this was different. These weren't normal adversaries. Every attack felt like a test of endurance, and despite his skills, Jason could feel himself wearing down.

His breathing was becoming labored, and each strike he threw seemed to take more effort. The demons were relentless, their attacks coming faster, each one stronger than the last. He barely had time to think, his body reacting on pure instinct. He blocked a swipe from the first demon, but it forced him back, his feet sliding on the floor as he struggled to maintain his stance.

He was holding his ground—just barely—but he was failing. His strength was fading, and the demons weren't slowing down. They pressed forward, their claws and teeth flashing in the dim light, and Jason could feel himself being pushed to his limit.

"Jason!" Damion's voice cut through the chaos, and in the next second, he was there.

Damion moved quickly, jumping into the fray without hesitation. His fists were up, his stance firm, and he didn't waste any time. He threw a sharp jab at the second demon, landing a hit that knocked it back. His boxing skills were clear in every movement—each punch precise, each dodge effortless. He didn't have the military training Jason did, but he knew how to fight, and that made all the difference.

"You're not alone in this," Damion called out, weaving under another swing from the demon. His fists moved in quick combinations, landing hit after hit on the creature's torso, keeping it at bay.

Jason nodded, a surge of relief washing over him. With Damion by his side, he felt the pressure ease slightly. The two of them moved together, a seamless team, each covering the other's weaknesses. Jason focused on the first demon, dodging its swipes and delivering powerful strikes to keep it off balance, while Damion danced around the second, his fists flying in a series of rapid punches.

For a brief moment, they were holding their own.

But the demons weren't giving up. The first one growled and lunged again, and Jason barely managed to sidestep its claws. He grabbed the creature's arm, twisting it behind its back, but it was stronger than he anticipated. With a violent jerk, it broke free, shoving Jason hard enough to send him stumbling. His vision blurred for a second, and he struggled to regain his footing.

Damion saw Jason falter and immediately shifted his focus. With a powerful uppercut, he sent the second demon staggering back, then moved to cover Jason's side. "I've got you," he said, his voice steady even though his breathing was heavy.

Jason gave a grateful nod, his body aching but his mind clear. Together, they pressed the attack.

Damion was relentless, his fists a blur as he continued to land punch after punch on the demons. He used his footwork to stay light on his feet, dodging and weaving around their strikes, all while keeping them at bay with his powerful hits. Meanwhile, Jason tapped into the last reserves of his strength, throwing punches and using his military training to outmaneuver the creatures where he could.

But even with their combined efforts, it was clear that the fight was wearing them down. The demons were relentless, their attacks unyielding, and Jason could feel his energy draining fast. He exchanged a glance with Damion, who was starting to show signs of fatigue as well.

"We need to end this," Jason muttered, his voice strained.

Damion nodded in agreement, but before they could plan their next move, the first demon lunged again, its claws aiming straight for Jason. This time, he wasn't fast enough to dodge. The creature's claws grazed his side, and Jason winced, stumbling back. He could feel the blood seeping through his shirt, but he refused to back down.

"Hold on!" Damion shouted, stepping in front of Jason as he delivered a powerful punch to the demon's jaw, knocking it off balance.

With the creature momentarily stunned, Jason found his opening. Summoning the last of his strength, he lunged forward, grabbing the demon by the arm and twisting it hard. Flames flickered in his eyes as he forced the creature to the ground, his grip unyielding.

Damion followed up, landing a final punch on the second demon, sending it crashing to the floor. The room went quiet for a moment, the two demons lying still.

Jason stood there, breathing heavily, his body trembling from the effort. He looked at Damion, who wiped the sweat from his brow, still catching his breath.

"We did it," Jason said, though his voice was weak.

"For now," Damion replied, his tone serious. "But we need to figure out what's really going on. This... this isn't over."

Jason nodded, knowing Damion was right. Whatever Tyler had uncovered, whatever had driven him to his end, it was still out there. And it was coming for them next.