season 1. chapter 10

Chapter 10: Morning Shadows

The first light of morning filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Jason lay on the couch, his body wrapped in fresh bandages. The wounds from the night's battle still throbbed, but the pain had dulled, replaced by an overwhelming exhaustion. Sarah sat beside him, her hand resting gently on his chest as she spoke quietly with the others. Her touch was comforting, grounding him in the moment, though Jason's mind was far from peaceful.

Across from them, Damion, Daniel, Emma, and Taylor gathered, their faces still marked with tension from the events of the night before. They had all been shaken, each one processing the reality that demons were no longer just a shadow of their past—they were back, and more dangerous than ever.

Taylor, her eyes puffy from lack of sleep, spoke first. "What happened last night… it wasn't just a coincidence. Those things—they knew what they were doing." Her voice cracked, and Emma reached over to squeeze her hand gently.

Damion, his arms crossed, nodded. "They're after us. And I think Tyler knew something was coming long before it showed up. There's a connection to everything—what we found in that trapdoor, those journals… it's all tied to this."

Sarah leaned forward slightly, her voice calm but filled with concern. "Jason barely made it out last night. If those demons had been any stronger, I don't know if…" She trailed off, her eyes flickering to the sleeping figure beside her.

"He'll be fine," Daniel reassured, though his expression wasn't entirely confident. "But we need to figure out what our next step is. If more of those things come, we can't keep fighting them like this. We'll burn out."

Damion nodded. "We need a plan. We can't just wait for them to come to us."

As the group continued discussing what to do, Jason stirred beside Sarah. His eyes fluttered open, still hazy with sleep, but his mind was already racing. He'd been listening, even in his dreams, and an idea had been forming in the back of his mind.

He sat up slowly, wincing as the movement tugged at his bandages. "We need to be on the move," he muttered, his voice rough from sleep.

The others turned to him, surprised to see him awake. Sarah shifted to help him sit up more comfortably, but Jason was already focused, his mind working through the thought.

"Jason, you should be resting," Sarah said softly, concern in her voice.

"I'm fine," he replied, though the exhaustion in his voice betrayed him. He rubbed his eyes and continued, "We can't stay here, not with those things coming after us. We need to stay mobile, never in one place long enough for them to track us down."

"Mobile?" Daniel asked, frowning. "What are you thinking?"

Jason looked at him, his eyes clearer now. "We need to get a truck or an RV. Something big enough for all of us. We can stay on the move, never stopping in one place too long. It'll be harder for the demons to find us if we don't stay in one spot."

Damion raised an eyebrow. "You're suggesting we live on the road? Constantly moving, like nomads?"

Jason nodded. "Exactly. Tyler was onto something, and those demons are going to keep coming until we figure it out. But we can't do that if we're always waiting for them to attack us here. We have to outsmart them. If we keep moving, we control when and where we face them."

Emma leaned back, thinking it over. "It could work. It'll be tough, but it's better than sitting here waiting for the next attack."

Taylor looked uncertain, but she nodded slowly. "If it keeps us safe... I'm in."

Sarah looked at Jason, her expression thoughtful. "It's not a bad idea," she said softly. "But are you sure you're up for this? You're barely healed."

"I'll heal on the road," Jason said, giving her a small smile. "We don't have time to wait around."

Damion crossed his arms again, a smirk forming on his face. "Alright, I'm in. It'll be like a weird, dangerous road trip. But we're sticking together, all of us."

The others agreed, and with that, the decision was made. They would search for a vehicle, something large enough to keep them on the move, and begin the next chapter of their journey. Whatever demons or monsters lay ahead, they would face them together—on the road, always one step ahead.

Jason leaned back against the couch, his body aching, but his mind clearer than it had been in days. The fight wasn't over, but for the first time in a while, he felt like they had a chance. They had a plan. And with that, he allowed himself to rest again, his head gently falling onto Sarah's shoulder as the group continued planning for what lay ahead.