season 1. chapter 11

Chapter 11: On the Road

The early afternoon sun hung high in the sky as the group stood in front of a gleaming RV, its exterior a mix of white and silver, with tinted windows and plenty of space. It was larger than they had expected to buy, but Jason's family wealth had made it possible. After pooling their money together, it was Jason who had covered most of the cost, his parents' wealth from their business ventures providing the extra boost they needed.

Jason stood beside the RV, hands in his pockets, watching as the others inspected the vehicle. Damion walked around the side, nodding approvingly at the size. "This is perfect," he said, glancing back at Jason. "Thanks for covering the rest, man."

Jason shrugged, a faint smile on his face. "No problem. We needed something reliable, and this will keep us on the move."

Sarah stood next to him, her arm looped through his. "It's kind of nice, in a strange way," she said, her voice thoughtful. "We'll be together, always moving. Like our own little safe haven."

Jason nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. He knew the RV would keep them mobile, but there was still so much they didn't know—about the demons, about Tyler's connection to them, and what lay ahead. But for now, it was enough to know they had a plan. They had each other.

"Alright, let's get moving," Damion called out, already opening the driver's door. He climbed inside, his excitement barely contained. "I'm driving. You guys figure out where we're headed."

Daniel joined him in the passenger seat, unfolding a map they had picked up at a gas station earlier. "Let's head west, toward the mountains. It'll be easier to stay hidden out there if we need to."

Damion nodded, starting the engine with a low rumble. The RV seemed to come alive, ready to carry them far away from the dangers that lingered behind.

In the back, Emma and Taylor settled into the small living area, their voices a quiet murmur as they talked. Taylor still looked pale and tired, the weight of her brother's death hanging heavy on her, but Emma was doing her best to keep the conversation light, distracting her with stories and small jokes. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep Taylor from sinking deeper into her grief.

Jason and Sarah found a spot in the back, away from the others, where they could sit together in peace. Jason leaned against the wall, his arm around Sarah as she rested her head on his shoulder. The steady hum of the RV's engine provided a soft background noise, lulling them into a sense of calm. For the first time in what felt like forever, they were on the move, and Jason could feel the tension in his body slowly start to ease.

"This feels nice," Sarah said softly, her eyes half-closed as she relaxed into him.

Jason smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Yeah, it does."

For a while, they simply sat together, the weight of the world momentarily lifted from their shoulders. The road stretched out before them, endless and unknown, but in that moment, it didn't matter. They had each other, and for now, that was enough.

As the RV cruised down the highway, Damion and Daniel argued over directions, their voices drifting back to the others. Taylor laughed at something Emma said, a small but genuine sound that hadn't been heard in days. And for the first time in a long time, there was a sense of hope in the air—hope that maybe, just maybe, they could outrun the darkness chasing them.

But Jason knew it wouldn't last forever. The demons were still out there, lurking, waiting for their next move. And whatever Tyler had discovered before his death was still a mystery they had yet to solve. There was more to come, more battles to fight, but for now, they were on the road. Together.

And that was all that mattered.