Swat and Raid on the Job

I don't own Fallout

"Alright…" Swat said calmly, finding a stimpak on the dead ghoul Satsuki shot, putting it away while taking back his sequoia from Satsuki, "Let's see about getting you two something a little more suited to killing stragglers and critters."

"You're giving us weapons?" Satsuki asked suspiciously as he and Raid led them back 'home'.

"Loan. Technically." He noted as he pointed back up the apartment, "You wait here with Raid. I'll take Masha into town.

"Why?" Satsuki asked suspiciously as the obvious answers bounced under his gaze.

Swat sighed and prodded her big mounds of sexy flesh with a finger, inwardly impressed at their size and… interested in how firm and soft they felt. She glared at him as he looked unflinchingly back into her eyes, "I don't want people talking about these. If you ARE being hunted, your pursuers are probably going to ask, "Have you seen a Chinese woman with massive tits." Then admiring her beautiful, and obviously insulted face, he added diplomatically, "You are something of an exotic beauty after all." She blushed but continued to glare at him. "Masha on the other hand is a more normal sight in the waste. If not a welcome one. And one of you needs to be seen with me or people are going to talk about the mysterious beauties walking around the outskirts of the Salty City with Swat and Raid and ask questions."

Satsuki snorted and gave a quick look at Masha who nervously rubbed her shoulder, silently agreeing with Swat. Satsuki stomped up the stairs, he looked at Raid and clicked his tongue, gesturing to Satsuki as he followed her. then taking Masha's hand Swat led her to the city.

"You want me to be seen?" she asked finally as they approached the gates.

"Ideally. I want you to be friendly." I replied, "Don't mention you're from a vault. If anyone asks just say you came from out east and are heading west and hired me." Then looking at her pretty face he quickly knelt on the ground and dusted his hands lightly, dust was plentiful in the wasteland. He then rubbed her cheeks lightly. "…You're too clean." He noted as she seemed to just accept it. Giving her a dusty makeover. She smiled at him when he was finished, he cleared his throat a little red-faced and dusted his hands on his coat.

They entered the city as her eyes wandered the bustle and hustle of the market, Swat took her uninterrupted to Sally's stall. His number one stop shop… and really the only one who'll deal with him after what he did to Twitcher, another arms dealer in town. Twitcher tried to cheat him… it didn't really work out for him. Or his right foot...

Sally smiled at him as he approached, "Swat!" she shouted cheerily and looked around expectantly… then she frowned as her eyes focused on Masha, who was obviously with him. "…That doesn't look like a dog named Raid." She growled coldly to him pointing dismissively at Masha as Swat rolled his eyes.

"I'll bring him around later…" He said conversationally, "Sally do you got any 10mms?"

"A few." She noted coldly, crossing her arms as she stared suspiciously at the beautiful Masha up and down.

"I'll take two and as much ammo as you got." He replied, emptying several caps onto her counter as she looked at him curiously.

"You don't strike me as a 10mm man…" she said rather surprised. This was Swat, well known for his Sequoia.

"Cheap bullets are cheap… I'm teaching this one and her sister how to shoot before I take them…" he frowned for a moment, almost blurting out his plans out loud. Sally would keep her mouth shut but others listening in might look for a few quick caps. "Well… westward." He noted as Sally placed a pair of 10mms on the counter along with several ammo boxes unquestioningly.

"Well, I'm not one to turn away a sale." She smiled politely, taking the caps and pushing his change back towards him. "You still want me to keep an eye out for a rifle?"

"Yeah. Ideally…"

"Well, a regular business partner of mine just arrived in town, Casey James? She might have a couple of rifles in her caravan you should look for her at the tavern."

Swat nodded, he had planned to talk to her indefinitely, this was just another reason. "Sure. Thanks, Sally…" he replied politely, handing Masha one of the 10mms and ammo as they walked away.

"Don't come back unless you have Raid!" Sally shouted angrily, waving them goodbye as he walked Masha out of the city.

"Don't you want to go talk to her friend Casey James?" Masha asked as she tried to check the ammo clip.

"Not yet. Other things to do today, I'll try to talk to her tonight." he replied, taking the gun and showing her how to load it properly. "Come on. Let's go give Satsuki a gun that won't cost me a finger to fire…" he noted, popping open his sequoia as he began to load it.

"If it's so expensive why do you use it?" Masha asked curiously as they headed back.

"Because when I shoot something I want it to DIE." He replied bluntly, snapping the barrel shut for dramatic effect and holstering it.

After returning home and giving Satsuki her 10mm and bullets, he gestured for them to follow him and he led them into the ruins of the area until they came to a faded old convenience store with a large sign long faded away, leaving only the word 'stop', but with the lower half of the 'p' faded away leaving it as 'stoo'

"Alright." He began pushing the door open and looking at the girls as Raid sat down patiently next to his master. "I like to call places like this, Ghoul Pits." He held his finger to his lips and gestured for them to come closer. "There are always feral ghouls in places where there's usually food, or used to be food." He whispered leading them quietly in and standing at the entrance he gestured for the girls to stand on either side of him, which they did although curious as to wide. He pulled out his sequoia and they held their 10mms at the ready. "You can usually tell the difference between a feral and a normal ghoul by the fact that the normal ones don't try to eat your face…" he said straight-faced, as a joke, before he picked up a loose metal rod and banged it loudly on a nearby metal shelf as a collection of hisses began to fill the building.

"Guns up ladies." He noted tossing the rod back down, "Learn by doing…" he added pulling out his knife as the girls started firing at the oncoming horde. They managed to take out a couple, Satsuki and Masha fired with average accuracy, and it helped that the building funneled them through the shelves… but at the end, Satsuki and Masha's guns clicked empty, and he grunted at the annoying sound. He knew it was coming, another reason why he liked the sequoia? He always counted bullets and it was easy to do with it. There were half a dozen ghouls left, struggling to claw at them as the shelves holding them in a clump.

Fish in a barrel.

He quick-drew the sequoia, BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG.

Five bullets. Five headshots. Less than two seconds.

The final ghoul hissed helpless at him as he buried his knife into its skull, it went limp as he twisted and turned the knife, sheathing it back into its holder and popping open the barrel of his sequoia, a handful of bullets in his hands as he rapidly reloaded with practiced skill before the girl's eyes as they stared in amazement at his Agility before the sequoia snapped back shut and he spun it to its holster. Raid absently yawned on the floor, stretching his paws out as his haunches and tail wagging in the air. Utterly bored and completely relaxed. Knowing darn well that a pack of ghouls was no trouble for the two of them alone, much less four people.

"Another lesson." He said, taking Masha's pistol carefully as he helped her reload, "Remember to count your bullets. When you know you are about to be empty, you reload quicker instead of being disappointed when a ghoul sinks its teeth into your arms." Satsuki easily reloaded her pistol as Swat handed Masha back hers. He clicked his tongue and Raid darted off into the store.

"Is he going to be okay alone?" Masha asked worriedly as flashes of white darted around the store.

"He's fine, he'll let us know if he finds anything good." Swat replied confidently, watching as Satsuki stared outside the store, apparently keeping a lookout… or just looking over her shoulder.

"You… you're a really good shot…" Masha said suddenly as he looked at her, forgetting that she was there, and so close. "…Where did you learn to do that?"

"…My mom-" he said, thinking back and reminiscing sadly. "-and also-" but he was cut off as Raid yipped, "Hold that thought." He said, taking her by the hand and dragging her and Satsuki into the store as Raid pawed at what looked like an ammo box." Swat grinned and stroked Raid's head, scratching his ears as his foot and tail thumped the floor, "Good boy."

Masha looked over his shoulder as he opened the box to reveal it was packed with ammo. "And jackpot."

"Bullets?" Satsuki asked rather dismissively as Swat rolled his eyes. Newbies.

"Bullets." He then packed up the case, "I'll go through these later but nice job ladies." Masha smiled happily but Satsuki glared at him.

"You killed six of those 'ghouls'. We hardly did anything… Don't patronize-"

"Take the win." Swat replied, cutting her off and surprising her with his un-hostile manner. "I didn't expect you to walk in here and kill a Deathclaw, you did what you could with what you had. And we got bullets." He held the ammo box up. "In the wasteland. You take your wins." He patted her on the shoulder and whistled as Raid darted thoughtfully around the building again. But soon returned with nothing and an odd shrug of his doggy shoulders. "Alright then. That's it."

"…Um." Masha raised her hand, "But you didn't really look anywhere."

Swat merely smiled and scratched his canine companion's head, "Raid knows what he's doing. He's a got a nose for finding useful loot… learned it from a German Shepard we met once. They're all over the place…" he added under his breath as if thinking on the matter. Raid applied a goofy grin on his doggy face and panted happily at the girls, waiting for them to praise him for his adorability.

"That…" Satsuki stared at them, "You can't be serious! He's a DOG!"

Swat and Raid seemingly together rolled their eyes before looking at each other, Satsuki had to admit… Raid seemed alarmingly smart for a dog. Well, a giant wolf, but a dog essentially. Completely different from what little she knew about dogs.

"An adorable dog…" Masha cooed as she pet Raid, his ears flopping about his head as he grinned and her hand rubbed between his ears.

"What if he missed something?!" Satsuki shouted angrily.

"Raid doesn't miss things." Swat replied calmly. Completely serious.

"There could be something we could use, we should check." Satsuki said firmly, turning to head into the back room.

Swat merely sighed and leaned on the door frame. Some people wanted to be confrontational and with Satsuki he could understand why. Masha watched him nervously and shrugged apologetically before following her friend to search the store. Swat absently scratched Raid's ears as the big wolf slinked down and yawned. Quite content with his previous exploration… "They'll learn." Swat said absently, watching outside the store for anything unfortunate about to try their luck…

An hour later the girls returned, Satsuki looking thoroughly annoyed as Swat casually sat by the door, stroking Raid thoughtfully. "…We couldn't find anything useful…" Satsuki grumbled, "Just burned books and junk."

Swat eyed her, and surprisingly he spoke calmly. "I get it. You don't like me. Or trust me." He said, getting to his feet with Raid. "But let me make something clear… I've walked from the west to the east. I've been there and back again for FOUR YEARS." He said firmly, holding up the correct number of fingers. "You've been in a vault all your life. So, you don't know what that means…" he gestured them to follow him as they headed back to the apartments, "There's only been a handful of people who have done what I've done… because most people stop wandering the wastes after a few months, or are dead. Caravans walk only certain routes over and over again. I've killed east, west, and northern super mutants. I've been to the Land of Corn and faced the 'things that crawl beneath the rows'. Went over and under the Great Rocks, wandered the Sunken State, The Empty Twin Cities, The Pit, sprinted through the Capital wasteland, and stomped through the Commonwealth. I've been everywhere…"

He looked at her, his face stoic and calm. "Raid has done all of that too… we KNOW what we're doing…" Satsuki frowned but didn't answer. "All I'm saying… is that was an hour we could've spent doing something productive." He scratched Raid's ears, "Just keep it in mind."

"Who else has done that?" Masha asked suddenly, clearly in awe at his declaration.

"What?" Swat replied, confused and thrown off a bit.

"Walked all over the wasteland. You said you only know of a handful." She asked, curiously catching up to walk beside him.

He frowned, "Well…My mom for one." He said sadly, "…A old cranky ghoul who lives in the Mojave… and this Brotherhood of Steel guy I met on the road once. He had an Eyebot. Liked to talk… a lot…" he shrugged, "Well I guess I know less than a handful really… I'm sure a few more people have done it, those are just the ones I know of."

They returned home, Swat handed Masha the ammo box as they went upstairs. He was about to follow but Raid halted and growled warningly, someone was coming. "Stay upstairs." Swat said firmly to Masha who nodded and darted up with Satsuki.

He drew his pistol just as Mayor Chet rounded the corner of an alleyway, panting for breath along with Casey James, not panting for breath. But she was armed with an assault rifle… Swat briefly wondered where she was keeping that earlier.

"Swat!" the mayor panted, clutching at his knees, "Swat, thank god. We have a problem! Raiders!" he wheezed slightly, he didn't look overweight, in fact, most people might even have called him good-looking. But it was clear he spent a lot of time behind his desk. "…Came out of nowhere... raided one of our farms… took captives"

Swat frowned darkly, "Alright… how long ago?"

"Hours." He said sadly, "We rounded up a posse to go after them but…" he breathed heavily so Casey James rolled her eyes and finished.

"My guys joined up but only one of them made it back… and he's not in good shape." She scowled, "They were waiting for them. Bottlecap mines." Swat scowled.

"Fucking Raiders…" he said with a vicious snarl, "I'll take care of it. We'll discuss payment later…" he replied, clicking his tongue as Raid followed.

"I'm coming too." Casey said firmly, following behind Swat.

"I don't need help." Swat said, eyeing Masha peaking from the window and silently telling her to stay. She seemed to understand, ducking back down.

"It's not about what you need it's about what I want." Casey replied, shouldering her rifle, "And I don't take kindly to fuckers killing my friends, do you?"

Swat eyed her up and down for a moment, admiring more than her obvious confidence. "…You wouldn't happen to have a spare rifle, would you?" Casey James merely smiled.

They returned briefly to the Salty City to stock up. Turns out Casey had quite a selection, and he found just what he was looking for. A lever action repeater… granted he was annoyed that it took 45-70s… but he knew how to shoot it.

"Seriously?" Casey asked as he loaded the rifle, "I have machine guns you know." She brandished her assault rifle, "You know? More bullets?"

"Uh Huh…" he replied absently, loading a sawed-off shotgun and handing it to her. She immediately holstered it on her body as he grabbed three frag grenades and clicked his tongue. Raid, who was being thoroughly spoiled by Sally, licked her face and followed his master and Casey back out of the city. "Which way?" he asked Casey who pointed east.

"Malcom, my caravan guard, came from that direction so…" she let her words trail off as Swat looked at Raid and clicked his tongue, snapping his fingers.

The big wolf hunched low and growl, before darting off into the ruins. "Come on." Swat said, holding his new, (possibly borrowed) rifle at the ready.

"Seriously a Lever-action?" she asked skeptically, as he rolled his eyes.

"…Are you going to be like this the whole way?"

"…Probably, yeah…" she replied with a smug smile, heading off into the twilight together.

End of Chapter

So. Some mysterious backstories, some foreshadowing, a handful of references. Let's see if you can catch them!

I thought it was funny in fallout 4 to send Dogmeat looking for stuff, coming back with a freeze ray for example, so Raid and can do it to! Because reasons