What's in a Name?

I don't own Fallout

*contains a hint of light golden shower and ryona (beating). Nothing major but you have been warned.

The Ruins of the outskirts of the Salty City were quiet... until... Swat had had just about enough prodding. "I was taught to shoot with a lever-action alright?!" Swat hissed under his breath to a smiling Casey James as they slowly moved through the ruins of the city. "My parents taught me to shoot with a lever-action and I have fond memories!". They had been running for almost an hour, they followed Raid cautiously as the surprisingly stealthy big white wolf wandered through the rubble.

They had found a few fresh corpses, ghouls, mole rats, and unfortunately, the posse sent earlier to try and take down the raiders. They had managed to kill a few judging from the bodies but obviously, the raiders struck back as well.

Swat scowled at the dead bodies scattered around the area, and upon seeing Raid reappearing and coming closer Swat held out his hand for Casey to stop. The big dog approached, rubbed Swat's hand with his head, and immediately took off again to the left, away from the area. He gestured for Casey to follow as together they ran after Raid. He led them through a tight alleyway, and a small tunnel of collapsed roofs, but soon they caught sight of obvious Raider warnings. Skulls, and bones mostly…

Which means there's a cannibal clan around here… Swat looked up and around, a lot of the buildings were wrecked so there was no height advantage to gain. "…We need a number." He whispered to Casey, "We can't just go in guns blazing and we need to see if they have any hostages still alive."

Casey nodded, and together they kept low to the ground in the dark as torchlight lit the camp as we got closer. Swat's hand suddenly last out against her chest as a gas-masked raider stood over a crudely made parapet, viewing the area. A lookout.

Casey took his wrist and pulled it away from her soft chest casually, completely quiet and stoic as she gave him a knowing look. Swat silently apologized, he had to be silent. They remained perfectly still, as the gas-masked raider looked right past them. It was too dark to see them, and they were slightly covered by large walls and rubble. So, he turned and walked back down into the camp.

"That's one." Casey noted. "We could pop him now… try to draw the rest out."

"Yeah." Swat agreed with a slow thoughtful nod, "But then they might bunker down inside the camp thinking it's a sniper." Casey nodded. Agreeing with him as she looked around again, pointing. "There. That one looks pretty intact. Let's get a higher view…" they crawled into a three-story townhouse, as Raid, the ever-stealthy canine appeared before them at the top of the stairs.

"What the?! How did he…" she began as Swat stood up and walked casually upstairs.

"He's a lot smarter than he seems. And he's telling me the building's clear." Swat added, looking out one of the broken windows subtly as he glanced through the scope of his lever-action.

One. Two… he counted all the way to nine. Nine raiders and what looked like five hostages. Three women, a young man, and a younger boy. Bound together in a crappy-made cage as a big raider armed with what looked like a car bumper sword carved up a fresh corpse like a butcher.

"…Well… at least I know what happened to Kurt…" Casey frowned sadly, turning away from the butchery as she obviously recognized the 'meat'. She then however looked furious. "How should we do this? Pick them off?"

Swat eyed her assault rifle. "Does that thing shoot straight at this distance?" She scowled, obviously the answer was no. But he was already forming a plan in his mind. This wasn't his first raider rescue, and he has killed more with less. He closed his eyes and started to think, sliding down the wall where he sat, frowning as his mind spun and whirled in thought.

"…Okay…" he eventually said calmly, pulling out a frag grenade from his duster. "…This is what we're going to do. I'm going to draw them out into the open. Maybe even make them chase me, then Raid and I will pick them off and you get the hostages."

"Seriously?" she asked, hands on hips, "They're just going to do exactly what you say?" He handed her one of the other frag grenades.

"Well if they don't, throw that and start shooting. We'll figure it out from there." Swat added.

"…Seriously?" she asked once again, however much more concerned than she was earlier.

"…Well…" Swat began, standing back up and tossing the grenade into his right hand. "…I suppose there's always a chance they'll recognize me, drop their weapons in fear and run for their lives." he said with a sheepish smile.

She laughed, giving him a smile back, then readied her rifle, "Good luck."

He nodded and clicked his tongue, Raid vanishing from sight. Which again… was impressive for a giant white wolf. He took a deep breath, mumbling a few choice words to himself as he cradled the grenade in one hand and drew out his sequoia with other… he decided he'd fire a warning shot first…

Then… as the gas-masked raider stepped onto the parapet and his face appeared, Swat lifted his pistol and fired. The Raider's brain splattered out the back of his head as several… "HOLY FUCKING SHIT(S)!!" cried out. Including but not limited to the hostages and Casey James, unable to believe the shot herself. Swat pulled the pin from the grenade and hurled it towards the crudely made wall and quickly aimed his sequoia…

"No…" Casey James said in humored disbelief as two more Raiders charged up the rampart only to be met with a sudden and very violent explosion as he SHOT the flying grenade. How he could see that in the dark and make the shot itself was amazing beyond her personal, but impressed belief.

"It's just one guy!" somebody shouted from a nearby building, apparently a lookout. Casey spotted him almost immediately and peppered the window as his body shook from the bullets before plummeting from the building and splattering on the ground, unmoving.

"Kill him!" roared the big butcher raider, "Get out there and-"

"OH FUCK!!! It's Swat!" somebody shouted in terror.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" the boss shouted as the gate opened and the raiders charged out after Swat who retreated, making them follow him and taking pot shots as he bobbed and weaved. One raider blatantly ran for it, dashing off in the opposite direction, away from them and the Salty City as Casey whistled to herself, impressed by Swat's apparent reputation. Swat fired the rest of his bullets, one raider went still as she hit the ground, but another fell and rolled behind some rubble, a fresh wound in his shoulder. Swat holstered his sequoia, drawing his lever action rifle and dropping another two as Casey peppered the killing ground with her assault rifle, taking a couple out herself as from out of nowhere Raid leaped from a raider's blind spot, his sharp vicious teeth sinking deep into the screaming raiders throat as he suddenly went silent.

"Shoot it! SHOOT IT!!!" a raider began to screaming for his life as Casey's assault rifle bullets peppered the last of the raiders, Raid darting through buildings at blinding speed before the raider boss knew what was going on. His men were dead, he hefted the bumper sword and reached into the cage, dragging the young man out as the other captives tried to drag him back.

The boss kicked them back into the cage and gripped the boy tightly around the neck, "Come out!" he shouted, taking cover behind the parapet. "All you did today is give me a buffet!" he laughed, Swat reloading the sequoia slowly walked out of his cover. "…I'm going to eat you alive…" he said, as the boy began to gag in his big, bloody grip. the rotten smell of carved corpses long lingering even from a distance.

"Uh huh…" Swat said uninterestedly, clicking his tongue while moving slowly to stand out in the open. "Here I am… although I'm pretty tough to chew…" the bandit peaked around the corner of his cover before darting back immediately. "Hey. Considering I killed your entire crew… pretty easily." Swat noted goadingly, "How about you let the live ones go and you piss off.

"Heh…" the boss laughed, "You…" he shook his head, "You didn't get everyone…"


The back of Swat's coat exploded with two bullet holes, and he fell forward as two raiders darted out from behind him. Laughing as the raider boss tossed the boy aside and ran towards the body as Casey covered her mouth to hide the scream at the shock…

Then… as the raiders surrounded the body.

There was a loud whistle…

Snarling and snapping Raid came out of the shadows of the ruined buildings like a primeval monster. One of the raiders that had shot Swat shrieked in terror as the monstrous (to him) wolf leaped onto his back and ripped at the back of his head with his sword-like teeth. The other two leaped away in shock as the raider's neck snapped in Raid's powerful jaws while Raid jerked his head around like a ragdoll chew toy.

Swat rolled over, drew his shotgun, and blasted a hole into the boss raider, he fell backward and stared down at the gaping hole in his chest as, like a horrific specter, Swat rose from the ground. The last raider turned and ran for it…

Unfortunately for him, Casey had recovered from her initial shock and aimed her assault rifle at the raider's back… he took three more steps before he collapsed dead, five fresh bullet wounds in his back. Although admittedly she shot 9 times.

Swat approached the dying raider as Raid, eyes cold, muzzle bloody, and snarling stood imposingly next to his master. "F-fuck… you…" Swat lazily shot him between the eyes and walked over him, moving on. He took two steps however and then…

"OW! Fuck!" he hissed angrily, clutching at his back as Raid whimpered apologetically at him. "I HATE it when they get behind me!"

"Holy shit. How are you alive!" Casey shouted happily, charging him and wrapping her arms around him. Pressing her rather generous;y sized chest to him as she squeezed.

"Ow! Ow tender!" he cried angrily, gently and reluctantly pushing her away. "The coat is ballistically lined…" he mumbled. "…I'm going to have to patch those later."

Casey laughed and kissed his cheek, running to help the hostages. "Well you're a lucky bastard!" she laughed happily, "Stay right there I'll get everyone out."

"Can't be that lucky…" Swat mumbled, patting Raid as he rested his still bloody face on his master's leg. "I still got shot." He looked at his best friend, absently stroking his furry head before clicking his tongue and tilting his head towards the raider camp. Off went Raid, quiet as a mouse…

The pain began to lessen slightly as Casey led the hostages out of the camp, Raid soon came out with a small suitcase full of stims and radaway. So today was a lucrative day… regardless of the pain. Casey pulled him reluctantly back to his feet. Raid wagged his tail, the suitcase tight in his mouth as the hostages stripped the corpses of what they could. "Not bad Swat…" Casey smiled impressed, "Wish I had a guy like you in my caravan."

Swat smirked, "Funny you should bring that up." He said as they began leading the now armed group back to the Salty City. "You wouldn't happen to be heading to the Mojave would you?"


They returned the hostages relatively unharmed as Mayor Chet rewarded them with a couple hundred caps. Swat 'returned' the lever-action rifle. Then bought it off Casey, and casually led her back to his temporary home. Arrangements had been made; Casey's remaining guard was in no condition to travel and she was more than happy to admit that having Swat and Raid around could only be a boon.

Now there was only the matter of proper introductions. As she crossed the bridge to his apartment and entered she smiled in greeting to Masha and Satsuki, eagerly eating what preserved food was left. Then however her eyes wandered to Satsuki and her wondrously large breasts. "Holy crap those things are huge!" she said amazed and without any restraint as Satsuki jumped in surprise, "And I thought I was big girl!" she laughed approaching Satsuki and gazing uncomfortably at her chest as Satsuki covered her cleavage with an arm and turning away from the intrusive Casey indignantly.

"Girls. Casey James. Casey. Masha and Satsuki." Swat introduced them before dropping a handful of fresh mutfruit down between them, having purchased them in Salty City. "We're going to travel with her into the Mojave."

"Hey." She smiled and waved cheerfully at them both as Raid and Swat dropped down near and on the couch respectively, both exhausted.

"Hello." Masha smiled as Casey casually looked around.

"You know… this place is pretty nice. For a ruin. Solid roof, secure entrance… can I bunk here?" she asked casually, heading towards the door to view the long strip of wood used as a bridge.

"Don't you have a room at the inn?" Swat asked, "And a brahmin?"

"The brahmin's being cared for at the stable, and I pay nightly for the room. It'd be cheaper for me if I bunked here."

"Suit yourself…" Swat mumbled, closing his eyes. "There are still some spare beds you can pick from."

"Thanks!" Casey grinned looking around the apartment to pick a room. Raid yawned and stretched out on the floor next to the couch as I closed my eyes. Masha, chatting conversationally with a humored Casey as she went to find a place to bunk.

Satsuki however crossed her arms across her generous chest and stared at Swat. "…So, when do we leave?" she asked, "I don't want anything from Vault 69 catching up with us."

"As soon as you two can kill something without emptying an entire clip." Swat replied, sighing softly, as he stroked Raid's fur… grumbling as he rolled over on the couch, Swat's back was sore and bruised from… you know… being shot. Satsuki snorted at his words, not looking at him as Masha and Casey could be heard laughing in the back. "Come with me." She said suddenly, grabbing Swat's hand and dragging him into the room off to the side. Where he spent a rather entertaining time with Masha.

"What?" he groaned, but he became more focused as she knelt before him on the mattress. "Whoa wait." He began as she unzipped him, "Casey's just down the hall."

"Masha says I need to contribute which is why I'm going to make this- fuck." She breathed, pulling out his length and staring at it. Her face turned red at the sight, "You… Masha wasn't lying…" she said in surprised disbelief. She was very popular in the vault, she might have spent time with every Noble in there… but none of them were as big as Swat. "You…" she breathed softly, stroking his hardening erection as she stared hypnotized at it, then she seemed to collect herself. "You need to be quick."

"I don't do quick." He said proudly, crossing his arms before adding reluctantly "Well… I DO. But not in bed." He said referring to his gun-slinging, annoyed that he was being so flustered. She rolled her eyes, and to his surprise she took her large voluminous breasts and slipped his cock down between them. "F-Fuck." He hissed at the suddenly tight, soft feeling around his cock as it shoved down between her vacuum-sealed chest. She squeezed her tits together with her hands as she pushed up his length, feeling the top of her cleavage against his waist as she rotated her breasts around his cock. She was so big he felt every inch of his length enveloped between her breasts. And it was AMAZING. Like a sleeve of breasts forming around his cock. Her breasts seemed genetically grown for this…

And it was obvious she was very skilled with them, still clothed and with practiced ease, she rolled her tits around his length as she moved her body slowly up and down. His hands resting on her shoulders, trying to keep control and balance as his cock refused to listen and preferred to enjoy the wonderous feeling of a fully engulfed titjob.

"Satsuki." He hissed warningly, she smirked smugly. Her inner thoughts were obvious. 'All Talk.' She wrapped her arms around her chest and hugged. It was like she was directly squeezing the cum from his balls as he shot his load deep into her chest, spilling down her stomach as she scowled. Slowly pulling her tits down his flaccid length as it dripped leftover seed onto the floor. She frowned, feeling his seed on her stomach brought back bad memories, she turned away from him, taking a scrap of cloth as she opened her shirt and cleaned up and tossed the cum stained rag out the broken window. A few seconds later it was like nothing had happened. She smirked smugly at him, before walking past him without another word…

He was. Very tempted. To grab her wrist and toss her onto the mattress and show her exactly how much stamina he had. But he wasn't a monster, and while this arrangement was entirely their idea he wasn't going to force them to do anything…

Well… anything that wasn't necessary. He adjusted himself. And while fun, sex wasn't going to save them on the road to the Mojave. If she tried that on a super mutant she was going to be into a surprise. The big monstrous things might be infertile but not even the FEV could take away a darker idea of 'fun'… He had found an unlucky settler who tried that, 'Spilt like a log' brought a new meaning to her when they were done.

He rubbed his eyes, trying to just forget about the unbelievable feeling of Satsuki's breasts as Casey James returned, grinning at him dropping onto the couch as she sat next to Raid, stroking his head as he thumped the floor. "So… what's your real name? It can't be Swat right?" she asked as he grunted.

"Might as well be." He mumbled, "There were a handful of locals in a place called Point Lookout who refused to understand that my name wasn't plastered on my chest. And I just got tired of it. So now I'm Swat. Makes things simple."

"And what about Raid?"

"Raid is still Raid..." he said, stroking the dog again as he sighed at his master's and Casey's touch.

"So." She smiled, her attractive face resting on the couch as she looked at him. "What's your name?"

"…Swat." He said with a smirk.

She frowned, but smiled, leaning close and whispering in a perfect bedroom voice. "Come on… if you tell me. I'll do something really nice for you." She said, one hand slowly finger walking down his toned clothed stomach as he glared at her. He slapped her hand lightly away as still smiled at him. "Dud." She added, standing up, arching her back, and stretching… with incredibly distracting flexibility..

As she said, she wasn't as big as Satsuki, but she was still pretty stacked. His eyes were instinctively drawn to her shapely rear held tightly in worn jeans as she strutted back towards her obviously selected room. But she paused for a moment, and her hips shook quickly as she chuckled. Swat immediately pulled away as she laughed. "Well… that's good to know…" she said knowingly, running a hand onto her curvy backside as he blushed, and she headed into the back.

"…Remember when women weren't like them?" he asked curiously to nobody in particular as Raid snorted or sneezed. It was probably a sneeze, but he rolled with it. "…Me neither."


"Suck my fucking cock you whore." 'Sir' Rodney the 10th​ snarled at the redhead between his legs as his stubby fingers gripped her hair in tight fistfuls. "I can barely feel your throat!" the redhead whimpered as her eyes watered as he tugged harder on her hair. "Use! Your! FUCKING TONGUE!" he spat, jerking her head roughly as she screamed in pain. Suddenly he shrieked, pulling his (vault 69) average-sized cock from her mouth and smacked her hard across the face, sending her to the floor of the tent as he spat on her. Outside. The two other slaves knelt beside the tent door, flinched as the sound of a beating reached their ears, the redhead whimpering as his hands went back and forth across her face.

"You dare use your TEETH!?" he shrieked, smacking her again and again until her make-up ran and the tears flowed. "You are lucky I let you keep them!" he grabbed her hair again, "#34!" the protectron standing guard over the slaves and the tent entered.

"Yes. Sir Rodney the 10th​?"

"Protocol 4" he said coldly as the redhead whimpered pleadingly, feeling the protectron's hand cruelly fit around the back of her skull. Squeezing as she openly wept, opening her mouth obediently wide, practically begging as Rodney slipped his (vault 69) average-sized cock back into her mouth, running it back and forth on her tongue as he lips closed around him. He seemed satisfied… then again. Rodney was the kind of man who liked to use tears for lube… and in one case of Protocol 4. Blood.

"…Don't. You. Spit." He said cruelly, shoving his cock roughly to the root into her mouth as his sweaty balls slapped against her chin. The redhead, hating her lot in life but desperately wanting to live. Eagerly gulped his filthy seed as the protectron's hand was patiently still, more than ready to finish the protocol.

…If you haven't figured it out yet. Protocol 4 was life or death.

He sighed contentedly as he finished, his cock going flaccid almost immediately in her mouth… then he sighed again as he immediately relieved himself. She cringed disgustedly at the taste… but this was her punishment. If she didn't… well… she had seen Protocol 4 in full effect once before. He pulled from her mouth, finishing on her before slapping his cock against her face. As if shaking it in the toilet. Then putting it away. "Clean her up. Install Protocol 2 into her until I say otherwise."

She moaned as the Protectron lifted her up by the head, 'installing' protocol 2 into her. Two, thick dildos that vibrated constantly inside her as he carried her outside to be cleaned.

They had barely left the outside of Vault… and already he had made camp. He stroked his weak chin beneath the elegantly cared-for goatee as he 'plotted the course' with the map they had once traded from caravanners passing by. He traced the route to the Salty City… the only major settlement in the eastern direction of the vault.

He scowled, this wasn't some sort of leisure event like the annual Flesh Forest of Vault 69. Where women were loosed into the artificial park to be caught and used freely. He would have to limit himself to his carnal pleasures or those two whores who killed his son would escape their punishment…

He pushed the tent flap out of his way dramatically, more than ready to order his two-score protectrons to break camp and get ready to move out when he saw his redheaded whore being cleaned. Held by her hands by #34 she was sprayed with artificial cleaning agent by three other protectrons, she writhed and squirmed as the cold liquid sprayed her slender curvy body.

He then eyed his two other slaves, not meeting his eyes as they stared obediently at the ground. He grabbed the blonde, she casually followed him back into the tent as he dragged her by the hair, his erection had quickly returned.

…He could start tomorrow… he had thought. Sitting on his elaborate, two-person, cot as he pulled the blonde obediently between his legs. Slipping into her thin-lipped mouth as he groaned, guiding her beautiful head up and down. "Those whores are probably doing what you are right now…" he said coldly, glaring possessively at the blonde who didn't meet his gaze, her eyes shut as she worked. "Sucking cock to survive." He gasped suddenly, filling her mouth with a quick shot as he held her head firm. Filling her mouth as she swallowed. "Keep sucking." He ordered as she inwardly groaned, sucking him again as he dragged her onto the cot, lying on his back as she lay next to him, still sucking him as he rested his hand on her hair. "Your my cock warmer tonight…" he spat, closing his eyes as she moaned annoyed. "Don't you fucking stop…"

And she did… long after he fell asleep and her jaw clenched painfully at the constant motion of her lips. But she dare not stop...

Protocol 4 is a very, very effective incentive.

End of Chapter.

So Swat's real name... I'm going to try and subtly hint at what it is through the various chapters (before the reveal). And I've already given one (if you've been paying attention)... because I am a master of subtlety... I'm being sarcastic