Where's the fun?

I don't own fallout

Today was something different but in a way the same. "Alright girls. Swat began, gesturing around them at all the dead trees, off in the distance a collection of cabins could be seen, and the sound of water sloshing on the shores could be heard. "Welcome to Radstag Island."

Northwest of the Salty City and out on the Salty Lake was a large island overrun with Radstags. They had flourished immensely for some reason, and it was a common hunting ground for hunter groups from the Salty City. Today was twofold, he would use it for the girls training, and to get meat for jerky, a fine staple for a caravan journey.

"But we walked here." Satsuki said indignantly. Hand on her pistol at her hips, ready and alert for any trouble.

"I'm aware of that. Yeah." He replied, sighing at her indignation for everything he tried to teach her.

"So… by that logic that means it's not an Island." She added smugly as Masha and Casey tried to hold in their laughter.

"When the water level is low. Like now. The water reveals a stretch of land we can walk. When it's high it's an island. Now. Today girls…" he said, continuing unperturbed. "You're going hunting for…" he counted on his hand, "About three radstags, you can't miss them they have two heads."

"Hunting again?" Masha asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, because we're going to need jerky for the road as emergency provisions. And if you're going to salt anything, the Salty City is the best place to do it." He said, turning and marching into the dead woods with Raid naturally on his heels.

"He's not wrong," Casey added, following him deeper into the dead forest, for a long walk until they came to a collection of worn cabins. An old campground for old world tourists to come and spend the night, but long hollowed out and wearing away.

"Okay, off you go." Stay close to land." He said, kicking open one of the cabins. "Hopefully you'll finish before nightfall."

"Wait. You're not helping?!" Satsuki asked, following him to the surprisingly homely cabin. It had a worn-out couch, a fireplace, a small kitchen, and two adjoining rooms.

"Nope. Where's the fun in that?" He replied flatly, starting a small fire in the fireplace. "Today is all you two, you go hunting and I'll get it ready for jerky. Go on, it'll be fun. I came here with my mom once, it was good bonding time."

"You're just pushing your chores on us!" she said angrily but Swat sighed.

"Okay, look at it this way. What if I'm injured? Or Casey is?" he said, gesturing to the humored-looking Caravanner, "And we can't get you your food? You have to go out and get your own meals." He said, pointing outside the cabin into the woods, the outline of a two-headed stag could be made out on the very edge of your vision if you squinted. "I'll be right here waiting for you. But if it makes you feel better." He whistled, Raid's ears twitched up as he snapped his fingers at Satsuki. Raid casually sat down next to her, panting happily as he gazed up into the annoyed but beautiful woman's eyes, expecting a pat on the head. "Raid will make sure you two don't get hurt. Now. Be back by nightfall and stay away from the shore." He spat roughly into the fire. "Mirelurks hide near the waters. Avoid them."

Masha tentatively took Satsuki's arm, taking her outside as Raid obediently followed them. Masha scratched his head as he walked beside her, and they vanished from sight. Soon the sound of gunshots ripped through the air, but it wasn't followed by human screaming, so he didn't jump to their aid.

Casey leaped over the back of the couch, sitting next to him as she absently sharpened his new death claw knife until it looked more knife than a claw. Which was the ideal. She grinned distractingly at him, and he sighed, knowing exactly where this was going. "So… Barry?"

He sighed, closed his eyes, and said simply. "No."



"Ok, are you randy?"


"No, I mean, are you randy? As in: do you want to go wreck those bunk beds?"

He coughed slightly in surprise at the question and blushed at the sultry look in her eyes. He cleared his throat laughing nervously and said, "Thank you but. No."

"Oh... Randy?"

"I just said…"

"No. That time I was guessing your name." she grinned broadly at him as he contained his frustrated scream. Extremely annoyed that he had walked into that one.

"No…" he growled through his teeth.

"Dennis?" she giggled at the changing color of his face.

"…No." he said, softly, "Seriously Casey? Give it a rest…"

"COME ON…" she whined, leaning uncomfortably close to him, pouting as she pressed her soft chest onto his arm as his knife slipped and sunk into the wooden floor. "You tell me your name and I'll tell you a secret."

"Just. Leave it alone…" he said growing increasingly uncomfortable as her breasts pressed against his shoulder. He stood up, taking his knife from the floor and putting it back into the sheath he made for it. "…You're pretty inquisitive for a caravanner."

"You're famous…" she teased, "The Great Wanderer Merc: Swat." She said, he snorted but she grinned again. "Everyone in Freeside has heard the stories. You're up there with the Courier in New Vegas. And look. We're going to be traveling together…" she said, standing up and walking a little more… distractingly towards him, pressing him up against the wall. Her fingers walked up his vest. "I figured we could find out a little more about each other… So. If you don't want to tell me your name. How about a story?"

"A story?" he asked surprised as she turned, her shapely rear swaying a little more obvious than usual as she shut the front door.

"Yeah… I've heard you've been to the far north. What's it like up there?" she asked, turning around and sitting back on the couch, giving him her full attention. "Is it really a paradise?"

"No." he said, flat and abrupt. "It is not." his voice was cold and dangerous.

"That's a shame… what's wrong with it?" she asked, looking disappointed as she leaned back on the couch.

He sighed, he supposed there was no shame in telling her. In fact, he'd tell anyone who wanted to listen not to go. "It's a death trap. Like a lot of places in the wasteland. My mother and I believed all the fairy tales and legends of the north like everyone else but we were actually capable enough to survive. There are trading posts up there. And they'll tell you the same shit you've heard. But it's a lie. Bait to draw in fresh meat…" Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully, and he continued with a cold laugh. "…There's a monster up north. Like a supermutant but… you've heard about the Master? An FEV mutant killed by the Dweller of Vault 13?"

"Yeah of course." She said immediately, "Everyone from the NCR knows that story."

"Well… this thing was something like that. Enormous, bigger than a behemoth, it was like a mountain. A lone mountain in the middle of the vast northern forests. It ordered its mutants who worship it like a god to bring him food. So, the smarter ones in their society decided to make a delivery system. The 'traders' talk about the paradise and the Supermutants give them all the loot they get from the victims."

She stared at him with a concerned anger, it actually surprised him. "What's to stop it from coming down here?"

Swat sat down next to her. "…Its feet."

"Pardon?" she asked a little surprised at his answer.

"Its feet are so big that it can't even lift them. It takes the entirety of its supermutant followers to drag it around. It can't move." He said, with a dismissive shrug.

She started to giggle, it was a sweet-sounding tone that he couldn't help but smile at. Even though he wasn't in a smiling mood. "You're kidding me…" she said, laughing again. "This… 'Big Foot' can't even move?!"

"I'm not kidding." he glared at her. "I saw it with my own eyes before we had to run for our lives." But he decided not to press it, she was laughing too hard… then… he heard tapping, then more tapping… on the roof. He frowned. Looked up at the ceiling and cursed as water poured down in a torrent. "Shit." He cursed again, darting for the door and looking out into the heavy rain, finding the girls immediately trying to drag back a radstag. At least they found and killed one. He darted out into the rain, grabbing the big dear as Raid took a leg. Together with the girls they ran back to the cabin. He dragged it under the awning cursing silently as the water pooled outside.

"Where did this rain come from!?" Masha asked, completely soaked as her breasts appeared beneath her wet clothes.

"It's warm inside." He said, taking off his coat and hanging it up inside on a hook. "Go on warm-up…" he said kindly, taking out his knife to work on the stag. "…Good work ladies." He said as she smiled following a stiff and dripping Satsuki as Raid, like every dog ever, began shaking the water from his fur, getting it just about everywhere. Swat glared at his happy smiling doggy face. "You too." He said coolly as the big dog followed the girls in to lie by the fire.

Swat, making sure everyone was inside. Stared out onto the water. And silently cursed again. this rain was going to trap them on Radstag Island for who knows how long. And when the tide rises up the Mirelurks rise up with it…

"…I fucking hate mirelurks." He mumbled sourly, getting back to work on the stag.

The girls and Raid have long since dried off when he finally finished preparing the meat, angrily tossing the carcass as far away from the house as he could. Quite frankly it was now Mirelurk bait, and he didn't want the creepy fucking things anywhere near him. Besides that, now he was thoroughly soaked through and he had no change of clothes. So. Dripping wet as he entered the cabin the girls watched him expectantly as he slowly stripped off the chest armor, tossing it onto the unsteady-looking table, next came the boots, the socks, and finally the shirt. Hanging them near the fire to dry off and warm up. As well as tossing dinner onto the grill in the fire, a piece of the radstag, it's not like he could start turning it into jerky tonight.

He turned to find them all staring intently at him. "…What?" he asked, leaning away from their source of warmth as he dusted off the droplets in his black hair.

"…Nothing." Casey grinned as they continued to stare at his chest. He was very fit, obviously, the constant traveling, fighting, and forced exercise was good for him. But he was also covered with faint scars. A lot of them were old, faded, and stretched so he must have gotten them when he was very young. But there were a few that emphasized just how… masculine he was. A bullet wound here, knife wounds there and a couple of somewhat fresh purple bruises on his back.

To Casey, Masha and even Satsuki, he was perfect eye candy. And the best part was that he didn't even know it…

He sighed and decided to break the news to them. "We're stuck here. At least for the night, but it's raining so hard that the water level is going to rise. So. Until the rain clears up nobody go outside. Mirelurks might be wandering around." Shut and lock the windows as best you can, and I'll barricade the door tonight."

They all nodded, still blushing and staring at him as he rolled his eyes. He Took an empty bookshelf from the wall and lay it against the door to block it. His muscles rippling as he easily lifted and carried it… Raid and the girls watching HELPFULLY from the sidelines, eating dinner. He stared at them for a moment, "Well? Windows ladies, let's go." They scrambled, Casey giggling cheerfully as Masha and Satsuki red-faced went into the bunk bed room, obviously doing what he asked as Casey went into the master bedroom.

Swat, taking some of the leftover stag meat began to cook more dinner and prepare what meat he could for preservation. Frowning as the rain seemed to hit harder on the roof, he hoped there weren't any leaks, but the living room seemed fine.

"So! Sleeping arrangements!" smiled Casey, as she returned with the girls, "One of us is going to have to bunk with-" she began teasingly but Satsuki beat her to it.

"Masha and I will take the bunk beds." She said, sitting down next to the fire to warm up with her friend as Casey shrugged unconcerned, looking at me with a smile.

"The couch is fine." he said dampening her mood a little before he added with a knowing smile, "You can have the bed."

"Dud." She said sourly, pouting as she sat next to Masha around the fire, Raid curling up behind them as they leaned on his soft furry body for warmth. When everyone was as dry as they were going to get, Masha and Satsuki adjourned to the bunk bed room, Satsuki climbing into the top bunk as Masha made sure the windows were thoroughly shut, before squeaking in surprise.

Swat was in the room, a sequoia in hand as she suddenly wrapped her arms around him. "Masha!" he hissed, but looking out the window he cursed. A small pack of Mirelurks scrambled around outside, a good distance away, completely unaware of their presence. He frowned, shivering slightly in Masha's grip. "… It's alright…" he said as she unwrapped himself from her arms, "…They won't get in anyway without coming through the door." He said, trying to convince her as much as himself.

He sat her down on the bed, "Raid…" he said, firmly as the big dog suddenly leaped onto the bed, Masha laughed as the bed dog tackled her to the bed and rolled onto his back, tongue lolling from his mouth as he lied next to Masha. "He'll keep you company." Swat said as she thanked him with a smile, and a brief kiss on the cheek. She lay down next to the giant living teddy bear, and the mirelurks were suddenly far from her mind.

Swat watched the mirelurks as they were moving farther from the house. He sighed with relief, closing their bedroom door behind him, and returned to the living room he found Casey absently burning more kindling, old destroyed books, and warming her hands. "What was it?" she asked, absently.

"Mirelurks." He scowled, and she shrugged.

"Well they're pretty good eating…" she said with a smile actually looking surprised as he shivered from something other than the cold. "…You don't like mirelurks?" she said slowly, then a broad smile crossed her face as he instantly realized what she had discovered. "Ooohh…" she smirked, brushing his bare chest with a finger. "You're afraid of mirelurks! Oh, that's too good. The great Swat is afraid of Mirelurks." she teased good-naturedly

"They creep me the fuck out." He hissed angrily, "And don't spread it around!"

"Oh come on this is a goldmine!" she smiled prettily at him, but seeing the look on his face she sighed, "Dud." She said flatly as he lay down on the couch. "…It's a pretty cold night." She said, the rain still coming down hard. And it obviously wasn't letting up soon."

"…Looking that way…" he said, the heat of the fire warming him well enough, but it would die sometime in the night and there was not enough dry wood to burn. He could of course break up a chair or the table but the sounds might draw mirelurks.

"…I got a blanket in my room." She said, a little… subtly. "It's really big. Plenty of room for two people." She added, not so subtle. Swat watched her for a moment, her face completely blank as her lip twisted into a welcoming smile. "And I know a few tricks to keep warm on rainy nights…" she said. Slowly turning and swaying her shapely rear into her bedroom. She kicked off her boots, and took off her weapons, leaving them by the door as she smiled, slowly unbuttoning her shirt slightly to give him a better view of her cleavage. "…Maybe you'd like to warm up a little with me?" she asked, walking sultrily into her room.

…At this point… it would just be rude not to…

The second he stepped into the bedroom, the rain rattling against the shutters and the roof, she pulled her shirt open revealing her pale smooth breasts to him, shutting the door behind him as she kissed him, dragging him into the master bedroom as his chest pressed against her, gently caressing her body as she moaned approvingly into his mouth, rubbing his hardening length through his pants as he returned the approving moans.

She cooed as she stroked his black hair, "It does feel like you have a bat in there…" she smirked, helping him with his pants as he helped her with hers. "I've had my eye on you since the first time I saw you take down those raiders…"

"I'm flattered." she replied, pulling her lips back into his mouth as they lay naked together on her bed. Cupping her big breasts in his hands as he licked her nipples. She moaned softly, letting him lick and suckle her hardening nipples as her legs stroked his, they were smooth and soft to the touch, she must take good care of them. "…You taste amazing…" he praised, looking into her eyes as he slowly licked.

"That's flattering. The closest thing I've had to a path was this rain…" she said, but if it deterred him he didn't show it, and his hand was on her womanhood, spreading her legs slightly as his fingers stroked in and out of her. She gasped, moaning softly as his fingers were massaged by her pussy, intently squeezing them as they sent waves of pleasure up her spine to her brain. He played with her for what seemed like hours but was only moments, she gripped his wrist, "W-wait…" she hissed, shivering on the bed before spasming wildly, "W-WAIT!" she suddenly gasped, before he kissed her, she screamed into his mouth as he kept thrusting his fingers inside her.

"MMMNN!!!!!" she moaned into his mouth, wrapping her hands in his hair and pulling him deeper. Thrusting her hips against his fingers as he pushed them deep inside her. She was tight… and very warm… and as the cold night grew wetter and colder he found himself unable to hold back.

She spread her legs, and he helped, kneeling and giving her wet pussy a lick before standing back up, climbing over her as he felt his cockhead kiss her lower lips, and pushed. Her legs tensed up as she sucked in air, and he dropped onto her. Going deep inside her body as she wrapped her hands around his back, feeling him throb eagerly to begin moving…. And he did, her body shivered in pleasure as he slammed into her slowly, again and again, she restrained her delighted cries as he licked her body. The bed creaked with each forceful push.

"Oh shit…" she hissed, tightening around him as her fingernails raked his back. "Shit!" she gasped, becoming painfully tight. "Harder!" she begged in a harsh whisper, "I'm close… please!" she gazed into his eyes as he sped up. Then her back arched, thrusting her hips up into him as she came. Covering her own mouth to hold back the scream. But she had no time to rest, he rolled her onto him, sitting on the edge of the bed, gripping her hips as he lifted her up and down. Her breasts bounced tantalizingly before his eyes as he took one into his mouth, steadily moving her up and down by her hips in his firm grip. She threw her head back, eyes shut as the feeling of his steady fucking dominated her body, he gyrated her hips on him back and forth. Gripping her by the ass as she practically danced on his length…

She felt good and looked amazing… and he had denied his cock the satisfaction of releasing in a tight warm woman like her. He was going to cum… but he need to know where. And soon, before his instincts kicked in and he'd risk it.

She watched his face, she smiled as she bounced wildly on his lap, panting and gasping as he moved her easily on his cock. "…You going to cum?" she asked shivering herself as he made her feel a soft climax.

"I want to." He declared, pulling her close and moving her back and forth, his cock eager for release but he held on. "I'm close."

She kissed him, moaning into his mouth as his cock built to maximum, then with a broad, sexy smile she whispered in his ear. "Cum inside… It's a safe day…" she whispered with a lust-filled gasp

Something instinctual in his mine broke, and he stood up. She squeaked in delight as he fucked her in the air, bouncing her on his waist as he pulled her down his length and released in her. He growled like a wolf on the hunt, his seed coming in bursts as he released inside her. His hand clapped hard on her ass, she tightened with each blow of his hand, coinciding with a hard-thick shot of semen inside her.

'Fuck'... she had thought, absently watching his cock pulse fertile semen into her secured pussy. '…Good thing it wasn't a lie… I'd be knocked up for sure!" she felt his lips press against hers and she instinctively opened her mouth, feeling his tasty tongue wrap around hers as he dropped onto the bed exhausted.

Their lips smacked together for a few moments longer, rolling in the after glow as he gently gyrated her hips on his length. Almost hearing his cum slosh around inside her as he pulled her off. Resting his cock between her cheeks as she lay on top of him, breasts pressed firmly to his muscular chest. She chuckled, resting her head on the mattress as she looked at him. A little more fondly than she had before…

"…Woo…" she breathed in relief, "…I'm going to need to be more careful traveling with you…" she chuckled, as he stroked her back… she kind of liked it. "Or shit… buy condoms." He pulled the blanket over their bodies, holding her close to him.

"…Well… at least we're nice and warm." He said, grunting slightly as he felt her shift off of him and lay next to him. Holding his arm between her breasts as she hugged him.

"…Agreed Carl…" she replied sleepily, "…But you know… you're going to have to tell me your name sooner or later… I'm not so cheap as to sleep with a guy whose name I don't know." she smiled smugly, nuzzling against his neck.

"…And deny you the satisfaction of guessing my name?" he replied taking in the smoky scent of her hair. "Where's the fun in that?" and soon enough, the sound of rain echoing around them, they were off to sleep.

End of Chapter